curatedFoodMetagenomicData (cFMD) is a resource that comprehends curated metadata, microbiome profiles, as well as reconstructed genomes from food (shotgun) metagenomes. The current version of cFMD (v1.2.1), developed within the DOMINO EU project, comprises additional 835 food metagenomes from 26 datasets of recent publicly available studies, along with the 2,533 publicly available (including EU 2020 MASTER project) food metagenomes from the initial cFMD release. Overall, cFMD v1.2.1 comprehends 3,368 food metagenomes from 85 food metagenomic datasets.
Go to cFMD v1.1.0 for the version associated with Carlino et al., "Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome", Cell, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.039.
From this GitHub repository you can access to these cFMD-level files (more details are provided in the section "Detailed description of data" below):
cFMD_datasets: summary of the datasets included in the current release, with reference to the publication (if available)
cFMD_metadata: metadata information, in addition to statistics about reconstructed MAGs at sample level. The table has samples as row indices and type of information as column headers. This includes:
- categorization of the samples,
- accession codes to retrieve public metagenomes,
- technical information (e.g. dna extraction kit, sequencer, etc.),
- basic statistics (number of reads, number of bases, number of MAGs, etc.). The unique key for querying the database is represented by the dataset_name and sample_id. Food samples were classified according to their composition and production using three levels of detail (category, type and subtype).
cFMD_metadata_rules: description of the syntactic rules to define the metadata fields of the above file "cFMD_metadata"
cFMD_mags_list: the list of the reconstructed MAGs with information in terms of:
- sample origin,
- assigned taxonomy at species-level genome bin (SGB) level (MAGs remain unassigned if they belong to SGBs not present in the vMar22 MetaRefSGB database),
- known/unknown status of the SGB,
- assigned taxonomy according to BUSCO in the case of recently included (v1.2.1) eukaryotic MAGs,
- basic statistics (number of contigs, N50, completeness, contamination, etc.).
Alongside the cFMD-level files mentioned above, we also provide dataset-specific folders with the following dataset-specific files that can be accessed from the cFMD_data folder:
${DATASET}_prok_mags_info: metadata of the reconstructed prokaryotic MAGs.
${DATASET}_euk_mags_info: metadata of the reconstructed eukaryotic MAGs.
${DATASET}_metadata: sample-level metadata information for the dataset.
${DATASET}_taxonomic_profiles: taxonomic profiles with samples as column headers and taxa as row indices, with values expressed as taxa relative abundances (%).
${DATASET}_mags: the reconstructed MAGs in fasta format (hosted externally due to large size; a download script is provided).
Users can download mags for the dataset(s) by downloading the provided script
and running it by passing the name(s) of the dataset(s) one wishes to download, as below (whereLiZ_2019
are used as examples):wget "" && chmod +777 ./ LiZ_2019 YuY_2022
${DATASET}_functional_profiles: functional profiles (normalized UniRef90 gene families, pathway abundances, and pathway coverages) with samples as column headers and row indices as functions (hosted externally due to large size; a download script is provided).
Users can download functional profiles for the dataset(s) by downloading the provided script
and running it by passing the name(s) of the dataset(s) one wishes to download, as below (whereLiZ_2019
are used as examples):wget "" && chmod +777 ./ LiZ_2019 YuY_2022
More description about the fields for some of the files presented above:
- cFMD_metadata (unique key= dataset_name+sample_id)
- dataset_name: name of dataset. It is formed as i) “first author surname + initial letter of first author name(s) + _ + year of publication” for public datasets ii) “first author surname + initial letter of first author name(s) + _ + “xxxx” for not already public datasets (among those there are also MASTER partners datasets) iii) “MASTER + WPn + sampling partner + increasing number” for datasets produced inside MASTER
- sample_id: name of the sample
- macrocategory: highest-level description of the sample type (food, controls, food processing, environment, or animal)
- category: second highest-level description of the sample type
- type: third highest-level description of the sample type
- subtype: lowest level of description of the sample type (can be blank if not necessary/available)
- commercial_name: name of the commercialized product
- fermented/non-fermented: categorizing samples across and within categories based on fermentation presence
- country: country of origin of the sample as defined by ISO3 international convention
- sample_accession: code identificative of the sample if present in public databases
- run_accession: code identificative of the sequencing run if present in public databases
- experiment_accession: code identificative of the experiment if present in public databases
- study_accession: code identificative of the study if present in public databases
- project_accession: code identificative of the sample if present in public databases
- database_origin: name of the public database from which the reads of the sample have been downloaded
- library_layout: layout of the sequencing library (e.g. paired, single )
- sequencing_platform: sequencer used to read DNA basis
- DNA_extraction_kit: extraction kit used to isolate DNA in the sample
- collection_date: day (DD/MM/YYYY) or month (MM-YYYY) or year (YYYY) of sample collection
- n_of_bases: # of nucleaotides forming the reads of the sample after pre-processing
- n_of_reads: # of reads of the sample after pre-processing
- min_read_len: minimum number of basis among the reads of the sample
- median_read_len: median number of basis among the reads of the sample
- mean_read_len: mean number of basis among the reads of the sample
- max_read_len: max number of basis among the reads of the sample
- n_contigs: # of contigs with length > 1000 bp assembled from the reads of the sample
- n_MAGs_MQ_prok: # of prokaryotic MAGs with 50%<=completeness<90% and contamination <5% according to CheckM
- n_MAGs_HQ_prok: # of prokaryotic MAGs with completeness >=90% and contamination <5% according to CheckM
- n_MAGs_MQ_euk: # of eukaryotic MAGs with 50%<=completeness<90% and contamination <5% according to BUSCO
- n_MAGs_HQ_euk: # of eukaryotic MAGs with completeness >=90% and contamination <5% according to BUSCO
- filtered: food samples with less than 1e08 basis excluded from following analysis
- curator: name of the curator
cFMD_mags_list (unique key= mag)
- MAG_id: name of the MAG formed by “${dataset_name}__${sample_id}__bin.${bin_number}”
- dataset_id: name of the dataset from which the MAG has been reconstructed
- sample_id: name of the sample from which the MAG has been reconstructed
- SGB_id: identification number of the SGB in MetaRefSGB to which the MAG has been assigned
- unknown: can have three values, kSGB (short for knownSGB, i.e. a cluster containing at least one isolate genome) uSGB (unknownSGB, cluster containing only reconstructed genomes), or ufSGB (unknownfoodSGB, cluster containing only reconstructed genomes from food samples and hence newly introduced)
- assigned_taxonomy_level: species if containing at least one reference genome, otherwise lowest taxonomic rank assignable
- superkingdom: superkingdom of the assigned taxonomy
- phylum: phylum of the assigned taxonomy
- class: class of the assigned taxonomy
- family: family of the assigned taxonomy
- genus: genus of the assigned taxonomy
- species: species of the assigned taxonomy
- genome_size: # of nucleotides (including unknowns specified by N's) in the genome (CheckM)
- n_contigs: number of contigs within the genome as determined by splitting scaffolds at any position consisting of more than 10 consecutive ambiguous bases (CheckM)
- N50: N50 statistics as calculated over all contigs (CheckM)
- completeness: percentage value of the estimated completeness of the genome as determined from the presence/absence of marker genes and the expected colocalization of these genes (CheckM)
- contamination: percentage value of the estimated contamination of genome as determined by the presence of multi-copy marker genes and the expected colocalization of these genes (CheckM)
- GC_content: percentage of G+C nucleotides with respect to genome length
- BUSCO_taxonomy: assinged taxonomy according to BUSCO
The data here provided were mainly generated through the following tools:
- Pre-processing of raw-reads: validated pipeline available here
- Reconstruction and taxonomic assignment of MAGs: assembly-based pipeline available here
- Taxonomic profiling: MetaPhlAn4-based pipeline, with full tutorial available here
- Strain-level profiling: StrainPhlAn-based pipeline, with full tutorial available here
- Functional profiling: HUMAnN3-based pipeline, with full tutorial available here
Further information and requests should be directed to Niccolò Carlino ([email protected]), Hrituraj Dey ([email protected]), Vitor Heidrich ([email protected]), Nicola Segata ([email protected]), Edoardo Pasolli ([email protected])
Carlino et al., "Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome", Cell, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.039
The MASTER EU Consortium was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818368. This resource was also partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme (project DOMINO-101060218).