A very lightweight and configurable cluster environment primarily intended for development and test of network functions.
To see how xcluster
can be used with
Kubernetes please see the Quick
Start section. See also the Kubernetes
An xcluster
consists of a number of identical (kvm) VMs. The disk
image is shared among the VMs and the qemu-img
function is used to allow individual writes (much like a layered
file-system). On start specified packages
(overlays) are installed.
The VMs are given "roles" depending on their hostname;
vm-001 - vm-200 Cluster nodes
vm-201 - vm-220 Router VMs
vm-221 - vm-240 Tester VMs
vm-250 - Reserved
- Quick Start
- 100 VMs
- Troubleshooting
- Misc info. Prettify xterms, use master-branch, and more...
- Networking. Default network and DNS setup.
- Network name space. Setup a netns for running
. - Overlays. How they work and how they are created
- Overlay index
- Disk-image and kernel. How they are created and extended.
- Build from scratch. If the binary release can't be used.
- Xcluster for CI. Headless operation.
- Local docker registry.
- Test
- Fedora. Not maintained.
- Alpine image in xcluster
In the earliest stage of start all VMs are mounting an iso image (cdrom) that may contain any number of tar-files called "overlays". The files are unpacked on root "/" in sort order and provides a primitive packaging system. The iso image is created from ovl directories. Example;
# Start an xcluster with overlays (xc is an alias for the xcluster.sh script)
xc mkcdrom iptools; xc start
NOTE; You do not normally install SW on a running xcluster
instead you create an overlay, include it in xc mkcdrom
re-start. Since re-start is so fast it is slower and clumsier to copy
sw to running VMs, e.g. with ssh
. read more.
To create a new ovl from a template:
xcadmin mkovl --template=template-k8s my-ovl
The ovls are created in $HOME/tmp/ovl by default.
is developed on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(>=7.0.0). It should
also work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS but this is not tested. It will
probably not work on other distributions (mainly due to variations in
libs). Xcluster can be started on Fedora but this
environment is not maintained. If you run on another distribution than
Ubuntu 22.04 you may run into problems with pre-built images and
cached overlays from the binary release when you add own programs
(because of library version probems). In that case there may be no
other option than to rebuild all images and overlays locally from
First you must be able to run a kvm
> kvm-ok
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used
# If it looks as above; fine! go on...
# If "kvm-ok" does not exist, install as below;
sudo apt install -y qemu-kvm
# To start kvm you must be in the "kvm" group;
sudo usermod -aG kvm $USER
# (you may have to logout/in to enable the new group)
Some additional packets may have to be installed. Below is the bare minimum for development you will need more;
sudo apt install -y xterm genisoimage jq screen
For image handling you will also need docker.
Options to the xcluster
functions can be specified on the command
line as "long options" for instance --nrouters=2
or as an
environment variable;
xc start --nrouter=2
# same as;
__nrouters=2 xc start
# same as;
export __nrouters=2
xc start
This makes it very easy to set default options. The current environment settings and default options can be printed with;
xc env
# If you need to use the settings in a script do;
eval $($XCLUSTER env)
The timezone in the VMs is set (by you) using the timezone overlay.
uses the $ARCHIVE directory to store for instance
downloaded archives. It defaults to $HOME/Downloads
but you might
want something better.
Verify that kvm
is installed and can be used and install
dependencies if necessary (see
id # (you must be member of the "kvm" group and preferably "docker")
sudo apt install -y xterm pxz genisoimage jq # (if necessary)
To get a k8s cluster with dual-stack running do;
XCDIR=$HOME/tmp # Change to your preference
mkdir -p $XCDIR
curl -L https://github.com/Nordix/xcluster/releases/download/$ver/xcluster-$ver.tar.xz | tar xJ
cd $XCDIR/xcluster
. ./Envsettings.k8s
curl -L http://artifactory.nordix.org/artifactory/cloud-native/xcluster/images/hd-k8s.img.xz | xz -d > $__image
xc mkcdrom; xc start # (no xterms? See below) (use "xc starts" to start without xterms)
vm 2 # Opens a terminal on vm-002
# In the terminal (on cluster) test things, for example;
kubectl get nodes # (may take ~10 sec to appear)
kubectl version --short
kubectl get node vm-002 -o json | jq .spec # "podCIDRs" is dual-stack
nslookup www.google.se # (doesn't work? See below)
wget -O /dev/null http://www.google.se # (doesn't work? See below)
# Traffic test with mconnect
kubectl apply -f /etc/kubernetes/mconnect/mconnect.yaml # (image is pre-pulled)
kubectl get svc
assign-lb-ip -svc mconnect-lb -ip
kubectl get svc
mconnect -address mconnect.default.svc.xcluster:5001 -nconn 100
No xterms? Start with "xtermopt=-hold xc start" to keep the window. See also the troubleshooting doc
Nslookup doesn't work? See DNS-troubleshooting
External access does not work (wget http://www.google.se)? Check your host firewall settings. If this does not work then images can not be loaded from external sites (docker.io).
Run a test-suite;
xcadmin k8s_test test-template basic > $log
Suggested reading;
- ovl/private-reg setup a local private registry
- ovl/k8s-xcluster to use different CNI-plugins
NOTE: xcluster
is intended for test and development of network
functions. It is not intended for general k8s application
If you want to use xcluster
for some more serious test/development
you must run xcluster
inside an own netns as described
In netns "bridged" networking is used, see the networking
While the user-space networking works (sort of) the performance is horrible, slow and lossy. This will cause all sorts of weird problems that you may not relate to poor network performance at first.
While not a requirement it is strongly recommended that you use a
private docker
Set the XOVLS
to automatically include the private-reg
export XOVLS="private-reg"
To keep up with xcluster
updates use a clone rather than a release
as described here.