Pretty Reactive, Almost aNGular (Im so good at names)
A "framework" (if you will) that looks like Angular, smells like Angular, but is actually Vue.
Look in libraries/playground
for the current testing setup.
- Components are defined as classes with a decorator
- PIPES!! (proud of this one)
- Angular style signals (actually Vue
under the hood) - Built-in rxjs support (thanks vueuse!)
- Attribute binding with
- Event binding with
- Components can have
s andoutput
s - Inline templates and styles
- Directives with
- HMR for styles and templates
- 2 way binding
- Template ref binding with
<comp #myComp />
(for #slot syntax, use @slot control flow or *slot directive instead) - Services using decorator
- Directives using decorator
- NgModule equivalent
- Injection
- Control flow (@if, @for (no trackBy yet), @slot)
- Forms module
- Angular style router
- Formatter and IDE integration (unlikely)
Real reason: Got annoyed at the fact that Angular requires the Typescript compiler, meaning they can't use the amazing performance of Vite, esbuild or Rolldown (in the future). So I set out to make a version without Typescript.
Also, yes, I do realise that this has come full circle: Angular syntax inspired Vue, Vue tooling is used for this version of Angular.