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------------------------------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----
Looking for concrete5 5.7 development? It has its own repository: http://github.com/concrete5/concrete5-5.7.0/
This is the development distribution of concrete5. It is bleeding edge. The latest development build can be downloaded from https://github.com/concrete5/concrete5/zipball/master.
For the latest fully supported release, check out http://www.concrete5.org/download/
- Make sure your config/, packages/ and files/ directories are writable by a web server. These directories are in the root of the archive. This can either be done by making the owner of the directories the web server user, or by making them world writable using chmod 777 (in Linux/OS X.)
- Create a new MySQL database and a MySQL user account with the following privileges on that database: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER
- Visit your concrete5 site in your web browser. You should see an installation screen where you can specify your site's name, your base URL, and your database settings, and the rest of the information necessary to install concrete5.
- Click through and wait for the installation to complete.
- concrete5 should be installed.
The concrete5 git repository currently uses php "short tags". Pull requests should maintain this convention. Final release versions have short tags converted to long tags. Note: This issue has thoroughly discussed. Currently the shed is red but may be painted green in the future.
If short tags are not enabled in your development environment you can enable them either
- In
addshort_open_tag = On
- In Apache
addphp_value short_open_tag 1
You do not need to build assets in order to run the github master
This is only needed if you are hacking core javascript and css.
For further details see the build