Approximation of the latent dirichlet allocation via deep neural networks.
Download NLTK corpora which are used for defining stopwords and lemmatizing stuff:
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m nltk.downloader reuters
python -m nltk.downloader wordnet
Download the english wikipedia dump with:
mkdir ./data/wikipedia_dump/
cd ./data/wikipedia_dump/
wget -nc
Preprocess the files by calling the gensim script in the same directory as the dump:
python -m gensim.scripts.make_wiki <PATH_TO_WIKI_DUMP> ./wiki
(This will take about 7-8 hours depending on your CPU) Then decompress the id->word mapping by using bzip2 e.g.:
bunzip2 wiki_wordids.txt.bz2
Training the LDA will also take several hours. So make sure to use the --num_workers flag to speed up the computation accordingly to your computers specs.
- Clone
- cd into the directory and install the latest Git version with:
python -m pip install -e .
python [-h] [--gpu | -g GPU] [--num_workers | -w WORKERS] [--num_topics | -t TOPICS] [--from_scratch | -s]
python --attack_id 33 --l2_attack --advs_eps 100
Argument | Type | Description |
-h, --help | None | shows argument help message |
-g, --gpu | INT | specifies which GPU should be used [0, 1] (default=0) |
-b, --batch_size | INT | specifies the batch size (default=128) |
-e, --epochs | INT | specifies the training epochs (default=100) |
-l, --learning_rate | FLOAT | specifies the learning rate (default=0.01) |
-w, --num_workers | INT | number of workers to compute the LDA model (default=4) |
-t, --num_topics | INT | number of topics which the LDA and the DNN tries to assign the text into |
-a, --attack_id | INT | specifies the word id for the target of the adversarial attack |
-ae, --advs_eps | FLOAT | specifies the epsilon for the adversarial attack |
-ai, --prob_attack | BOOL | flag to activate whole probability distribution target attack |
-r, --random_test | BOOL | enables random test documents for evaluation |
-s, --from_scratch | BOOL | flag to ignore every pretrained model and datasets and create everything from scratch |
-ts, --topic_stacking | BOOL | flat to use the topic stacking attack to evaluate the performance for more than one target topic at the same time |
-l2, --l2_attack | BOOL | flag to activate the L2 norm attack (rounded floats) instead of the LINF (whole integers) |
-f, --full_attack | BOOL | flag to attack every topic |
-v, --verbose | BOOL | flag to set Gensim to verbose mode to print the LDA information during it's training |
python [--benchmark | -b]
python [--corpus_sizes | -cs]
python --corpus_sizes 0.01 0.1 0.5 1.0