Our mission is to bring people together through music and provide anyone a platform to express themselves in their own music review blog. Become a music critic and see what others have to say about top music.
- React - Frontend: JavaScript library for creating web apps!
- node.js - Evented I/O for the backend
- Firebase - Backend: Database and Authorization
- Spotify Web API - For authenticating and integrating with Spotify
- Semantic UI - Frontend Framework
There are two ways of running Mutter: 1) accessing it via webpage, or 2) running locally. It is recommended to use method 1 as it represents the web application as it would be during production. Method 2 is provided as backup in case method 1 is unavailable.
Preferred Method (gh-pages branch)
Access via Website: https://princes25.github.io/Mutter/
Backup Method (master branch)
Requires node.js.
In order to run locally, you need to create an .env file in the root folder and define the following variables inside:
Environmental variables REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY to REACT_APP_APP_ID can be acquired by setting up Firebase for a web app. Follow this tutorial.
REACT_APP_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID can be acquired by going to Spotify for Developers and creating an app.
See sample.env for an example.
Clone master branch and run the script
$ git clone https://github.com/PrinceS25/Mutter
$ cd mutter
$ ./run.sh
- Shabnam Bahmanyar
- Henry Bui
- Brian Du
- Tejas Kasturi
- Prabhjot Singh
├── ...
├── spotify_server # Spotify Auhentication Server
│ └── ...
├── src
│ ├── components # All frontend components used to display web pages
| | ├── ...
| | ├── discover # Discover Page
| | ├── feed # Feed Page
| | ├── layout # Login and Navbar
| | ├── profile # Profile Page
| | ├── 404.js # 404 Status Page
| | ├── createPost.js # Create Post Page
| | └── ...
│ ├── config
| | └── fbConfig.js # Firebase configuration
│ ├── store
| | ├── actions # Backend methods used to communicate with Firebase
| | | ├── authActions.js # User Authentication
| | | └── postActions.js # Posts Database
│ | ├── reducers # Backend reducers keeping track of state changes
| | | ├── authReducer.js
| | | ├── postReducer.js
| | | └── rootReducer.js # Combines Other Reducers
│ ├── App.js # Main Component responsible for routing
│ ├── index.css # Main CSS File
│ └── ...
├── README.md # The file you are currently reading
├── run.sh # Bash script to run the web application
└── ...