I'm a Frontend Web Developer from a small town (Novocherkassk)
- technologies: JavaScript, React, SCSS
- pet-projects: githubify, elaborate-lastfm-charts
- personal site: sacret.ru
- twitter: sacret19
- hobbies: drawing, reading books
I'm a Frontend Web Developer from a small town (Novocherkassk)
Forked from gaearon/react-makes-you-sad
Эта блок-схема снова сделает тебя счастливым! / @gaearon's article translation to Russian
Taking part in the challenge #javascript30. See results on the link
Redmine Charts is a web application which extends ProgForce Redmine with charts
CoffeeScript 5
Перевод статьи @linclark / @linclark's article translation to Russian
Перевод статьи @linclark / @linclark's article translation to Russian