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Generate documentation from XQuery sources based on XQDoc style comments and the usage of XQuery annotations.

The outputs can be changed or extended with custom generators that are dynamically located and loaded at run time.

A paper on this project was presented at Markup UK 2019.

Generating documents from XQuery annotations HTML


Work in progress.

Runs with BaseX 9.5.1+ 9.7.99


  1. unzip dist bundle to a folder, or clone the respository
  2. Add the /bin folder from above to your PATH
  3. Execute xqdoca -install in a command window to ensure required repository modules are installed.

The XQDocA script uses the basex script. If the environment variable BASEX_HOME is set it will run the basex script in that bin folder otherwise it will search for basex on the PATH


The code to be processed must be syntactically valid from the perspective of the version of BaseX used to run XQdocA. In particular any repository packages referenced by the code must be available.


XQDocA uses XML files to define documentation tasks. These typically use the extension .xqdoca

The xqdoca command expects the path to the task file to be passed as an argument. If no arguments or options are passed and a .xqdoca file is found in the current directory it will use that.

For example the file samples/dba.xqdoca

<xqdoca xmlns="urn:quodatum:xqdoca" version="1.0">

Then xqdoca samples/dba.xqdoca will generate documentation for XQuery sources below C:\Users\andy\basex.home\basex.951\webapp\dba and write it to the folder file:///tmp/dba/

If source or target are relative urls they are resolved relative to the .xqdoca file location. Additional elements can be used to control the generated outputs. Such as which renderers to run. Options not specified in the .xqdoca file are taken from config.xqdoca

xqdoca options....

xqdoca -h will display a summary of the options.

xqdoca -h will display a summary of the options.


XPath from root Description Example
source directory containing source files C:\....\basex.951\webapp\dba
target directory for output file:///tmp/dba/

Built-in generators

map {
  "output": "xhtml",
  "name": "report",
  "uri": "index.html",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}index-html2#2,
  "type": Q{}global,
  "description": "Index of sources"
map {
  "output": "html5",
  "name": "restxq",
  "uri": "restxq.html",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}restxq#2,
  "type": Q{}global,
  "description": "Summary of REST interface"
map {
  "output": "html5",
  "name": "import",
  "uri": "imports.html",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}imports#2,
  "type": Q{}global,
  "description": "Summary of import usage"
map {
  "output": "html5",
  "name": "annoations",
  "uri": "annotation.html",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}annotations#2,
  "type": Q{}global,
  "description": "Summary of Annotation use"
map {
  "output": "xml",
  "name": "xqdoc",
  "uri": "xqdoc.xml",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}xqdoc#3,
  "type": Q{}module,
  "description": "xqDoc file for the source module"
map {
  "output": "xml",
  "name": "xqparse",
  "uri": "xqparse.xml",
  "function": Q{quodatum:build.xqdoc-html}xqparse#3,
  "type": Q{}module,
  "description": "xqparse file for the source module"
map {
  "output": "html5",
  "name": "module",
  "uri": "index.html",
  "function": Q{quodatum:xqdoca.mod-html}xqdoc-html2#3,
  "type": Q{}module,
  "description": "Html5 page created from the XQuery source"


The available output generators are determined by scanning the generators folder for functions containing annotations in the namespace, usually bound to the prefix xqdoca

Two kinds of generator are currently defined: global and module.

Global generators

These functions generate one output file derived from the entire source. They have the xqdoca:global annotation. The first parameter is an arbitary name used to reference the generator in the run options The second is a simple text description. The function must be of arity 2 and is called with the state and options as arguments. Example:

%xqdoca:global("index","Index of sources")
function xqhtml:index-html2($state as map(*),
                            $opts as map(*)
as document-node()          

Module generators

These functions generate one file per XQuery source file. The function must be of arity 3 and is called once for each source module with the current file state and options and the state as arguments. Example:

%xqdoca:module("module","Html5 page created from the XQuery source")
function xqh:xqdoc-html2($file as map(*),
                            $opts as map(*),
                            $state as map(*)
as document-node()


All generator functions require an output annotation that controls the name and serialization of that output. The first parameter controls the name of the generated output. The second the serialization required. Examples:


current serialization types

(:~ defined serialization options :)
declare variable $xqo:outputs:=map{                                   
                  "html5": map{"method": "html", "version":"5.0", "indent": "no"},
                  "xhtml": map{"method": "xhtml", "version":"1.1","indent": "no"},
                  "xml": map{"indent": "no"},
                  "json": map{"method": "json"},
                  "text": map{"method": "text"}

Development notes

basex -bconfig-path=.xqdoca src\main\xqdoca.xq

xqdoca execution scans the source folder to locate XQuery sources. These are then parsed using the ex-parse package and a xqdoc file generated from the parse.

The results are used to create an in-memory map

   direction LR
   class model{
   class file{
   class xqdoc{
   class xqparse {
   model "0..n" --|> file : files
   file "1" --|> xqdoc : xqdoc
   file "1" --|> xqparse : xqparse


  • "index": $pos,
  • "path": translate($file,"","/"),
  • "href": [modules/`{ $id }`/],
  • "parsed": $isParsed,
  • "prefixes": xqd:namespaces( $analysis?xqdoc),
  • "annotations": xqd:anno($analysis?xqdoc), (: sequence map{annotation:, xqdoc: } :)
  • "namespace":$analysis?xqdoc/xqdoc:module/xqdoc:uri/string(),
  • "default-fn-uri": xqp:default-fn-uri($analysis?xqparse)

The renderers use this map to build their outputs.


The EXpath packaging specification is used to define the XQDocA version and also the semantic version requirements of it's dependencies.


XQdocA is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Third party components

Credit, Acknowledgements