Graph Library for embedded software system.
Name | Description |
GUI | Include GUI:: as the prefix term. |
.init | Initialize the UI system |
.setPenSize | Given a pixelwise size of pen, set pen size |
.setPenColor | Given a RGB color, set it as the pen color |
.autoDisplay | Refresh the screen automatically |
.refreashScreen | Refresh the screen from the cache memory |
.refreashEntireScreen | Refresh the screen and empity the cache memory |
.isAutoDisplay | Return the configuration flag |
.isInternalGRAM | Return the configuration flag |
.isCacheEmpty | Return the configuration flag |
Graph | Include GUI:: as the prefix term. |
[.rect_raw] | Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rectangular with width 1 |
[.rect_edged] | Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rectangular with width of pen size |
[.rect_fill] | Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, fill a rectangular area |
[.rect_round_fill] | Given the two corners coordinate of its diagnal edge, draw a rounded rectangular |
[.EX_rect_raw] | Use the __Area_t type instead of coordinate |
[.EX_rect_edged] | (same) |
[.EX_rect_fill] | (same) |
[.circle_raw] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), draw a circle with width 1 |
[.circle_edged] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), draw a circle with width of pen size. |
[.circle_fill] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), fill a circle |
[.circle_qrt1_fill] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), fill a quarter circle at 1st quadrant |
[.circle_qrt2_fill] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), fill a quarter circle at 2nd quadrant |
[.circle_qrt3_fill] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), fill a quarter circle at 3rd quadrant |
[.circle_qrt4_fill] | Given the radius and (X ,Y ), fill a quarter circle at 4th quadrant |
[.circle_qrt1_raw] | (same) |
[.circle_qrt2_raw] | (same) |
[.circle_qrt3_raw] | (same) |
[.circle_qrt4_raw] | (same) |
[.capsule_raw] | Given 2 points, draw a line in the shape of capsule |
[.line_raw] | Given 2 points, draw a line |
[.quad_raw] | Given 4 corners coordinate, draw a quadrilateral |
[.screen_fill] | Fill the screen |
[.yield_GRAM] | Export the address of Graph RAM |
void GLU_GUI_init( void );
void GLU_GUI_setPenSize( size_t penSize );
void GLU_GUI_setPenColor( GLU_TYPE(Color) penColor );
void GLU_GUI_autoDisplay( bool cmd );
void GLU_GUI_refreashScreen( void );
void GLU_GUI_refreashEntireScreen( void );
void GLU_GUI_refreashEntireScreen( void );
bool GLU_GUI_isAutoDisplay( void );
bool GLU_GUI_isInternalGRAM( void );
bool GLU_GUI_isCacheEmpty( void );