Provide an image class that is able to calculate similarity to other images using the phash value
🏠 Homepage
npm i imgphash
This module provides a class HashImage
that you can use to hash an image and compare it
- Create a
from a url
const image = await HashImage.fromUrl(url1);
- Create a
from a Node buffer
const image = new HashImage(buffer);
- Get the hash of 2 images and compare them
const image1 = await HashImage.fromUrl(url1);
const image2 = await HashImage.fromUrl(url2);
const hash1 = await image1.phash(); // PHash instance
const hash2 = await image2.phash();
const similarity =;
The hash function returns an instance of
- Or just compare 2 image objects, this is going to internally calculate their hash and use it
const image1 = await HashImage.fromUrl(url1);
const image2 = await HashImage.fromUrl(url2);
const similarity = await;
All the comparisons return a value between 0 and 1. 0 meaning that the images are completely different and 1 meaning they are exactly the same image
👤 Victor Martinez
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Copyright © 2022 Victor Martinez
This project is MIT licensed.
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