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In health and social sciences, it is critically important to identify subgroups of the study population where a treatment has notable heterogeneity in the causal effects with respect to the average treatment effect (ATE). The bulk of heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) literature focuses on two major tasks: (i) estimating HTEs by examining the conditional average treatment effect (CATE); (ii) discovering subgroups of a population characterized by HTE.
Several methodologies have been proposed for both tasks, but providing interpretability in the results is still an open challenge. Bargagli-Stoffi et al. (2023) proposed Causal Rule Ensemble, a new method for HTE characterization in terms of decision rules, via an extensive exploration of heterogeneity patterns by an ensemble-of-trees approach, enforcing stability in the discovery. CRE is an R Package providing a flexible implementation of the Causal Rule Ensemble algorithm.
Installing from CRAN.
Installing the latest developing version.
install_github("NSAPH-Software/CRE", ref="develop")
Data (required)
The observed response/outcome vector (binary or continuous).
The treatment/exposure/policy vector (binary).
The covariate matrix (binary or continuous).
Parameters (not required)
The list of parameters to define the models used, including:
The ratio of data delegated to the discovery sub-sample (default: 0.5).ite_method_dis
The method to estimate the individual treatment effect (ITE) on the discovery sub-sample (default: 'aipw') [1].ps_method_dis
The estimation model for the propensity score on the discovery sub-sample (default: 'SL.xgboost').or_method_dis
The estimation model for the outcome regressions estimate_ite_aipw on the discovery sub-sample (default: 'SL.xgboost').ite_method_inf
The method to estimate the individual treatment effect (ITE) on the inference sub-sample (default: 'aipw') [1].ps_method_inf
The estimation model for the propensity score on the inference subsample (default: 'SL.xgboost').or_method_inf
The estimation model for the outcome regressions in estimate_ite_aipw on the inference subsample (default: 'SL.xgboost').
The list of hyper parameters to finetune the method, including:
Intervention-able variables used for Rules Generation (default: NULL).offset
Name of the covariate to use as offset (i.e. 'x1') for T-Poisson ITE Estimation. NULL if not used (default: NULL).ntrees_rf
A number of decision trees for random forest (default: 20).ntrees_gbm
A number of decision trees for the generalized boosted regression modeling algorithm. (default: 20).node_size
Minimum size of the trees' terminal nodes (default: 20).max_nodes
Maximum number of terminal nodes per tree (default: 5).max_depth
Maximum rules length (default: 3).replace
Boolean variable for replacement in bootstrapping (default: TRUE).t_decay
The decay threshold for rules pruning (default: 0.025).t_ext
The threshold to define too generic or too specific (extreme) rules (default: 0.01).t_corr
The threshold to define correlated rules (default: 1).t_pvalue
The threshold to define statistically significant rules (default: 0.05).stability_selection
Whether or not using stability selection for selecting the causal rules (default: TRUE).cutoff
Threshold defining the minimum cutoff value for the stability scores (default: 0.9).pfer
Upper bound for the per-family error rate (tolerated amount of falsely selected rules) (default: 1).penalty_rl
Order of penalty for rules length during LASSO for Causal Rules Discovery (i.e. 0: no penalty, 1: rules_length, 2: rules_length^2) (default: 1).
Additional Estimates (not required)
The estimated ITE vector. If given, both the ITE estimation steps in Discovery and Inference are skipped (default: NULL).
[1] Options for the ITE estimation are as follows:
- S-Learner (
) - T-Learner (
) - T-Poisson (
) - X-Learner (
) - Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (
) - Causal Forests (
) - Causal Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (
if other estimates of the ITE are provided in ite
additional argument, both the ITE estimations in discovery and inference are skipped and those values estimates are used instead.
Example 1 (default parameters)
dataset <- generate_cre_dataset(n = 1000,
rho = 0,
n_rules = 2,
p = 10,
effect_size = 2,
binary_covariates = TRUE,
binary_outcome = FALSE,
confounding = "no")
y <- dataset[["y"]]
z <- dataset[["z"]]
X <- dataset[["X"]]
cre_results <- cre(y, z, X)
Example 2 (personalized ite estimation)
dataset <- generate_cre_dataset(n = 1000,
rho = 0,
n_rules = 2,
p = 10,
effect_size = 2,
binary_covariates = TRUE,
binary_outcome = FALSE,
confounding = "no")
y <- dataset[["y"]]
z <- dataset[["z"]]
X <- dataset[["X"]]
ite_pred <- ... # personalized ite estimation
cre_results <- cre(y, z, X, ite = ite_pred)
Example 3 (setting parameters)
dataset <- generate_cre_dataset(n = 1000,
rho = 0,
n_rules = 2,
p = 10,
effect_size = 2,
binary_covariates = TRUE,
binary_outcome = FALSE,
confounding = "no")
y <- dataset[["y"]]
z <- dataset[["z"]]
X <- dataset[["X"]]
method_params = list(ratio_dis = 0.25,
ps_method_dis = "SL.xgboost",
oreg_method_dis = "SL.xgboost",
ite_method_inf = "aipw",
ps_method_inf = "SL.xgboost",
oreg_method_inf = "SL.xgboost")
hyper_params = list(intervention_vars = c("x1","x2","x3","x4"),
offset = NULL,
ntrees_rf = 20,
ntrees_gbm = 20,
node_size = 20,
max_nodes = 5,
max_depth = 3,
t_decay = 0.025
t_ext = 0.025,
t_corr = 1,
t_pvalue = 0.05,
replace = FALSE,
stability_selection = TRUE,
cutoff = 0.8,
pfer = 0.1,
penalty_rl = 1)
cre_results <- cre(y, z, X, method_params, hyper_params)
More synthetic data sets can be generated using generate_cre_dataset()
More exhaustive simulation studies and real world experiment of CRE package can be found at
Please note that the CRE project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
Causal Rule Ensemble (methodological paper)
title={{Causal rule ensemble: Interpretable Discovery and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects}},
author={Bargagli-Stoffi, Falco J and Cadei, Riccardo and Lee, Kwonsang and Dominici, Francesca},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09036},
CRE (software paper)
title = {CRE: an R package for Interpretable Discovery and Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect},
author = {Cadei, Riccardo and Khoshnevis, Naeem and Bargagli-Stoffi, Falco J and Lee, Kwonsang and Garcia, Daniela Maria},
year = {2023},
journal={Working paper},
url = {},
CRE (CRAN package)
title = {CRE: Interpretable Subgroups Identification Through Ensemble Learning of Causal Rules},
author = {Khoshnevis, Naeem and Garcia, Daniela Maria and Cadei, Riccardo and Lee, Kwonsang and Bargagli-Stoffi, Falco J},
year = {2023},
note = {R package version},
url = {},