Obsolete, no longer developed. Still in use.
These libraries are auto generated from NED's Swagger spec via swagger codegen. The library versions correspond to the version of the NED API they were generated from.
See https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
This assumes you have built their master branch into $HOME/applications/swagger-codegen
mkdir ~/applications
cd applications
git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
cd swagger-codegen
./run-in-docker.sh mvn package
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] swagger-codegen-project ............................ SUCCESS [ 1.266 s]
[INFO] swagger-codegen (core library) ..................... SUCCESS [ 18.974 s]
[INFO] swagger-codegen (executable) ....................... SUCCESS [ 4.075 s]
[INFO] swagger-codegen (maven-plugin) ..................... SUCCESS [ 3.666 s]
[INFO] swagger-generator .................................. SUCCESS [ 7.049 s]
*** NOTE ***
2016-07-01: the generate clients script failed with latest swagger codegen
code. it generated code that wouldn't even compile. generation succeeded
by rolling back to latest stable release (v2.1.6)
cd swagger-codegen
git checkout v2.1.6
Make sure the NED API is running
Run the generator (open the script to see possible arguments):
Make sure your settings have the ambraproject.org credentials in them. After the clients have been generated, you should be able to run:
cd java_deploy && ./deploy.sh
Then you should be able to find them in http://maven.ambraproject.org/maven2/release/org/plos/ned-client
See http://bundler.io/git.html
Perhaps add something like this to your Gemfile:
git 'https://github.com/plos/named-entities.service.git' do gem 'client/ruby' end
cd java && mvn clean install && cd ..
cd sample-java
mvn install -DskipTests && mvn exec:java
cd ruby
gem install ned_client-*.gem
cd ..
ruby sample.rb
pip install certifi six urllib3
PYTHONPATH=python python sample.py