I'm Xuyang WANG. I love to create something interesting. 👋
My ID is Nugine. Just a nuclear engine.
My blog site: https://nugine.xyz/
Programming languages: Rust, Python, C/C++, TypeScript/JavaScript, ...
Notable projects:
- Nugine/s3s: S3 Service Adapter
- Nugine/simd: SIMD-accelerated operations
- Nugine/rlimit: Resource limits
- Nugine/const-str: Compile-time string operations
- Nugine/redis-hyperloglog: Accelerate Redis PFCOUNT and PFMERGE by 12 times
- Nugine/zuc: ZUC Stream Cipher Algorithms
- Nugine/numeric_cast: Safely cast between numbers
- Nugine/asc: Atomic Strong Count
- Nugine/outref: Out reference
- Nugine/scoped-writer: Scoped writer utility
- Nugine/std-next: Opinionated utilities and polyfills
- Nugine/transform-stream: Lightweight async stream wrapper
- Nugine/wgp: Yet another waitgroup implementation
- Nugine/ordered-vecmap: Ordered map and set based on vectors and binary search
- Nugine/rust-utils: Various utilities and experimental ideas
- Nugine/bfjit: Brainfuck JIT 虚拟机教程
- Nugine/rdma: Low-level RDMA API
- Nugine/simdutf-rs: Unicode validation and transcoding at billions of characters per second
- Nugine/epkv: An experimental distributed key-value database using EPaxos protocol
- Nugine/setup-flatc: Setup flatc for use in actions
- Nugine/nuclear-router: A URL router library with focus on speed
- Nugine/nuclear: A web framework for humans
- Nugine/deno-manual-cn: Deno 中文手册
- Nugine/json-rs: A json parser for learning
- Nugine/mirage-tank: A simple library for creating "mirage tank" images
- Nugine/bpnn-rs: An implementation of BPNN in Rust
- ThinkSpiritLab/carapace: A code runner for online judge
- ThinkSpiritLab/ojcmp: Online judge comparer
- ThinkSpiritLab/ScrollBoard: 滚榜动画
- datenlord/s3-server: Generic S3 server implementation
- datenlord/aligned-utils: Common utilities to work with aligned values and allocation
- datenlord/async-fuse: asynchronous FUSE implementation
- ...
I have contributed to various projects:
- rust-lang/rust
- rust-lang/reference
- rust-lang/stdarch
- redis/redis
- valkey-io/valkey
- deepseek-ai/3FS
- denoland/deno
- uuid-rs/uuid
- denoland/rusty_v8
- rust-lang/socket2
- tikv/rust-rocksdb
- apache/opendal
- datenlord/datenlord
- RustMagazine/rust_magazine_2021
- minio/mc
- RustScan/RustScan
- DataDog/glommio
- console-rs/indicatif
- ibraheemdev/matchit
- Rust-Coding-Guidelines/rust-coding-guidelines-zh
- kpcyrd/syscallz-rs
- ...
If my open-source work has been helpful to you, please sponsor me.
Your contribution can help me cover the costs of hosting, development tools, and other expenses that come with creating high-quality software.
By sponsoring me, you'll also be supporting the wider open-source ecosystem. Your contribution will help to fund the development of other projects and allow developers to dedicate more time to improving the software that powers our world.
Every little bit helps, and I appreciate your support. Thank you!