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Graph Library for embedded software system.

Object, Window, Menu, UIbase

Member Functions & Variables

Name Description
GUI Include GUI:: as the prefix term.
.init Initialize the UI system
.setPenSize Given a pixelwise size of pen, set pen size
.setPenColor Given a RGB color, set it as the pen color
.autoDisplay Refresh the screen automatically
.refreashScreen Refresh the screen from the cache memory
.refreashEntireScreen Refresh the screen and empity the cache memory
.isAutoDisplay Return the configuration flag
.isInternalGRAM Return the configuration flag
.isCacheEmpty Return the configuration flag
Graph Include GUI:: as the prefix term.
[.rect_raw] Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rectangular with width 1
[.rect_edged] Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rectangular with width of pen size
[.rect_fill] Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, fill a rectangular area
[.rect_round_fill] Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rounded rectangular
[.EX_rect_raw] Use the __Area_t type instead of coordinate
[.EX_rect_edged] (same)
[.EX_rect_fill] (same)
[.circle_raw] Given the radius and (X ,Y), draw a circle with width 1
[.circle_edged] Given the radius and (X ,Y), draw a circle with width of pen size.
[.circle_fill] Given the radius and (X ,Y), fill a circle
[.circle_qrt1_fill] Given the radius and (X ,Y), fill a quarter circle at 1st quadrant
[.circle_qrt2_fill] Given the radius and (X ,Y), fill a quarter circle at 2nd quadrant
[.circle_qrt3_fill] Given the radius and (X ,Y), fill a quarter circle at 3rd quadrant
[.circle_qrt4_fill] Given the radius and (X ,Y), fill a quarter circle at 4th quadrant
[.circle_qrt1_raw] (same)
[.circle_qrt2_raw] (same)
[.circle_qrt3_raw] (same)
[.circle_qrt4_raw] (same)
[.capsule_raw] Given 2 points, draw a line in the shape of capsule
[.line_raw] Given 2 points, draw a line
[.quad_raw] Given 4 corners coordinate, draw a quadrilateral
[.screen_fill] Fill the screen
[.yield_GRAM] Export the address of Graph RAM


void GLU_GUI_init( void );


void GLU_GUI_setPenSize( size_t penSize );


void GLU_GUI_setPenColor( GLU_TYPE(Color)  penColor );


void GLU_GUI_autoDisplay( bool cmd );


void GLU_GUI_refreashScreen( void );


void GLU_GUI_refreashEntireScreen( void );


void GLU_GUI_refreashEntireScreen( void );


bool GLU_GUI_isAutoDisplay( void );


bool GLU_GUI_isInternalGRAM( void );


bool GLU_GUI_isCacheEmpty( void );