OpenSourceName | Description | Link |
SwiftAsyncMutex | A Swift utility for managing and synchronizing concurrent tasks with a defined limit on the number of simultaneous executions. | |
SwiftEventShooter | Archive swift error or event through messageble platform | |
What does not kill me makes me stronger
- SQL Developer(SQLD) 24.12
- Engineer Information Processing(정보처리기사) 24.06
- boostcamp Web / Mobile 8th membership 23.07 ~ 23.08
- boostcamp Web / Mobile 8th challenge 23.09 ~ 23.12
check check (📚 book review)
"Camus had often told friends that nothing was more scandalous than the death of a child, and nothing more absurd than to die in a car accident."
"어린아이의 죽음보다 더 분노할 만한 일은 없고, 자동차 사고로 죽는 것보다 더 부조리한 것은 없다."