Unified multi-datacenter multi-cluster kafka swiss-knife management console powered by golang.
- bash-autocomplete, alias, history supported
Unified multi-datacenter multi-cluster kafka swiss-knife management console.
A handy zookeeper CLI that supports recursive query.
Elastic haproxy that sits in front of kateway.
A fully-managed real-time secure and reliable RESTful Cloud Pub/Sub streaming message service.
Kafka clusters body guard that emits health info to InfluxDB.
go get github.com/funkygao/gafka
Unified multi-datacenter multi-cluster kafka swiss-knife management console
usage: gk [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
brokers Print online brokers from Zookeeper
checkup Health checkup of kafka runtime
clusters Register or display kafka clusters
config Display gk config file contents
console Interactive mode
consumers Print high level consumer groups from Zookeeper
controllers Print active controllers in kafka clusters
deploy Deploy a new kafka broker
discover Automatically discover online kafka clusters
kateway List/Config online kateway instances
lags Display high level consumers lag for each topic/partition
lszk List kafka related zookeepeer znode children
migrate Migrate given topic partition to specified broker ids
mount A FUSE module to mount a Kafka cluster in the filesystem
offset Manually reset consumer group offset
partition Add partition num to a topic for better parallel
peek Peek kafka cluster messages ongoing from any offset
ping Ping liveness of all registered brokers in a zone
sample Sample code of kafka producer/consumer in Java
top Unix “top” like utility for kafka
topics Manage kafka topics
topology Print server topology and balancing stats of kafka clusters
underreplicated Display under-replicated partitions
zktop Unix “top” like utility for ZooKeeper
zones Print zones defined in $HOME/.gafka.cf
zookeeper Monitor zone Zookeeper status by four letter word command
A CLI tool for Zookeeper
usage: zk [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
acl Show znode ACL info
console Interactive mode
create Create znode with initial data
dump Dump permanent directories and contents of Zookeeper
get Show znode data
ls List znode children
rm Remove znode
set Write znode data
stat Show znode status info
zones Print zones defined in $HOME/.gafka.cf
- display kafka server versions