KDUtils is a library which provides both helpers and wrappers around the C++ STL and a base for cross-platform applications, similar to QtCore.
Also check out KDBindings for an implementation of properties, signals, and slots. Used heavily in KDUtils.
The KDFoundation namespace provides an event loop, an EventReceiver
class, and an Object
type which is an event receiver that can have a parent
and any number of children.
On top of that, you get:
- Event
- FileDescriptorNotifier
- Timer
- EventQueue: a thread-safe stack of events
- Postman: a way of passing events down a series of receivers
- CoreApplication: a class that connects the EventQueue, Postman, and event loop.
KDGui provides a cross-platform windowing solution, built on top of the CoreApplication.
You get:
- Window
- Keyboard and mouse events
- GuiApplication
KDMqtt provides a cross-platform MQTT client solution, based on mosquitto.
You get a thin wrapper around libmosquitto that
- seamlessly integrates into KDFoundation's
- comes with an API featuring properties and signals using KDBindings
For now, we don't support building mosquitto from source so you need to have it installed on your machine. Minimal recommended version is libmosquitto v2.0.0 (previous versions are lacking full TLS support).
You can find setup instructions and download links at: https://mosquitto.org/download/
You may also want to have a look at the CI configuration of this project to see which dependencies we use to build KDMqtt.
This namespace is the namesake of the entire library, and contains the STL wrappers and helpers.
You get:
- ByteArray
- Dir
- File
- ElapsedTimer
- Flags
- Url
- Logging factory helper
On Linux:
sudo apt install libxkbcommon-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev wayland-scanner++ wayland-protocols libwayland-dev libmosquitto-dev
For debug builds with code coverage:
sudo apt install gcovr
On Android:
All dependencies are supplied by the Android SDK (version 32 and above) and NDK (version 26.1.10909125 and above).
An example app can be built and run by opening the directory examples/gui_window/android in Android Studio.
- Visit us on GitHub: https://github.com/KDAB/KDUtils
- Email [email protected] for questions about copyright, licensing or commercial support.
KDUtils is © Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB and is available under the terms of the MIT license.
Contact KDAB at [email protected] if you need different licensing options.
Please submit your contributions or issue reports from our GitHub space at https://github.com/KDAB/KDUtils.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
KDUtils is supported and maintained by Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
The KDAB Group is the global No.1 software consultancy for Qt, C++ and OpenGL applications across desktop, embedded and mobile platforms.
The KDAB Group provides consulting and mentoring for developing Qt applications from scratch and in porting from all popular and legacy frameworks to Qt. We continue to help develop parts of Qt and are one of the major contributors to the Qt Project. We can give advanced or standard trainings anywhere around the globe on Qt as well as C++, OpenGL, 3D and more.
Please visit https://www.kdab.com to meet the people who write code like this.
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