This is a simple linux app intended to control some features of the MSI EC of some laptops
- Write to the EC is dangerous, use it at your own risk!
- This program was made for personal use and to meet personal requirements, I have added some checks to prevent myself from doing something that could damage my laptop, but it is not a guarantee that this program is not going to damage your laptop
- I don't have any association with MSI, and I made this only with documentation that I found online
- MSI GS65 Stealth 8SE
- Fedora 37
This project depends on acpi_ec and must be run as root for now (Read the RoadMap for more details)
- Basic information about CPU and GPU temperatures and fan speeds
- Control turbo bost
- Display CPU Fan Curve
- Display GPU Fan Curve
- Change fan curve
- Creation and selection of profiles
- Elevation of privilegies only when necessary
- I'm using this command for now but it has to be run every time the computer is restarted, also this could be dangerous as well:
sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ec
- CLI utility
This is the diagram that I'm using to control the EC, make sure your EC works the same way, also thanks to @YoyPa as I found that diagram in his isw project