- Sao Paulo - Brazil
- mrs4w.github.io/me/
listened-albums Public
💿 List of all "new" albums listened to during the years
courses Public
🤓 📚 General online courses exercises.
cubo-fullstack-challenge Public
Desafio full-stack proposto pela Cubo Itaú.
github-explorer Public
Hands-on React application, fetch data from github public API.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 23, 2021 -
frontinsampa.github.io Public
Forked from frontinsampa/frontinsampa.github.ioJavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2021 -
AngularOfLegends Public
Forked from ivinzivel/angular-of-legendsFull Client clone developed by Riot Games for the League of Legends game
SCSS UpdatedFeb 25, 2021 -
eventos Public
Forked from frontendbr/eventos📅 Lista de eventos, meetups, encontros e qualquer tipo de aglomeração frontender
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
felipefialho.com Public
Forked from felipefialho/felipefialho.com😺 My personal website
vagas Public
Forked from frontendbr/vagas🔬 Espaço para divulgação de vagas para front-enders.
graphql-serverless Public
Forked from muriloamendola/graphql-serverlessSample project to guide the use of GraphQL and Serverless Architecture.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 9, 2019 -
APP-questoes-AP3 Public
📱 Projeto com o objetivo de saber quantas questões precisa acertar na avaliação AP3.
webedia-backend-challenge Public
🌐 Desafio back-end proposto pela Webedia Brasil.
universe-v2 Public
🌍 Projeto acadêmico para a disciplina de desenvolvimento de software AP2 de 2018.1.
universe-v1 Public
🌎 Projeto acadêmico para a disciplina de desenvolvimento de software AP1 de 2018.1.
Java UpdatedFeb 2, 2019 -
Django-tutorial Public
🐍 Tutorial contained in Django's official website.
Python UpdatedJan 18, 2019 -
Twitter-bot Public
🤖 A chatbot that tweets a random number every 30 seconds and when someone follow it, tweets a thank you message.