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MicaFlow: Accessible, fast, and pythonic MRI processing pipeline

MicaFlow is a comprehensive neuroimaging pipeline designed for processing structural and diffusion MRI data. It offers modular components that can be used as part of a cohesive workflow or as standalone tools.


  • Structural MRI Processing: T1w and FLAIR image processing
  • Diffusion MRI Processing: Complete pipeline for DWI processing
  • Brain Extraction: HD-BET for robust skull stripping
  • Deep Learning Segmentation: SynthSeg for brain segmentation and parcellation
  • Image Registration: Multi-modal coregistration and spatial normalization to standard spaces
  • Texture Features: Advanced texture feature generation
  • Quality Control: Built-in QC metrics and visualization
  • Modular Design: Components can be used independently or as a complete pipeline
  • Flexible Configuration: Via command line arguments or YAML configuration files



  • Python 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11

Installation Steps

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd micaflow

# Install the package
pip install -e .

# Verify installation
micaflow --help


MicaFlow can be used as a complete pipeline or as individual modules:

Running the Full Pipeline

# Basic usage with T1w only
micaflow pipeline --subject sub-001 --session ses-01 \
  --data-directory /path/to/data --t1w-file sub-001_ses-01_T1w.nii.gz \
  --out-dir /output/path --cores 4 --cpu

# With FLAIR image
micaflow pipeline --subject sub-001 --session ses-01 \
  --data-directory /path/to/data --t1w-file sub-001_ses-01_T1w.nii.gz \
  --flair-file sub-001_ses-01_FLAIR.nii.gz --out-dir /output/path \
  --cores 4 --cpu

# With diffusion data
micaflow pipeline --subject sub-001 --session ses-01 \
  --data-directory /path/to/data --t1w-file sub-001_ses-01_T1w.nii.gz \
  --run-dwi --dwi-file sub-001_ses-01_dwi.nii.gz \
  --bval-file sub-001_ses-01_dwi.bval --bvec-file sub-001_ses-01_dwi.bvec \
  --inverse-dwi-file sub-001_ses-01_acq-PA_dwi.nii.gz \
  --out-dir /output/path --cores 4 --cpu

Using Individual Modules

Each module can be used independently:

Brain Extraction (HD-BET)

micaflow bet --input t1w.nii.gz --output brain.nii.gz --output-mask mask.nii.gz

Brain Segmentation (SynthSeg)

micaflow synthseg --i t1w.nii.gz --o segmentation.nii.gz --parc --fast --threads 4

Image Registration

micaflow coregister --fixed-file target.nii.gz --moving-file source.nii.gz \
  --output registered.nii.gz --warp-file warp.nii.gz --affine-file affine.mat

Apply Transformations

micaflow apply_warp --moving image.nii.gz --reference target.nii.gz \
  --warp warp.nii.gz --affine affine.mat --output warped.nii.gz

Diffusion Processing

# Denoise DWI data
micaflow denoise --input dwi.nii.gz --bval dwi.bval --bvec dwi.bvec --output denoised_dwi.nii.gz

# Motion correction
micaflow motion_correction --denoised denoised_dwi.nii.gz --bval dwi.bval --bvec dwi.bvec --output motion_corrected_dwi.nii.gz

# Susceptibility distortion correction
micaflow SDC --input motion_corrected_dwi.nii.gz --reverse-image reverse_phase_dwi.nii.gz \
  --output corrected_dwi.nii.gz --output-warp sdc_warpfield.nii.gz

# Compute DTI metrics
micaflow compute_fa_md --input preprocessed_dwi.nii.gz --bval dwi.bval --bvec dwi.bvec \
  --output-fa fa_map.nii.gz --output-md md_map.nii.gz

Texture Feature Extraction

micaflow texture_generation --input image.nii.gz --mask mask.nii.gz --output texture_features

Pipeline Workflow

The pipeline performs the following processing steps:

  1. Brain Extraction: Using HD-BET for T1w, FLAIR, and DWI
  2. Bias Field Correction: Using N4 bias field correction
  3. Brain Segmentation: Using SynthSeg for T1w and FLAIR
  4. Registration:
    • FLAIR to T1w space
    • T1w to MNI152 standard space
  5. DWI Processing (if enabled):
    • Denoising with Patch2Self
    • Motion correction
    • Susceptibility distortion correction
    • Tensor fitting and DTI metrics calculation
    • Registration to T1w space
  6. Texture Feature Generation: On normalized images
  7. Quality Control: Calculating quality metrics

Output Structure

The pipeline creates a structured output directory:

├── <subject>/
│   └── <session>/
│       ├── anat/             # Anatomical images (brain-extracted, bias-corrected)
│       ├── dwi/              # Processed diffusion data and DTI metrics
│       ├── metrics/          # Quality metrics and Jaccard indices
│       ├── textures/         # Texture features
│       └── xfm/              # Transformation matrices and warps


MicaFlow can be configured via:

  1. Command Line Arguments: For quick setup and individual module usage
  2. Configuration File: YAML file for complex setups (specify with --config-file)
  3. Default Configuration: Located in config.yaml

System Requirements

  • CPU: Multi-core recommended for parallel processing
  • RAM: 8GB minimum, 16GB+ recommended
  • GPU: Optional but recommended for faster processing (CUDA compatible)
  • Disk Space: Depends on dataset size, minimum 10GB recommended

Supported Image Formats

  • NIfTI (.nii, .nii.gz)
  • BIDS-compatible directory structures

Support and Contact

For issues, questions or feature requests, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.