π Most committed
repo on GitHub!
As of March 2nd 2025 the project hit its goal of 100,000,000 commits, and therefore permanently archived.
This was an experiment to test the limits of repository scaling with a high volume of commits. The tech specs:
- No GitHub Actions or shared resources were used
- ~90-100K commits generated per minute
- Ran on a 16GB/4vCPU VPS
- Source code for the generator is available at https://github.com/rvfet/committer (private to prevent mass usage)
While I understand at a first glance this activity may seem unusual or viewed as "gray-zone", it was conducted with full transparency and minimal resource impact.
This project had no commercial purpose or malicious intent. It was not intended to disrupt GitHub services or violate platform policies. Since commits did not contain any code changes, it neither used any github infrastructure resources for diff-ing, nor did it skew any statistics about contributions. It represented genuine technical curiosity within my own repository space and is now permanently archived.
Questions? Feel free to contact me[at]rvfet.com