A Ruby text editor.
- written in Ruby from the ground up
- runs on JRuby (a fast, compatible Ruby implementation)
- is cross-platform (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
- highly extensible
Some Redcar features:
- supports Textmate themes and snippets
- split screen mode
- syntax checking for many languages
- built in REPLs for Ruby, Groovy, Clojure and Mirah.
Some (current) limitations:
- Only supports UTF-8 file encodings (and therefore ASCII)
You must have Java installed [1]. Redcar is easiest to install as a gem. After installing the gem there is one further install step:
$ sudo gem install redcar
$ redcar install
The install will take a minute or so to complete as it has to download about 15MB of jar files.
[1] Sun Java or OpenJDK work. Gcj is known not to work.
$ redcar --help
To see full usage details.
- Irc at #redcar on irc.freenode.net
- Mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/redcar-editor
If you want to contribute to Redcar, you can install it from the source code and make modifications before submitting a patch.
If you're on any platform, you'll need the bundler and rake gems installed as prerequisites. If you're running Windows, you'll also need to install the rubyzip gem:
$ gem install rubyzip
Download from github, checkout the submodules and install the jars:
$ git clone http://github.com/redcar/redcar.git
$ cd redcar
$ bundle
$ rake initialise
$ ruby bin/redcar install
To run:
$ ruby bin/redcar
If you are running a source version of Redcar and you have pulled updates from master, then you may have to update your local repo:
$ rake initialise
$ ruby bin/redcar install
NB. Redcar features are known to work with Cucumber 0.9.2, and known NOT to work with Cucumber < 0.9
To run the tests you need JRuby installed. You also need rspec and cucumber installed as JRuby gems. See jruby.org for this, or install with rvm.
To install the necessary gems:
$ jruby -S bundle install
To run all specs and all features:
$ jruby -S rake
$ jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread -S spec plugins/#{plugin_name}/spec/
On Linux/Windows:
$ jruby -S spec plugins/#{plugin_name}/spec/
To just run all specs:
$ rake specs
$ jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread bin/cucumber --exclude ".*fixtures.*" plugins/#{plugin_name}/features
On Linux/Windows:
$ jruby bin/cucumber --exclude ".*fixtures.*" plugins/#{plugin_name}/features/
To just run all features:
$ rake cucumber
Redcar is copyright 2007-2011 Daniel Lucraft and contributors. It is licensed under the GPLv2. See the included LICENSE file for details.