Conjurer is a web app for designing audiovisual experiences for the Canopy of Luminous Conjury, a large LED art piece by The Servants of the Secret Fire.
You can think of Conjurer as an in-browser Digital Audio Visual Workstation, similar to a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Whereas a DAW is used to arrange and produce audio compositions, Conjurer lets you arrange audio and visuals into an "experience" which can be saved and played at a later time.
Note: see Onsite Setup for more detailed instructions if preparing for an event.
First, follow these one-time steps to install system-level dependencies:
# install nvm, which manages node version installs
curl -o- | bash
# use nvm to install the correct version of node
nvm install
# install yarn, our package manager of choice, via corepack
corepack enable
Then whenever you want to run Conjurer, just run the following:
# use the correct version of node (only needed if you changed node versions)
nvm use
# install dependencies (only needed if you recently git pulled)
# run the app with hot reloading on save
yarn dev
Conjurer should be running locally at http://localhost:3000.
Note that you will be using a local database by default. The SQLite database will be generated automatically if it does not exist (
) at ./local.db
In production we use Turso, which cloud hosts SQLite/LibSQL databases. If you would like production database access, you will need to define TURSO_DATABASE_URL
in .env.local
Ask for credentials to the Turso dashboard to generate your own token. To download the database, run yarn db:prod:download
. You will need to have the turso
CLI installed. To install it, run brew install tursodatabase/tap/turso
- In this repo, patterns/effects at their core are just fragment shaders. They may seem scary at first, but with a proper introduction like in The Book of Shaders, you too could wield their considerable power!
- The shaders page contains sum useful links for learning about shaders.
- See the How to make a pattern page if you are interested in creating a pattern or effect of your own!
- We use Chakra v2 for our UI in this repo. Check out the available components here as well as the default theme
- We use MobX for state management. It's not Redux!
- We use ThreeJS and React Three Fiber to render the shaders/3D canopy. In practice, you won't need to understand these libraries unless you are changing something like the rendering pipeline.
- We use
. Just search for what you want and import the icon from the correct place using the 2-letter prefix (check out other examples in this repo). - We use
to do some simple graphs for parameter variations. - We use
for all of our audio needs. - We use Turso to host our production database along with Drizzle ORM.
- When running conjurer locally, we instead use a local SQLite database file (
). You can runyarn db:local:studio
to poke around the database via web UI to learn our data models. - We use tRPC, which lets you do remote procedure calls (RPCs) from the client to the server. That means you can just write a javascript function in a router file
and then call it from the client. The rest is abstracted away, so no need to fetch etc.
- Pattern
- A fragment shader that generates a texture (an image) based purely on parameters
- This texture can either be rendered directly to the canopy or passed to an effect
- Effect
- A fragment shader that accepts a texture and applies an effect based purely on parameters, outputting a new texture
- Just like a pattern, this texture can either be rendered directly to the canopy or passed to an effect
- Note: Identical to patterns, except that effects additionally accept a texture as an input
- Parameter
- This is a value that tweaks what is being generated by a pattern/effect
- A parameter can represent any arbitrary aspect of the pattern that we want
- "Color", "Fuzziness", "Radius" for example
- Parameter variations
- Changes over time applied to a pattern/effect parameter
- "Change the color from blue to green over 5 seconds"
- "Change the wave amplitude from 0 to 1 with an easing function over 1 second"
Here is the zoomed out view of the data flow when conjurer is hooked up to the canopy IRL. Frame data is sent over websocket to the Unity app's websocket server. Ultimately this data is piped to the canopy and the canopy displays that frame.
1(Conjurer frontend client)--websocket-->2(Unity websocket server)
- / - main page where experiences can be edited and viewed
- /viewer - view-only page
- /portal - view-only page that tells a story
- /playground - page for tinkering with patterns+effects, can be used to VJ
- /beatMapper - page for constructing a beat map for a song (work in progress)
- /test - test page for the embedded Conjurer viewer
Generates boilerplate for a new pattern called PatternName. Choose your own unique PatternName. It prints out the filepaths it writes, including the fragment shader and typescript pattern definition.
Generates canopy geometry data and stores it in src/data/canopyGeometry.json
Starts a websocket server at port 8080 on localhost. For development use only, to mock the websocket server that the Unity app would run. Writes src/scripts/output.png
once per second.
Use webpack analyzer to analyze the bundle. Will launch three tabs in your browser with bundle size details.
This is a big React app, hastily designed, that's doing a lot of expensive CPU/GPU things, so it has been difficult to keep it running smoothly. Here are some random thoughts associated with performance:
- You may encounter some memory leaks related to the hot module reloading/fast refresh when running the app locally. Just reloading or even hard reloading the tab in firefox doesn't free all of the used memory in my experience, so for the best results, if you have been changing code and the app has been hot reloading, you should periodically close the tab and open a new one.
- Memory leaks are apparently much easier to accomplish in React than I realized:
- Careful with setTimeout chains/setInterval. Make sure there is a way to clean them up on hot reloads. useEffect is a good way to do this.
- If the app slows down a bunch, use the browser profiler to identify where it's spending time. If it's spending time in the garbage collector/cycle collector, it's likely a memory leak issue. At the time of writing, running locally with devtools open the app should use about 1GB of memory.
We host Conjurer on Vercel. Vercel does not allow you to deploy an organization repo like sotsf/conjurer
on their free hobby tier. So instead, we deploy secret-fire-dev/conjurer
. secret-fire-dev
is a shared GitHub account that exists for this sole reason. secret-fire-dev/conjurer
is an exact copy of the sotsf/conjurer
To deploy, all you have to do is to push a new commit to the main
branch of the secret-fire-dev/conjurer
repo. First you will need to be a collaborator on the secret-fire-dev/conjurer
repo, so just ask around for that.
For ease of development, you should clone sotsf/conjurer
. Then you can set up a new remote called prod
to point at secret-fire-dev/conjurer
git remote add prod ssh://[email protected]/secret-fire-dev/conjurer.git
And then to deploy would just look like:
git push prod
When you push a new commit to the main branch, there will be a Vercel action that actually performs the deploy. You can click it for more details if desired, but you should see your changes go live 3-4 minutes after running git push prod
To dos are captured as issues. Feel free to poke around the open issues, ask questions, and open a PR if you feel so inclined.
Please do! This is a group effort, and any help is welcome. Feature ideas or bug reports via issues would be great.