(( ) ) _____ _
( )( ) ) / ____| |
_ (.( ) .)(.( )) _ | | | |__ ___ ___ ___
( ( ).( ) (.)( ).) ) | | | '_ \ / _ \ / __/ _ \
|`-..___________ ..-'| | |____| | | | (_) | (_| (_) |
\ / \_____|_| |_|\___/ \___\___/
| ;---.
| (__ \ | | | | (_)
| | ) ) | | __ _| |_ ___ _ ___
| | / / | | / _` | __/ _ \ | / __|
| ( / | |___| (_| | || __/_| \__ \
/ \ _/ |______\__,_|\__\___(_) |___/
| | _/ |
`-..____________..-' |__/
Chocolate is a simple Node.js webapp framework built using Coffeescript.
It includes :
an online IDE (with Coffeescript, Javascript, Css and Markdown support)
an online and immediate playground for Coffeescript, Chocokup and Doccolate
a basic source control with Git
ChocoDB: a kind of nosql database running on SQLite.
Chocoflow: a really simple tool to help manage asynchronous calls serialization.
Chocokup: a templating language that helps build web user interfaces using 100% pure CoffeeScript (based on Coffeekup)
Chocodown: Chocokup-aware port of Markdown (based on Showdown)
Specolate: a behavior/test driven development tool (based on Jasmine) that works client and server side
Doccolate: an online documentation editing tool (based on Docco)
litejQ: a lite jQuery-compatible library
NewNotes: a promising note taking tool
Chocolate integrates:
Node.js - Coffeescript - Ace - Mootools - Docco - Coffeekup - Jasmine - Highlight.js - Showdown - Git - Impress
Chocolate v0.0.9 - 2013/12/04
- litejQ : a lite jQuery-compatible library (9kb compressed and gziped) aimed at replacing Mootools in Chocolate and becoming its client-side scripts foundation.
- with Chocodown
- inline tests: open litejQ documentation (/general/docs/doc-litejq.md)
and open the doccolate panel (Doc) to see the
function working. - in Locco:
- can call a function in a sub-object inside a module
- params can be unnamed and numeric when calling a function inside a module
- in Studio:
- can change debug evaluation column width by pressing +/- buttons
- in Newnotes:
- create a new note by pressing Return
- when editing, create a new note by pressing Return if cursor at the end
- when editing, insert a newline with Ctrl + Return or Shift + Return or press only return if not at note's end
- toggle a note by pressing Shift-Return
- toggle note priority by pressing Ctrl-Return when not editing
- insert a new note before a note with Alt + Return
- split a note in two notes with Ctrl-Shift-Return when editing
- static files can be created or deleted through studio interface in an app
- deleting a file was copying it in default.coffee!
- can pass parameters to static files. They were seen as 'app' instead of 'static' if with params
- don't execute debug compilation in coffeescript lab when debug panel is hidden
- problem in debug panel with multiple empty strings ('')
- chocokup css helper did not understand @media clause
- updated Newnotes documentation
- updated Ace to package 12.02.2013
See history in CHANGELOG.md file
- Demo
- Installation
- Use it
- Chocolate Studio
- The Lab
- How to write Modules
- ChocoDB
- Chocoflow
- Debugate
- Chocokup
- Specolate
- Doccolate
- litejQ
- Newnotes
- Road Map
- License
Demo ⌂
There is a non-writable demo at : https://demo.chocolatejs.org/
Installation ⌂
This procedure was tested as root on Debian 6.0
Chocolate needs Node.js. If you need to install it, here is a procedure to:
Install Node.js
apt-get update
apt-get install python
apt-get install git-core curl build-essential openssl libssl-dev
mkdir -p /tmp/build/node
cd /tmp/build/node
git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git .
git checkout v0.10.0 #Try checking nodejs.org for what the stable version is
./configure --openssl-libpath=/usr/lib/ssl
make install
Make node modules accessible everywhere
-- In /etc/profile, append :
export NODE_PATH="/usr/local/lib/node_modules"
You can use start, stop and monitor Chocolate's daemon if you:
Install Upstart, Monit and Sudo
apt-get install upstart
apt-get install monit
apt-get install sudo
Chocolate also needs:
Other prerequisites
apt-get install openssl
apt-get install git
apt-get install sqlite3
apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
npm install -g chocolate
Create Chocolate user to start Chocolate daemon
useradd chocolate
mkdir /home/chocolate
usermod -d /home/chocolate -s /bin/bash chocolate
Run chocomake to create myapp
cd /home/chocolate
chocomake myapp
Answer asked questions to create a self-signed SSL certificate.
Change chocolate files owner
cd /home
chown -R chocolate:chocolate chocolate
Install Chocolate as daemon
vi /etc/init/chocolate.conf
description "Chocolate node.js server"
start on startup
stop on shutdown
exec sudo -u chocolate -i /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chocolate/server/monitor.coffee /home/chocolate/myapp 2>&1 >> /var/log/node.log
end script
chmod 755 /etc/init/chocolate.conf
Install Monit to supervise the upstart daemon
vi /etc/monit/conf.d/chocolate.conf
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
check host nodejs with address
start program = "/sbin/start chocolate"
stop program = "/sbin/stop chocolate"
if failed port 8026 type TCPSSL protocol HTTP
request /
with timeout 10 seconds
then restart
# unless it it's configured
# please configure monit and then edit /etc/default/monit
# and set the "startup" variable to 1 in order to allow
# monit to start
vi /etc/monit/monitrc
# remove comment on line :
# set daemon 120 # check services at 2-minute intervals
/etc/init.d/monit start
Please reboot to activate Upstart and Monit...
Run chocolate
start chocolate
Use it ⌂
Chocolate runs on your server and responds to https requests on port 8026
You can change port number in /etc/init/chocolate.conf where you add the port parameter after /home/chocolate/myapp
at line:
exec sudo -u chocolate -i /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chocolate/server/monitor.coffee /home/chocolate/myapp 80 2>&1 >> /var/log/node.log
You can also use a simple Http server by specifying options in the config.coffee file:
exports.http_only = yes
exports.port = 80
Log on ⌂
You defined a master key when using chocomake to create myapp.
You enter that key at:
Log off ⌂
To logoff go to :
Enter Chocolate Studio ⌂
To enter Chocolate Studio, go to:
There you can create, modify, move and commit source files
Web access to source files and functions ⌂
You access a file directly in the browser:
To display default.coffee
as raw text
To display default.coffee
as documentation text (docco)
To edit default.coffee
To run default.spec.coffee
specs (if you create it)
Locco: the Chocolate protocol ⌂
Requests to Chocolate server follow theses rules (the Locco protocol):
By default, Chocolate uses Https:
Http requests are redirected to https
Https server is located (by default) at port 8026
Http server is located at port Https+1 (8027)
You can specify options in data/config.coffee file:
exports.http_only = yes or no
exports.port = <main port number>
exports.key = <key filename>
exports.cert = <cert filename>
Chocolate system services and files
They are accessible at:
Your app services and files
They are at:
Default service in source file
If your source file exports an interface
function (ie. in default.coffee):
exports.interface = () ->
'Hello world!'
Then it is called when you request that file with no parameter:
returns a web page with
Hello world!
Locco protocol operations
indicates the action type.-
: execute an exported function in source file- parameters can be specified by name or by position
:- if
is specified:
file's content towhere
file - otherwise, if Http request is a POST request then:
move POST message data towhere
- if
: run the where file associated spec: ie. default.spec.coffee for default.coffee -
: default action. Load where file and execute interface function.
adds a precision on the action object (usualy its pathname). -
tells where the action should take place: a pathname -
asks for a special type of respond if available (web, raw, help).web
: default. responds as an html documentraw
: responds as plain texthelp
: responds as an html Docco help fileedit
: responds as an html source web editor
key can be specified to have system accesshttps://myserver/!/my_backdoor_key/myworld/myfolder
Moves /myworld/mydocument file to /myworld/myfolder
so = move
what = /myworld/mydocument
where = /myworld/myfolder
how = web (by default) - will return an answer as html.
Go to /myworld/myfolder file,
load it and execute **interface** function if exists,
otherwise open file in editor
so = go (by default)
what = undefined
where = /myworld/myfolder
how = web (by default) - will return an answer as html.
Go to /myworld/myfolder file,
load it and execute **myFunc** function if exists, with myParamValue param
otherwise returns empty page
so = do (by default when request has parameters)
what = myFunc
where = /myworld/myfolder
how = web (by default) - will return an answer as html.
Chocolate Studio ⌂
A sweet web app development environment.
It displays your source files and browse through directories, has a search in files service.
It has a panel that displays log messages.
It can also list and open source file commited versions.
You can create and move files (but not rename or delete files ! I should add this...).
The central panel has the code editor. It has syntax highlighting for Coffeescript, Javascript, CSS and Markdown.
Autocomplete and Snippets ⌂
It has a basic automplete feature that, by pressing CTRL+SPACE keys, proposes you a list of words collected from your file.
It also has snippets that will expand code from a shortcut:
in an HTML file, html5+CTRL+SPACE will become:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>`substitute(Filename('', 'Page Title'), '^.', '\u&', '')`</title>
Then you can move to meta and body section by pressing the TAB key.
Currently there are Coffeescript, Javascript, CSS and HTML snippets in the editor.
Spec, Doc, Lab, Help and Notes panels ⌂
The central panel can also split to display the associated spec file (see Specolate)
or the source file in help mode (see Doccolate)
or the Lab that can be used to test Coffeescript or Chocodown code.
The help panel lists some usefull resources. Links will be opened in the central panel.
The Notes panel allows you to write and save some notes.
Editor shrotcuts
The Lab ⌂
The Lab helps you write your code and test cases, syntax...
Coffeescript Lab
When you type Coffescript code in the Lab editor, it is immediately translated in Javascript.
You can use this service to learn Coffeescript but also to verify that your code will do what you expect it should.
Beside beeing translated in Javascript it is also immediately executed.
And you can see the result in the terminal panel.
But more... when you display the Debug panel you can see your variables values through code execution!
This service is inspired by Bret Victor's lecture (Inventing on priciples).
Copy the following code in the Coffeescript Lab with the Debug panel:
binarySearch = (key, array) ->
low = 0
high = array.length-1
while (low <= high)
mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2)
value = array[mid]
if value > key
high = mid - 1
else if value < key
low = mid + 1
return mid
return -1
result = binarySearch 'f', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e','f']
Then change the 'f'
to something else and see the Debug panel change in live!
This service is experimental but it has been really useful to me.
Chocodown Lab
Literate programming...
Chocodown panel lets you write Markdown, Chocokup and Coffeescript code that will be immediately translated to html and javascript!
But more... when you display the Dom panel you can see immmediately the result!
Basicaly, this panel is a Markdown editor, but you can insert code blocks by using the # and the ! signs followed by the language you want to use: html, css, javascript, coffeescript, chocokup.
When you use the # sign, Chocodown displays and highlights the following code.
When you use the ! sign, it executes the code.
And you can use both #!
Copy the following code in the Chocokup Lab with the Dom panel:
### Here is a basic Chocodown sample:
**Css code**
#! css
#chocodown-demo .header,
#chocodown-demo .footer {
border: 1px solid grey;
background: maroon;
color: white;
text-align: center;
**Chocokup code**
#! chocokup
panel "#chocodown-demo", ->
header -> 'header'
footer -> 'footer'
body ->
for i in [0..3]
button "#{i}"
**Coffeescript code**
#! coffeescript
buttons = document.querySelectorAll '#chocodown-demo button'
for button in buttons
addEvent = button.addEventListener ? button.attachEvent
addEvent.call button, "click", ->
alert "I'm button #" + @innerhtml
And see...
Then change [0..3] to [0..6] and see the result...
How to write Modules ⌂
You can create a module by pressing the Create
It will create a module with the name you provide in the currently displayed folder.
If you dont put a suffix the the filename, it will create a Coffescript file with .coffee suffix.
Supported file types are: .coffee, .js, .html, .css, .md
If you have asset files you want to be downloadable from the web (like images or js libraries),
put them in the /static
It is supposed that you will put modules that run only in the node.js environment in the /server
Modules that run only in the browser will go int the /client
and modules that can run in both environment will be put in /general
If you put .coffee or .js files in the /client
or /general
they will be compiled if .coffee and copied to the /static/ijax
and will be downloadable by your javascript client code (using the provided require function).
If you create a general module (that can work on server and in browser), you will need to write something like the following code:
class MyGeneralModule
constructor: ->
_module = window ? module
_module.exports = MyGeneralModule
The exported function interface
, if present in your module, is used to return an html content if someone calls that module with no parameter:
i.e., in module mymodule.coffee
exports.interface = ->
Will display Hello
when called with https://myserver/mymodule
You can write module that runs on server with functions that you can call directly from the browser like this:
exports.say_hello = (who = 'you', where = 'Paris') ->
'hello ' + who + ' in ' + where
This function can be called like this:
and display hello you in Paris
and display hello me in Paris
and display hello me in London
and display hello you in Madrid
and display hello me in Madrid
Those function can declare a system parameter __
which contains:
.appdir: application directory
.datadir: application data directory
.request: HTTP request object
.response: HTTP response object
exports.check_appdir = (__) ->
"Application directory is:" + __.appdir
ChocoDB ⌂
ChocoDB is intended to be a kind of nosql database running on SQLite.
Currently, you can use it to store javascript objects in database and retrive them by id. Functions, Dates and circular references can also be saved and retrieved.
A query language is on its way...
Here is example taken from the /server/reserve spec file:
var Uuid = require 'chocolate/general/intentware/uuid'
var Sample;
Sample = (function() {
function _Class(title, uuid) {
this.title = title;
this.uuid = uuid != null ? uuid : Uuid();
this.list = [10, 11, 12, 13];
this.list.extended = 'an extension';
this.items = [
one: 123,
two: 345
this.values = {
boolean: true,
number: 1.23
this.struct = {
object: {
name: 'object in struct',
value: 'ok'
this.test_func = {
add: function(x, y) {
return x + y;
this.date = {
creation: new Date(),
modified: new Date()
return _Class;
var sample = new Sample('test');
var sub_uuid = Uuid();
sample.struct.object.uuid = sub_uuid;
var chocodb = new Reserve.Space();
chocodb.write(sample, function() {
chocodb.read(sample.uuid, function (error, data) {
// data.title === 'test';
// data.values.boolean === true;
// data.date.creation.toString() === sample.date.creation.toString()
chocodb.read(sub_uuid, function (error, data) {
// data.object.name === 'object in struct';
Chocoflow ⌂
Chocoflow is a really simple tool to help manage asynchronous calls serialization.
You can change this javascript code:
db.createOrGetTable(function(table) {
return table.insertRow(row, function() {
return db.select(query(function(rows) {
return console.log(rows.count);
to this code:
Flow.serialize(function(defer, local) {
defer(function(next) {
return db.createOrGetTable(function(table) {
local.table = table;
return next();
defer(function(next) {
return local.table.insertRow(row, function() {
return next();
defer(function(next) {
return db.select(query(function(rows) {
local.rows = rows;
return next();
return defer(function() {
return console.log(local.rows.count);
or in Coffeescript, this code:
db.createOrGetTable (table) ->
table.insertRow row, ->
db.select query (rows) ->
console.log rows.count
to this code:
Flow.serialize (defer, local) ->
defer (next) -> db.createOrGetTable (table) -> local.table = table; next()
defer (next) -> local.table.insertRow row, -> next()
defer (next) -> db.select query (rows) -> local.rows = rows; next()
defer -> console.log local.rows.count
It helps you mix synchronous and asynchronous, iterative and recursive code, in a simple way with no new concept to learn.
Here is an example taken from /general/chocoflow spec file:
var Flow, end, start, time1, time2, time3, aync_func;
aync_func = function(duration, cb) {
return setTimeout((function() {
return cb(new Date().getTime());
}), duration);
Flow = require('chocolate/general/chocoflow');
start = new Date().getTime();
time1 = time2 = time3 = end = null;
Flow.serialize(function(defer) {
defer(function(next) {
return aync_func(250, function(time) {
time1 = time;
return next();
defer(function(next) {
return aync_func(150, function(time) {
time2 = time;
return next();
defer(function(next) {
return aync_func(350, function(time) {
time3 = time;
return next();
defer(function() {
// expect(time1 - start).toBeGreaterThan(250 - 5);
// expect(time2 - start).toBeGreaterThan(400 - 5);
// expect(time3 - start).toBeGreaterThan(750 - 5);
// expect(end - start).toBeLessThan(10);
end = new Date().getTime();
Debugate ⌂
Debugate is really basic tool to help profile and log code execution.
Here is a sample taken from the /general/debugate spec file:
var Debug = require('chocolate/general/debugate'), f1;
f1 = function(cb) {
return setTimeout((function() {
return cb(new Date().getTime());
}), 250);
Debugate.profile.start('Test time spent');
f1(function(time) {
Debugate.profile.end('Test time spent');
// expect(Debugate.profile.spent('Test time spent').time).toBeGreaterThan((250 - 5) * 1000);
// expect(Debugate.profile.spent('Test time spent').time).toBeLessThan((250 + 5) * 1000);
Chocokup ⌂
Chocokup is derived from Coffeekup which is a templating engine for node.js and browsers that lets you to write your html templates in 100% pure CoffeeScript.
What Chocokup adds is the "Panel orientation" missing from html which is page oriented.
Chocokup introduces few new tags:
- panel
- box
and modifies some already existing tags:
- body
- header
- footer
Using a pure Coffeescript syntax, you can write this:
panel proportion:"served", ->
panel "aside left"
panel "main"
panel "aside right"
which translates into:
<div class="space">
<div class="space service horizontal left">
<div class="space">aside left</div>
<div class="space service horizontal served center">
<div class="space">main</div>
<div class="space service horizontal right">
<div class="space">aside right</div>
and displays as a main panel with a left and a right service panels.
You can also write Css code using Chocokup:
panel "#calc", ->
button i for i in [9..0]
button '+' ; button '-'
button '.by3', '='
css ->
width = 160
nbColumn = 3
box: ->
border: '1px solid black'
width: width + 'px'
minHeight: '20px'
textAlign: 'center'
whiteSpaceCollapse: 'collapse'
width: width / nbColumn - 4
height: width / nbColumn - 4
width: width
This will display a basic Calculator
Usage ⌂
Chocokup.Document ⌂
In a Coffeescript source file (ie. : mypage.coffee),
insert an interface
function that returns a new Chocokup.Document
Chocokup = require 'chocolate/general/chocokup'
exports.interface = ->
new Chocokup.Document 'Chocolate - Wep Apps with a sweet taste', ->
body ->
"Welcome to Chocolatejs.org !"
Then open a web browser and open that page: ie. https://myserver/mypage
Chocokup.Panel ⌂
If you only want to build a partial document, you can use Chocokup.Panel
Chocokup = require 'chocolate/general/chocokup'
kup = ->
text "Welcome to Chocolatejs.org !"
exports.interface = ->
new Chocokup.Panel(kup).render()
Reference ⌂
Read the complete Chocokup reference in Chocolate Studio Chocokup help panel.
Specolate ⌂
Specolate is a client and server side behavior/test driven development tool.
It uses Jasmine, a great behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
Usage ⌂
Something interesting is that it runs your specs in the server and in the browser contexts.
You only have add, at the begining of your spec file:
unless window?
describe ...
if window?
describe ...
Newnotes = require './newnotes'
describe 'Newnotes', ->
it 'creates, then lists a basic todo', ->
newnotes = new Newnotes
newnotes.add 'do first'
newnotes.add 'do after'
expect([todo.title for todo in newnotes.list()].join(',')).toEqual 'do first,do after'
Doccolate ⌂
Docco is a literate-programming-style documentation generator. It produces html that displays your comments alongside your code.
Doccolate is a modified version of Docco that can be used on demand both on client and server side. It supports Coffeescript, Javascript, CSS and Markdown file formats.
You can use it by clicking on the Doc button while a source file is opened. Then you will immediately see if your source is well documented. Source modifications are reflected on the fly!
Source comments are passed through Markdown, and code is passed through Highlight syntax highlighting.
Documented version of your source files can be displayed directly in the browser
by using the how=help
Http parameter: https://myserver/mymodule?how=help
litejQ ⌂
Litejq is a lite jQuery-compatible library introduced to be Chocolate client-side scripts foundation.
It knows:
$.ready, $ .noConflict,$.type, $ .isArray,$.isWindow, $ .isPlainObject,$.each, $ .map, $.extend, .get, .each, .splice, .map
$.ajax, $ .get,$.post, $ .getJson, $.param
.filter, .find, .parent, .parents, .siblings, .children, .first, .last, .closest
$.Event, $ .now, .on, .off, .bind, .unbind, .delegate, .undelegate
.addClass, .removeClass, .toggleClass, .hasClass, .css
.text, .html, .append, .prepend, .replaceWith, .empty, .attr, .removeAttr, .data, .removeData, .val, .show, .hide, .height, .width, .offset, .remove
Newnotes ⌂
Newnotes is a note taking tool that helps memorize and get things done.
Things are structured-text with each level thought as shortest-long-title. Each thing input has a date and a time stamp.
You can use it to manage notes / todo lists / oulines.
New item/sub-item
You can create a new item with the same attributes than the previous (use Ctrl-Return). You can also create sub-items with the indent/outdent function (use Tab and Shift-Tab)
Tagging attributes
You can modify the item attributes using the selectors.
Dimensions :
Priority: Now, Tomorrow, Later, Done
Scope: Me, Household, Family, Friends, Community, Business, State, Public
Action: Explore, Memorize, Learn, Teach, Do, Control, Delegate, Relax
Intention: Know, Use, Make, Manage
Wish: No wish, Identity, Hobbies, Education, Religion, Leisure
Need: No need, Food, Health, Clothing, Equipment, Housing
Share: No share, Communication, Partnership, Work, Banking, Insurance
Usage ⌂
You can use it directly inside Chocolate Studio in the Notes panel,
but also directly and fullscreen at: https://myserver/-/server/newnotes
Impress.js with Newnotes ! ⌂
You can display a Newnotes branch with impress.js: https://myserver/-/server/newnotes?my-branch-title&as=impress
Reference ⌂
Read the complete Newnotes reference in Chocolate Studio Newnotes help panel.
Road Map ⌂
Chocolate is currently (2013/12) an experiment that needs to be completed and polished:
- data management: offline and online synchronization
- responsive user interface services
- robust live coffeescript (and javascript) in lab tab
- user management
- security management
- link source context to notes in Newnotes
- ...
License ⌂
MIT License
Chocolate is a simple webapp framework built on Node.js using Coffeescript
Copyright (c) 2013, Jean-Claude Levy
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.