Copyright © German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Medical Image Computing (MIC). Please make sure that your usage of this code is in compliance with the code license.
MedNeXt is a fully ConvNeXt architecture for 3D medical image segmentation designed to leverage the scalability of the ConvNeXt block while being customized to the challenges of sparsely annotated medical image segmentation datasets. MedNeXt is a model under development and is expected to be updated periodically in the near future.
The current training framework is built on top of nnUNet (v1) - the module name nnunet_mednext
reflects this. You are free to adopt the architecture for your own training pipeline or use the one in this repository. Instructions are provided for both paths.
Please cite the following work if you find this model useful for your research:
Roy, S., Koehler, G., Ulrich, C., Baumgartner, M., Petersen, J., Isensee, F., Jaeger, P.F. & Maier-Hein, K. (2023).
MedNeXt: Transformer-driven Scaling of ConvNets for Medical Image Segmentation.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023.
Please also cite the following work if you use this pipeline for training:
Isensee, F., Jaeger, P. F., Kohl, S. A., Petersen, J., & Maier-Hein, K. H. (2020).
nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentation. Nature Methods, 1-9.
- MedNeXt
- Table of Contents
- Current version and notable features
- Installation
- MedNeXt Architecture and Usage in external pipelines
- Usage of internal training pipeline
- v1 (MICCAI 2023): Fully 3D ConvNeXt architecture, residual ConvNeXt resampling, UpKern for large kernels, gradient checkpointing for training large models
As mentioned earlier, MedNeXt is actively under development and further improvements to the pipeline as future versions are anticipated.
The repository can be cloned and installed using the following commands.
git clone mednext
cd mednext
pip install -e .
MedNeXt is usable on external training pipeline for 3D volumetric segmentation, similar to any PyTorch nn.Module
. It is functionally decoupled from nnUNet when used simply as an architecture. It is sufficient to install the repository and import either the architecture or the block. In theory, it is possible to freely customize the network using MedNeXt both as an encoder-decoder style network as well as a block.
MedNeXt v1 is the first version of the MedNeXt and incorporates the architectural features described here.
Important: MedNeXt v1 was trained with 1.0mm isotropic spacing as favored by architectures like UNETR, SwinUNETR and the usage of alternate spacing, like median spacing favored by native nnUNet, while perfectly usable in theory, is currently untested with MedNeXt v1 and may affect performance.
The usage as whole MedNeXt v1 as a complete architecture as well as the use of MedNeXt blocks (in external architectures, for example) is described below.
The architecture can be imported as follows with a number of arguments.
from nnunet_mednext.mednextv1 import MedNeXt
model = MedNeXt(
in_channels: int, # input channels
n_channels: int, # number of base channels
n_classes: int, # number of classes
exp_r: int = 4, # Expansion ratio in Expansion Layer
kernel_size: int = 7, # Kernel Size in Depthwise Conv. Layer
enc_kernel_size: int = None, # (Separate) Kernel Size in Encoder
dec_kernel_size: int = None, # (Separate) Kernel Size in Decoder
deep_supervision: bool = False, # Enable Deep Supervision
do_res: bool = False, # Residual connection in MedNeXt block
do_res_up_down: bool = False, # Residual conn. in Resampling blocks
checkpoint_style: bool = None, # Enable Gradient Checkpointing
block_counts: list = [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2], # Depth-first no. of blocks per layer
norm_type = 'group', # Type of Norm: 'group' or 'layer'
dim = '3d' # Supports `3d', '2d' arguments
Please note that - 1) Deep Supervision, and 2) residual connections in both MedNeXt and Up/Downsampling blocks are both used in the publication for training.
Gradient Checkpointing can be used to train larger models in low memory devices by trading compute for activation storage. The checkpointing implemented in this version is at the MedNeXt block level.
MedNeXt v1 has been tested with 4 defined architecture sizes and 2 defined kernel sizes. Their particulars are as follows:
Name (Model ID) | Kernel Size | Parameters | GFlops |
Small (S) | 3x3x3 | 5.6M | 130 |
Small (S) | 5x5x5 | 5.9M | 169 |
Base (B) | 3x3x3 | 10.5M | 170 |
Base (B) | 5x5x5 | 11.0M | 208 |
Medium (M) | 3x3x3 | 17.6M | 248 |
Medium (M) | 5x5x5 | 18.3M | 308 |
Large (L) | 3x3x3 | 61.8M | 500 |
Large (L) | 5x5x5 | 63.0M | 564 |
Utility functions have been defined for re-creating these architectures (with or without deep supervision) as follows customized to input channels, number of target classes, model IDs as used in the publication, kernel size and deep supervision:
from nnunet_mednext import create_mednext_v1
model = create_mednext_v1(
num_channels = 3,
num_classes = 10,
model_id = 'B', # S, B, M and L are valid model ids
kernel_size = 3, # 3x3x3 and 5x5x5 were tested in publication
deep_supervision = True # was used in publication
MedNeXt blocks can be imported for use individually similar to the entire architecture. The following blocks can be imported directed for use.
from nnunet_mednext import MedNeXtBlock, MedNeXtDownBlock, MedNeXtUpBlock
# Standard MedNeXt block
block = MedNeXtBlock(
in_channels:int, # no. of input channels
out_channels:int, # no. of output channels
exp_r:int=4, # channel expansion ratio in Expansion Layer
kernel_size:int=7, # kernel size in Depthwise Conv. Layer
do_res:bool=True, # residual connection on or off. Default: True
norm_type:str = 'group', # type of norm: 'group' or 'layer'
n_groups:int or None = None, # no. of groups in Depthwise Conv. Layer
# (keep 'None' in most cases)
# 2x Downsampling with MedNeXt block
block_down = MedNeXtDownBlock(
in_channels:int, # no. of input channels
out_channels:int, # no. of output channels
exp_r:int=4, # channel expansion ratio in Expansion Layer
kernel_size:int=7, # kernel size in Depthwise Conv. Layer
do_res:bool=True, # residual connection on or off. Default: True
norm_type:str = 'group', # type of norm: 'group' or 'layer'
# 2x Upsampling with MedNeXt block
block_up = MedNeXtUpBlock(
in_channels:int, # no. of input channels
out_channels:int, # no. of output channels
exp_r:int=4, # channel expansion ratio in Expansion Layer
kernel_size:int=7, # kernel size in Depthwise Conv. Layer
do_res:bool=True, # residual connection on or off. Default: True
norm_type:str = 'group', # type of norm: 'group' or 'layer'
UpKern is a simple algorithm for initializing a large kernel MedNeXt network with an equivalent small kernel MedNeXt. Equivalent refers to a network of the same configuration with the only difference being kernel size in the Depthwise Convolution layers. Large kernels are initialized by trilinear interpolation of their smaller counterparts. The following is an example of using this weight loading style.
from nnunet_mednext import create_mednext_v1
from import upkern_load_weights
m_net_ = create_mednext_v1(1, 3, 'S', 5)
m_pre = create_mednext_v1(1, 3, 'S', 3)
# Generally m_pre would be pretrained
m3 = upkern_load_weights(m_net_, m_pre)
To preprocess your datasets as in the MICCAI 2023 version, please run
mednextv1_plan_and_preprocess -t YOUR_TASK -pl3d ExperimentPlanner3D_v21_customTargetSpacing_1x1x1 -pl2d ExperimentPlanner2D_v21_customTargetSpacing_1x1x1
As in nnUNet, you can set -pl3d
or -pl2d
as None
if you do not require preprocessed data in those dimensions.
Please note that YOUR_TASK
in this repo is designed to be in the old nnUNet(v1) format. If you want to use the
latest nnUNet (v2), you will have to adopt the preprocessor on your own.
The custom ExperimentPlanner3D_v21_customTargetSpacing_1x1x1
is designed to set patch size to 128x128x128
spacing to 1mm isotropic since those are the experimental conditions used in the MICCAI 2023 version.
MedNeXt has custom nnUNet (v1) trainers that allow it to be trained similar to the base architecture. Please check the old nnUNet(v1) branch in the nnUNet repo, if you are unfamiliar with this code format. Please look here for all available trainers to recreate the MICCAI 2023 experiments. Please note that all trainers are in 3D since the architecture was tested in 3D. You can of course, create your custom trainers if you want (including 2D trainers for 2D architectures).
mednextv1_train 3d_fullres TRAINER TASK_NUMBER FOLD -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_trgSp_1x1x1
There are trainers for 4 architectures (S
, B
, M
, L
) and 2 kernel sizes (3, 5) to replicate the experiments from MICCAI 2023.
The following is an example for training an nnUNetTrainerV2_MedNeXt_S_kernel3
trainer on the task Task040_KiTS2019
on fold 0
of the 5-folds split generated by nnUNet's data preprocessor.
mednextv1_train 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2_MedNeXt_S_kernel3 Task040_KiTS2019 0 -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_trgSp_1x1x1
A kernel 5x5x5
version from scratch can also be trained this way, although we recommend initially training a kernel 3x3x3
and using UpKern.
To train a kernel 5x5x5
version using UpKern, a kernel 3x3x3
version must already be trained. To train using UpKern, simply run the
mednextv1_train 3d_fullres TRAINER TASK FOLD -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_trgSp_1x1x1 -pretrained_weights YOUR_MODEL_CHECKPOINT_FOR_KERNEL_3_FOR_SAME_TASK_AND_FOLD -resample_weights
The following is an example for training an nnUNetTrainerV2_MedNeXt_S_kernel5
trainer on the task Task040_KiTS2019
on fold 0 of the 5-folds split generated by nnUNet's data preprocessor by using UpKern.
mednextv1_train 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2_MedNeXt_S_kernel5 Task040_KiTS2019 0 -p nnUNetPlansv2.1_trgSp_1x1x1 -pretrained_weights SOME_PATH/nnUNet/3d_fullres/Task040_KiTS2019/nnUNetTrainerV2_MedNeXt_S_kernel3__nnUNetPlansv2.1_trgSp_1x1x1/fold_0/model_final_checkpoint.model -resample_weights
The -resample_weights
flag as it is responsible to triggering the UpKern algorithm.
Please note that while the MedNeXt can run on 2D, it has not been tested in 2D mode.