This is an advanced pong game.
- W/S to control left paddle, up/down arrow keys for right paddle
- If on a mobile device, long press the screen and drag the paddles for touch input
- Ball deflects a bit after each hit with the paddle.
- Hitting the middle of the paddle when the ball is fast enough results in a "combo". Three combo in a row will result in a "boom", in which the ball will double its speed.
- Every once in a while a yellow "drop" will appear. (more likely if ball is high speed, especially in a "boom") If the ball hits it, a random event will happen
- There are rarer red "drops", which cause more interesting events such as gravity or the removal of walls.
The game is built into a single html file, which is present in the git repository. To build the game yourself:
- You need Bun. Install it if you haven't already.
- Install all dependencies:
bun install
- Run the build script:
bun run build