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  • Yokohama, Japan

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Programming is the writing contains semetic consistency about the domain story

  • 👋 Hi, I’m @N0FreeLunch
  • 👀 I’m interested in programming language theory, concurrency programming, beautiful code, semantic abstract
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Laravel TDD/DDD, DDD with function composition (JS), ReactJS, Golang, Agile software development
  • ⭐ I’m a specialist to deal the complexity of software

Main Skill

  1. Javascript : Regexp, DOM manipulation, FP(RamdaJS), OOP, Prototype knowledge, Webpack, event-loop/callback-queue knowledge, blocking/non-blocking, sync/async, React(Mui, rendering optimization)
  2. PHP : PHP8+, OOP, RFC/Reference Analysis, Pest(Test Framework)
  3. Laravel : IOC/DI, RESTful API, EloquentORM, Collection, Batch(Scheduler, Queue, Job), Middleware, Validation(+Customizing), Page Session, API session(Sanctum)/JWT/token Authentication, Event/Listner, Schema/Data Migration, DDD(Layered Architecture, Bounded Context, Ubiquitous Language, Specification Pattern)
  4. AWS : EC2(ALB, Spot Instance, Auto scale), Lambda, RDS, cloudfront, cloudwatch, S3, Athena, Route53, SES/SNS, API Gateway, IAM, Elastic Cache, ECS(EC2, cloudformation), Secret Manager
  5. Database : MySQL, Redis, SQLite, PostgreSQL, ERDiagram
  6. Web knowledge : HTTP protocol standard, nginx(php server, proxy server, static contents server), SSL certification (let's encrypt), Web security (XSS, SQL Injection, Code/File Injection, CSRF, TLS ...), Secure coding
  7. CSS : SASS, Responsive web
  8. OS Environment : Linux(AMI, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Alpine), OSX, WSL, Shell Script (Bash)
  9. Docker : YAML, docker compose


  • Python : django, gunicorn , numpy, pandas, keras, jupyter notebook, pyplot ...
  • Node : Express, pm2, nodemon, VueJS, Jquery, Bootstrap ...
  • Data visualization : P5, D3
  • etc : wordpress, object storage

Experience (student)

  • Java, C
  • capstone : Transmitting sensor data aduino necklace to smartphone in kindergarten service (Cordova mobile application processes a lot of data from BLE using JS event loop)


  • School of computer information department (~ 2018.03)
  • ADtech corporation 2018.06 ~ 2021.09
  • PinTech corporation 2021.10 ~


  • 8.x 9.x 10.x

Work (Pin Tech)

House rent payment system for real estate company

2022 (Major task)

  • Docker setting (To define auto webpack building and composer installing process with considering security and maintanace when deploy build system) (shell script, linux user and file/foler permission, composer, NVM, NodeJS, webpack)
  • HTTP request/response logging system (Laravel middleware, Event/Listener, singleton pattern)
  • Refactored code MC to MVC architecture structure using laravel-admin library (Layer separation, EloquentORM, interface, abstract class)
  • Integrated a user payment status decision logic was separated and improved status logic with more complexity (Eloquent ORM, drawing flow chart, defining binded context)
  • Made a batch process that makes zengin file used on Japan interbank payments system. (Add docker queue container, S3, MinIO, Laravel queue/scheduler, eloquentORM chunk, php file handler)
  • Version upgrade overcoming the limitation of libraries (webpack:laravel-mix, sass, VanilaJS, Bootstrap, Jquery)
  • Improved code to verify PCIDSS(Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance. (first verification passed)
  • Made a module that controls the changes in complexity domain logic for recurring billing start condition.
  • Refactored batch processes uses table/record lock to queue/job base code.
  • Refactored mud-ball code to groupifided well defined domain context code and testable code.
  • Refactored query builder base code to eloquentORM with the concept of specification pattern.
  • Refactored incorrect migration data, incorrect seedings, incorrect rollback processes to the right way.
  • PHP and Laravel version upgrade. (Laravel 5.8 to 8.x, php 7.3 to 8.1)

2023 (Major task)

  • Made batch cancellation APIs and artisan commands. (artisan console, queue, job)
  • Improved a batch process create Invoices and Reports using queue/job/triggered by an administrator instead of being solely batched by the scheduler. (job, queue)
  • Added batch execution API for QA to test batches. (middleware that resctirct production environment, artisan console)
  • Improved bulk change feature for user contract and payment status.
  • Refactored the accounting file generation batch. (query builder to eloquent)
  • Enhanced account payment system to use saved information when a time file is uploaded.
  • Project code quality management. Production server deploy schedule management.
  • Project design and task assignment considering path dependence and nudge in social psychology.
  • Adoption of static analysis tools. (larastan)
  • Refactored card payment system code. Adding unit test. Improving retry payment feature. (Payment API mocking, pest, writting test scenario, customize type that restrict date string, value object)
  • Improved code to verify PCIDSS compliance. (customized validation)
  • NodeJS and JS pacakge version upgrade (Node16 to 20 LTS)
  • Improved invoices and reports for changing Japan invoice policy. (Laravel blade, Code refactor using the parial concept)
  • Added parent companies management system that enables to manage child companies. (customizing library session middleware, singleton pattern)
  • Created a smart login feature that allows parent accounts to login to child accounts. (customizing middleware, CSRF, dealing complex M:N relation matching logic, Api Token Login, JS OOP)

2024 (Major task)

  • Created a logging feature that record deprecated syntax. (laravel logging/job, monolog libray)
  • Added feature test environment. (pest, pgsql/sqlite(inmemory), model factory, fakerPHP)
  • Refactored email sending logic to encapsulate domain constraints. (TDD)
  • Adding end-user entry form customize feature ((env: pnpm, Vite, SWC, TS), (React: Zustand, SWR, session storage, react-router, Mui, Feature-Sliced Design), eloquent-collection/resources, CORS, Server API (TDD))
    • Create a management page to customize 100 items.
    • Add new payment status decision flow.
    • Improve initial cost issue logic.

Work (AD tech)

SSP (supply side platform) developer, challenging DSP (demand side platform) part

AD server development

  • Script for showing advertise to media web site from AD network. Being published in media site web page advertise area. (Vanilla JS, webpack(Code Obfuscation), DOM manipulate)
  • Crawling advertise sending report and monthly bill data from AD network web site. (php, nodejs, login with hacking cookie saving logic)
  • Maintenance web service that site owner request advertise script. (Laravel)

AD network development

  • Admin service and user client service development/management/maintenance (Laravel, Vue2, vue-router, JWT)
  • API server development/management/maintenance (Gin framework, connection pool, EC2)
  • Batch server management/maintenance (AWS Lambda)
  • Serving server management/maintenance (Gin framework, connection pool, EC2, auto scale, Spot instance)

The Others

Video service

  • Video service web site management/maintenance (30~40TB/month traffic video contents server, 30~50GB/month web page traffic server with Laravel)

E-Commercial site web page

  • Listing and showing similar clothes with clothes picture using artificial intelligent API in EC site. (Vanilla JS, webpack, SASS, FP, DOM manipulate, IE compatibility, CoreJS, Babel-polyfill)

Web system for people with disabilities

  • In-house web system (Domain group and domain layer design, EC2, SASS, Laravel Santurm (session authenticate protocol with ajax), Query result caching, ReactJS)


  • Static web site A (Laravel, AWS EC2, SASS, AWS lambda, AWS SES), B (ReactJS, Nginx, Google App script)


  • OS Migration : AMI -> AMI2 (with AWS Graviton)
  • Making recoverable servers with saving built server to EBS
  • Making server application building process with EC2 instance user data script
  • Applying SSL to outdated server with reverse proxy

I’m currently learning



  • To learn OOP FP abstraction programming with PHP
  • Basic php programming practice without web framework
  • Design pattern
  • FP


  • To learn standard laravel coding style and best practice
  • DDD
  • practice


  • To learn concurrency programming with go routine and channel
  • To make superfast micro service, short latency response server, many request processing server
  • To learn the reason of Golang design has different design philosophy comparing with other programming languages
  • golang practice


  • To understand user inteface with reactive architecture (UI = view(state or store))
  • practice

lay the ground work (go back to basics)


Future plan

  • Elm : To learn functional coding architecture, understand redux principle
  • Elixir : To improve pure functional programming skill. To understand actor model
  • Scala : To understanding integration funtional programming and object oriented programming
  • C++ : To learn avida(evolution simulator), automata theory, formal language
  • Rust : To understand concurrency programming without garbage collector
  • Python : To learn mathematics using programming, bioinformation, semantic information theory with machine learning, Alphafold
  • Haskell : To learn mathematical logic and understand the equivalence of Turing machines and lambda calculus
  • Verilog : To make a system with boolean algebra

Pinned Loading

  1. PHP_Laravel-Development-Note Public

    PHP study, Issuing licenses to prevent unauthorized AI crawling and data scraping


  2. Laravel-DDD-Note Public

    [Book report] Domain Driven Laravel


  3. Javascript-Development-Note Public

    JS study, Issuing licenses to prevent unauthorized AI crawling and data scraping

  4. react-study Public

    React study, Issuing licenses to prevent unauthorized AI crawling and data scraping


  5. webpack Public

    [Ko] How to create static website with webpack?

    HTML 1

922 contributions in the last year

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