Create signs with custom actions.
- Any sign can store a list of actions, which are triggered by left-clicking or right-clicking the sign.
- Actions include sending messages, teleporting players, editing player inventories, sending redstone signals and even executing arbitrary commands.
- Sign actions can be edited and copied from one sign to another.
- Sign actions are stored using BlockStore, and so will be preserved in map downloads for use past the end of a server revision.
The EasySigns plugin is a reimplementation of a CommandHelper package documented at There are some differences in the options provided by this plugin.
The CommandHelper /easy-sign
command shadows the corresponding command in
this plugin. You can access this plugin's command as /easysigns:easy-sign
, but
to simplify access, all commands in this plugin also have an alias beginning
with /es
instead of /easy-sign
, e.g. /es-info
instead of /easy-sign-info
For a list of all commands and options, simply run /es
. Use /help <command>
e.g. /help /es-reorder
for documentation on specific commands.
Various sign actions specify items as <item>
and <qty>
; the former is the
case insensitive name of a Bukkit API Material
like "dirt" and the latter is the quantity as an integer.
EasySigns actions that send messages support formatting codes using '&' followed by '0' - '9', 'a' - 'f', 'k' - 'o' and 'r'.
Sign actions that send messages or run commands are subject to variable
substitution, whereby character sequences of the form %variable%
are replaced
with computed values. The sequence %%
can be used to signify a single %
Replaced sequences and their substitution text are listed below.
Variable | Substitution |
%x% | Integer X coordinate of the sign. |
%y% | Integer Y coordinate of the sign. |
%z% | Integer Z coordinate of the sign. |
%w% | World containing the player and sign. |
%p% | The name of the player who clicked the sign that is performing the action. |
%px% | Integer X coordinate of the player. |
%py% | Integer Y coordinate of the player. |
%pz% | Integer Z coordinate of the player. |
%px.% | Floating point X coordinate of the player. |
%py.% | Floating point Y coordinate of the player. |
%pz.% | Floating point Z coordinate of the player. |
For backwards compatibility, some actions also support the use of %s
signify the player's name.
The following sign actions support variable substitution: announce
, cmd
, lore
, msg
, opcmd
, take
and takeheld
When cmd
and opcmd
actions run CommandHelper aliases, it is necessary to
use the CommandHelper /runalias
command to run the command. For example,
given a CommandHelper /say
alias, you might do:
/es opcmd runalias say Hello %p%!
This advice only applies to commands written in CommandHelper MethodScript.
The /easy-sign
or /es
command appends one "action" to the list of actions
performed by the sign. It has the syntax:
- Either:
/easy-sign <action> [<args> ...]
- Or equivlently:
/es <action> [<args> ...]
Multiple actions can be added to each sign, and are run in the same order that they are listed, when clicked by a player.
In order to edit the actions performed by a sign, you must have the requisite permissions and you must be looking at a sign.
The first argument to the /es
or /easy-sign
command is the "action" performed
by the sign. Subsequent arguments vary with the action and provide additional
information specific to the action performed.
The syntax of action arguments is represented in the following ways:
signifies a value that must be supplied by the user running the command.[<value>]
signifies that the value can be omitted.<value1> ... <valueN>
signifies a series of N values of similar type and purpose.<value1> ...
signifies a varying length series of 1 or more similar values.
The following table describes the syntax of arguments to the various EasySigns actions.
Action | Arguments | Description |
announce | <message> |
Sets up an announcement sign. The message is broadcast (only once) when a player clicks the sign. The message supports formatting codes and variable substitution. Subsequent actions are aborted if the sign has already announced for the player. |
cart | [<world>] <x> <y> <z> |
Spawns a minecart at the specified location. |
check-empty-inventory | [<message>] |
If the player's inventory is not empty, do not execute any subsequent sign actions and show <message> , if specified. Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. |
ci | Clears the player's inventory. | |
clearpotions | Clears all potion effects. | |
cmd | <command> |
Runs a command as the user. Omit the leading slash. Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. |
cooldown | <seconds> |
Prevents the player from using the sign again until <seconds> have elapsed. Subsequent sign actions are blocked until the cooldown has expired. |
dropinventory | [<world>] <x> <y> <z> [<scatter>] |
Drops a copy of your current inventory at the specified coordinates. If <scatter> is true , give the dropped items random velocities. |
give | <item> <qty> [<slot>] or held [<slot>] |
Gives the player an item, specified either as a material and quantity, or as the word 'held' signifying the item currently held by the user configuring the sign. Place it in the specified inventory slot number, or a free slot if not specified. |
heal | [<gap>] |
Refills a player's health. If <gap> is provided (it defaults to 0) then the player gets a half a heart every <gap> seconds. 0 means fill it up instantly. |
hunger | Refills a player's hunger bar. | |
inventory | [<clear>] |
Clears the player's inventory and gives them an exact copy of your current inventory. If <clear> is true, the player's inventory will be cleared before giving them the items; otherwise the items will be added to what the player has in their inventory. |
launch | <x> <y> <z> |
Launches a player with the specified velocity vector. The magnitude of the vector cannot exceed 10. That is, sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) must be less than or equal to 10. |
leather | <red> <green> <blue> <item1> ... <itemN> |
Gives the player leather armor with the specified red, green and blue color components (0 - 255). <item1> to <itemN> are a list of items to give and can only be: helmet , chestplate , leggings or boots . |
lore | <item> <qty> <lore>||<itemmsg>||<qtymsg> |
Takes a specified quantity of an item from a player if it has the required lore. Unlike the take action, the player must be holding the item in their main hand when they click the sign. Colors in the lore are ignored and multiple lines are concatenated without spaces. The item must be in the player's hand. If the wrong item is held, <itemmsg> is shown. If it is the right item but insufficient in quantity, <qtymsg> is shown. The <lore> , <itemmsg> and <qtymsg> can all be multiple words. Formatting codes and variable substitution are allowed. The double-bar sequence, || , is used to separate those arguments. If the item is not taken for whatever reason, subsequent sign actions are not processed. Caution: multiple consecutive spaces in any of these strings will be replaced with single spaces. |
max | <uses> |
Allows the sign to be used <uses> times and no more. No other commands will be run once the limit is reached. |
msg | <message> |
Sends the player a message. Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. |
opcmd | <command> |
Runs a command as OP, as the console user. Omit the leading slash. Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. Note that this action does NOT confer operator permissions to a player. It runs a command in the console, and so you will usually want to format the name of the affected player, %p% , and possibly their coordinates, into the command. |
pay | <amount> |
The Item to pay is determined by the item held when the command is run to set this action. Allows players to pay into the sign to unlock subsequent actions. Example: /easy-sign pay 32 while holding a diamond would require a player to pay 32 diamonds before the next action runs. Once paid off, no more payment is needed and subsequent actions run every time. |
potion | <effect> <strength> <seconds> |
Applies a potion effect to the player. <strength> must be at least 1 and <duration> is in seconds. |
randloc | [<min-distance>] <max-distance> |
Teleports the player to a randomly selected surface location between <min-distance> and <max-distance> blocks from 0,0. If <min-distance> is omittted, it is assumed to be 0. The plugin makes 10 attempts to find a safe location to put the player, and then gives up with an error message, aborting subsequent sign actions. |
redstone | Causes the sign to emit a redstone signal. | |
setbed | [<world>] <x> <y> <z> |
Sets the player's bed respawn location to the specified position. |
sleep | Sets the player's bed respawn location to their position when they clicked the sign. | |
sound | <sound> <volume> <pitch> [<ambient>] |
Plays a sound to the player, or to everyone if <ambient> is true . Sounds types are those specified by the Bukkit Sound API. <volume> is the range of the sound in blocks, divided by 15; that is, a volume of 1.0 corresponds to a range of about 15 blocks. <pitch> varies from 0.5 (half speed playback) to 2.0 (double speed playback). |
take | <item> <qty> <failmsg> |
Takes <qty> of the material <item> from a player. If they don't have enough, the <failmsg> is shown, and no other commands will be run. Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. |
takeheld | <qty> [<itemmsg>||<qtymsg>] |
Takes the item in the player's main hand if it matches what is expected. If the wrong item or insufficient items are offered, subsequent sign actions are not executed and either <itemmsg> or <qtymsg> is shown, as appropriate. The <itemmsg> and <qtymsg> can be omitted, in which case they default to 'Insufficient items.' and 'That's not the right item!' respectively. If messages are specified, they must be separated by a double bar, || . Formatting codes and variable substitution are supported. |
tpbed | Teleports the player back to their bed. If the player doesn't have a bed spawn, subsequent actions are aborted. | |
warp | [<world>] <x> <y> <z> [<yaw>] [<pitch>] |
Teleports the player to the specified X, Y and Z coordinates in the specified world, or the current world if no world is specified. If the yaw and pitch, are specified, they set the player's look angles in degrees at the new location. |
- List all actions on the sign you are currently looking at.- Alias:
- Alias:
/easy-sign-remove <index>
- Remove the action with the specified numeric index, where index 1 is the first action.- Alias:
- Alias:
/easy-sign-reorder <from-index> <to-index>
- Remove the action at the specified "from" index and re-add it at the specified "to" index.- Alias:
- Alias:
- Remove all actions from a sign.- Alias:
- Alias:
- Copy the sign's actions to the clipboard.- Alias:
- Alias:
- Paste the copied actions from the clipboard to another sign.- Alias:
- Alias:
/easy-sign-used <player> [<count>]
- Get or set the number of times that<player>
has used a sign. Omit the<count>
to get the number.- Alias:
- Alias:
This plugin depends on BlockStore.
No permissions are required to execute sign actions by clicking on a sign.
Full access to all commands is granted by the easysigns.commands.*
That permission encompasses the following permissions:
Permission | Description |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign |
Access to the /easy-sign command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-info |
Access to the /easy-sign-info command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-remove |
Access to the /easy-sign-remove command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-reorder |
Access to the /easy-sign-reorder command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-delete |
Access to the /easy-sign-delete command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-copy |
Access to the /easy-sign-copy command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-paste |
Access to the /easy-sign-paste command. |
easysigns.commands.easy-sign-used |
Access to the /easy-sign-used command. |