On April 20th, Google will be shutting down ClientLogin, AuthSub, and OAuth 1.0.!topic/google-analytics-api-notify/g8wbdUqEDd0
There's rewritten and (moar) actively maintained version of the library in the form of Legato.
You might want to check it out as it's mostly compatible with Garb
This fork contains heavily modified version of vigetlab's Garb
It works only with version 3 of Google API.
Please read CHANGELOG.
Provides a Ruby API to the Google Analytics API.
Garb::Session.api_key = api_key # required for 2-step authentication
Garb::Session.login(username, password)
Garb::Session.access_token = access_token # an instance of OAuth2::Client
profile = Garb::Management::Profile.all.detect { |p| p.web_property_id == 'UA-XXXXXXX-X' }
class Exits
extend Garb::Model
metrics :exits, :pageviews
dimensions :page_path
Exits.results(profile, filters: { :page_path.eql => '/' })
OR shorthand
profile.exits(filters: { :page_path.eql => '/' })
Be forewarned, these numbers are for the last 30 days and may be slightly different from the numbers displayed in Google Analytics' dashboard for 1 month.
- start_date: The date of the period you would like this report to start
- end_date: The date to end, inclusive
- limit: The maximum number of results to be returned
- offset: The starting index
- all: Return all results if true (which might result in several requests to GAPI)
- sampling_level: Specify precision vs speed strategy (
Metrics and Dimensions are very complex because of the ways in which they can and cannot be combined.
I suggest reading the google documentation to familiarize yourself with this.
When you've returned, you can pass the appropriate combinations to Garb, as symbols.
Google Analytics supports a significant number of filtering options.
Here is what we can do currently: (the operator is a method on a symbol for the appropriate metric or dimension)
Operators on metrics:
:eql => '==',
:not_eql => '!=',
:gt => '>',
:gte => '>=',
:lt => '<',
:lte => '<='
Operators on dimensions:
:matches => '==',
:does_not_match => '!=',
:contains => '=~',
:does_not_contain => '!~',
:substring => '=@',
:not_substring => '!@'
Given the previous Exits example report in shorthand, we can add an option for filter:
profile.exits(filters: { :page_path.eql => '/extend/effectively-using-git-with-subversion/' })
Version 0.2.3 includes support for real ssl encryption for SINGLE USER authentication. First do:
Garb::Session.login(username, password, secure: true)
Next, be sure to download into your application somewhere.
Then, point Garb.ca_cert_file
property to that file.
For whatever reason, simply creating a new certificate store and setting the defaults would not validate the google ssl certificate as authentic.
The open and read timeout values used with the network client (Net::HTTP) are configurable. Both values default to 60 seconds.
Garb.open_timeout = 3
Garb.read_timeout = 3
- rebuild AND/OR filtering in Garb::Model
- active_support >= 2.2
- multi_json >= 1.3
- shoulda
- mocha
- bourne
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'garb'
Then run:
bundle install
Many Thanks, for all their help, goes to:
- Patrick Reagan
- Justin Marney
- Nick Plante
- James Cook
- Chris Gunther
- Sijawusz Pur Rahnama