Grid based math Game that you combine numbers together to reach a target sum.
Players can select a cell and combine it with their orthogonal/cardinal neighnbours.
When combining two cells, the one selected first will be replaced with a new value. See the 'How the game works internally' for more details.
All the legal moves can be categories into one of the following moves:
Number and Number: when two numbers are selected their values are added together. The result is placed in the cell of the second number that was selected. Note: The cell of the first number will then be replaced with the value of the next piece. This is a similar feature to how many popular variants of tetris show the next piece to be played
Number and Operator: The operator will be prefixed before the number. For example if the number 4 and operator 'x' are combined the result will be a 'x4' cell which will then be able to quadruple the value of the next cell it is combined with. Players can further combine these cells to make creater values i.e. x4 combined with x2 to make x8 Note- For this version of Tally_UP their is a max value of x16
Operator and Operator: As there are only two operators that are available in the game it is easiest two explain both separately.
- Combining 'x' cells- the result is a squared operator which can then be combined with a number to square its value i.e. ^2 combined with 3 results in the value of 9.
Randomly generate a 4x4 cell with values contained in the set [0,1,2,3,-,*].
Randomly generate a list of next pieces by randomly selecting a value from the default set (see above line).
Computer plays a random simulation of a game on the board.
Computer picks a random number from the board and use that as the target value.
*Doing this allows the game to be unique every play but also ensures that they game is actually solvable in the first place