Tau is a dynamically-typed open-source concurrent programming language designed to be minimal, fast and efficient.
In order to install Tau, you'll need Go and GCC.
Clone the repo with
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/NicoNex/tau
cd tau
sudo make install
You can try it out in the terminal by simply running tau
For additional info run tau --help
We all start from here...
println("Hello World")
As every interpreter Tau supports files either by passing the path to the interpreter or by using the shebang.
println("hello world")
$ tau helloworld.tau
hello world
myVar = 10
if myVar > 10 {
println("more than 10")
} else if myVar == 10 {
println("it's exactly 10")
} else {
fib = fn(n) {
if n < 2 {
return n
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
The return value can be implicit:
add = fn(x, y) { x + y }
sum = add(9, 1)
>>> 10
Also you can inline the if expressions:
a = 0
b = 1
minimum = if a < b { a } else { b }
The semicolon character ;
is implicit on a newline but can be used to separate multiple expressions on a single line.
printData = fn(a, b, c) { println(a); println(b); println(c) }
Functions are first-class and treated as any other data type.
min = fn(a, b) { if a < b { a } else { b } }
var1 = 1
var2 = 2
m = min(var1, var2)
>>> 1
# errtest.tau
div = fn(n, d) {
if d == 0 {
return error("zero division error")
n / d
if failed(result1 = div(16, 2)) {
println("the result of 16 / 2 is {result1}")
if failed(result2 = div(32, 0)) {
println("the result of 32 / 0 is {result2}")
$ tau errtest.tau
the result of 16 / 2 is 8
error: zero division error
# errtest.tau
increment = fn(n) {
return n + 1
increment("this will raise a runtime error")
error in file errtest.tau at line 4:
return n + 1
unsupported operator '+' for types string and int
Tau supports go-style concurrency.
This is obtained by the use of four builtins pipe
, send
, recv
creates a new FIFO pipe and optionally you can pass an integer to it to create a buffered pipe.send
is used to send values to the pipe.recv
is used to receive values from the pipe.close
closes the pipe.
Pipes can be buffered or unbuffered. Buffered pipes make the tau-routine sleep once send
is called until at least one value is read from the pipe.
Once recv
is called on an empty pipe it will cause the tau-routine to sleep until a new value is sent to the pipe.
is used to send values to the pipe.
closes the pipe thus allowing it to be garbage collected.
Calling recv
on a closed pipe will return null
listen = fn(p) {
for val = recv(p) {
println("bye bye...")
p = pipe()
tau listen(p)
send(p, "hello")
send(p, "world")
send(p, 123)
send(p, "this is a test")
Tau also comes with a multiline REPL:
Tau v2.0.0 on Linux
>>> repeat = fn(n, func) {
... for i = 0; i < n; ++i {
... func(i)
... }
... }
>>> repeat(5, fn(i) {
... println("Hello #{i}")
... })
Hello #0
Hello #1
Hello #2
Hello #3
Hello #4
Tau is a dynamically-typed programming language and it supports the following primitive types:
myVar = 10
myVar = 2.5
myString = "My string here"
Tau also supports strings interpolation.
temp = 25
myString = "The temperature is { if temp > 20 { \"hot\" } else { \"cold\" } }"
>>> The temperature is hot
For raw strings use the backtick instead of double quotes.
s = `this is a raw string\n {}`
>>> this is a raw string\n {}
t = true
f = false
pow = fn(base, exponent) {
if exponent > 0 {
return base * pow(base, exponent-1)
1 # You could optionally write 'return 1', but in this case the return is implicit.
Tau has an assortment of useful builtin functions that operate on many data types:
-- Returns the length of the given objectx
which could be a String, List, Map or Bytes.println(s)
-- Prints the Strings
to the terminal (standard out) along with a new-line.print(s)
-- Same asprintln()
but without a new-line.input(prompt)
-- Asks for input from the user by reading from the terminal (standard in) with an optional prompt.string(x)
-- Converts the objectx
to a String.error(s)
-- Constructs a new error with the contents of the Strings
-- Returns the type of the objectx
-- Converts the objectx
to an Integer.float(x)
-- Converts the objectx
to a Float.exit([code | message, code])
-- Terminates the program with the optional exit code and/or message.append(xs, x)
-- Appends the objectx
to the Listxs
and returns the new List.new
-- Constructs a new empty object.failed(f)
-- Calls the Functionf
and returns true if an error occurred.plugin(path)
-- Loads the Plugin at the given path.pipe
-- Creates a new pipe for sending/receiving messages to/from coroutines.send(p, x)
-- Sends the objectx
to the pipep
-- Reads from the pipep
and returns the next object sent to it.close(p)
-- Closes the pipep
-- Returns a hexadecimal representation ofx
-- Returns an octal representation ofx
-- Returns a binary representation ofx
.slice(x, start, end)
-- Returns a slice ofx
which could be a String, List or Bytes.keys(x)
-- Returns a List of keys of the Mapx
.delete(xs, x)
-- Deletes the keyx
from the Mapxs
-- Converts the Stringx
to Bytes.
empty = []
stuff = ["Hello World", 1, 2, 3, true]
You can append to a list with the append()
xs =[]
xs = append(xs, 1)
Lists can be indexed using the indexing operator [n]
xs = [1, 2, 3]
empty = {}
stuff = {"Hello": "World", 123: true}
Keys can be added using the set operator [key] = value
kv = {}
k["foo"] = "bar"
Keys can be accessed using the get operator [key]
kv = ["foo": "bar"}
for i = 0; i < 10; ++i {
println("hello world", i)
lst = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
for len(lst) > 0 {
println(lst = slice(lst, 1, len(lst)))
When you invoke the new()
builtin function, it creates a fresh, empty object. You can then add properties to this object using the dot notation.
The constructor is essentially a standard function that fills up this empty object with properties and values before it is returned.
Dog = fn(name, age) {
dog = new()
dog.name = name
dog.age = age
dog.humanage = fn() {
dog.age * 7
return dog
snuffles = Dog("Snuffles", 8)
>>> 56
When importing a module only the fields whose name start with an upper-case character will be exported.
Same thing applies for exported objects, in the example Snuffles
is exported but the field id
won't be visible ouside the module.
# import_test.tau
data = 123
printData = fn() {
printText = fn() {
println("example text")
TestPrint = fn() {
dog = fn(name, age) {
d = new()
d.Name = name
d.Age = age
d.id = 123
d.ID = fn() {
return d
Snuffles = dog("Mr Snuffles", 5)
it = import("import_test")
>>> 123
>>> example text
>>> Mr Snuffles
>>> 5
>>> 456
Tau plugin system makes it possible to import and use C shared libraries in Tau seamlessly. To run your C code in Tau just compile it with:
gcc -shared -o mylib.so -fPIC mylib.c
then you can import it in Tau with the plugin
builtin function.
myplugin = plugin("path/to/myplugin.so")
C code:
#include <stdio.h>
void hello() {
puts("Hello World!");
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int sub(int a, int b) {
return a - b;
Tau code:
myplugin = plugin("mylib.so")
println("The sum is", int(myplugin.add(3, 2)))
println("The difference is", int(myplugin.sub(3, 2)))
>>> Hello World!
>>> The sum is 5
>>> The difference is 1