- Install
- Usage
- Smart functions
- JBZoo\Utils\Arr
- JBZoo\Utils\Cli
- JBZoo\Utils\Csv
- JBZoo\Utils\Dates
- JBZoo\Utils�mail
- JBZoo\Utils�nv
- JBZoo\Utils\FS
- JBZoo\Utils\Filter
- JBZoo\Utils\Http
- JBZoo\Utils\IP
- JBZoo\Utils\Image
- JBZoo\Utils\PhpDocs
- JBZoo\Utils\Ser
- JBZoo\Utils\Slug
- JBZoo\Utils\Stats
- JBZoo\Utils\Str
- JBZoo\Utils\Sys
- JBZoo\Utils\Timer
- JBZoo\Utils\Url
- JBZoo\Utils\Vars
- JBZoo\Utils\Xml
- Links (ideas and some functions)
- Unit tests and check code style
- License
- See Also
Collection of PHP functions, mini classes and snippets for everyday developer's routine life.
composer require jbzoo/utils
use function JBZoo\Utils\alias;
use function JBZoo\Utils\alpha;
use function JBZoo\Utils\alphanum;
use function JBZoo\Utils\bool;
use function JBZoo\Utils\digits;
use function JBZoo\Utils\float;
use function JBZoo\Utils\int;
int(' 10.0 ') === 10;
float(' 10.0 ') === 10.0;
bool(' yes ') === true;
bool(' no ') === false;
bool('1') === true;
bool('0') === false;
alias('Qwer ty') === 'qwer-ty';
digits('Qwer 1 ty2') === '12';
alpha('Qwer 1 ty2') === 'Qwerty';
alphanum(' #$% Qwer 1 ty2') === 'Qwer1ty2';
Arr::addEachKey(array $array, string $prefix): array; // Add some prefix to each key.
Arr::clean(array $haystack): array; // Clean array by custom rule.
Arr::cleanBeforeJson(array $array): array; // Clean array before serialize to JSON.
Arr::first(array $array): ?mixed; // Returns the first element in an array.
Arr::firstKey(array $array): ?string|int|null; // Returns the first key in an array.
// Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a one dimensional array.
// overwrite keys from shallow nested arrays
Arr::flat(array $array, bool $preserveKeys = true): array;
Arr::getField(array $arrayList, string $fieldName = 'id'): array; // Get one field from array of arrays (array of objects).
Arr::getSchema(array $array): array; // Returns type of variables as array schema.
Arr::groupByKey(array $arrayList, string $key = 'id'): array; // Group array by key and return list of grouped values.
Arr::implode(string $glue, array $array): string; // Array imploding for nested array.
Arr::in(?mixed $value, array $array, bool $returnKey = false): ?string|int|bool|null; // Check is value exists in the array.
Arr::isAssoc(array $array): bool; // Check is array is type assoc.
Arr::key(?mixed $key, array $array, bool $returnValue = false): ?mixed; // Check if key exists.
Arr::last(array $array): ?mixed; // Returns the last element in an array.
Arr::lastKey(array $array): ?string|int|null; // Returns the last key in an array.
Arr::map(Closure $function, array $array): array; // Recursive array mapping.
// Returns an array containing all the elements of arr1 after applying
// the callback function to each one.
// (Objects, resources, etc)
Arr::mapDeep(array $array, callable $callback, bool $onNoScalar = false): array;
Arr::removeByValue(array $array, ?string|int|float|bool|null $value): array; // Remove all items from array by value.
// Searches for a given value in an array of arrays, objects and scalar values. You can optionally specify
// a field of the nested arrays and objects to search in.
Arr::search(array $array, ?string|int|float|bool|null $search, ??string $field = null): string|bool;
Arr::sortByArray(array $array, array $orderArray): array; // Sort an array by keys based on another array.
Arr::toComment(array $data): string; // Convert assoc array to comment style.
Arr::unique(array $array, bool $keepKeys = false): array; // Remove the duplicates from an array.
Arr::unshiftAssoc(array $array, string|int $key, ?mixed $value): array; // Add cell to the start of assoc array.
// Wraps its argument in an array unless it is already an array.
// Arr.wrap(null) # => []
// Arr.wrap([1, 2, 3]) # => [1, 2, 3]
// Arr.wrap(0) # => [0]
Arr::wrap(?mixed $object): array;
Cli::build(string $command, array $args = []): string; // Build params for cli options.
Cli::check(): bool; // Is command line mode.
Cli::err(string $message, bool $addEol = true): bool; // Print line to std error.
Cli::exec(string $command, array $args = [], ??string $cwd = null, bool $verbose = false): string; // Execute cli commands.
Cli::getNumberOfColumns(): int; // Returns the number of columns of the terminal.
// Returns true if STDOUT supports colorization.
// This code has been copied and adapted from \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputStream.
Cli::hasColorSupport(): bool;
Cli::isInteractive($fileDescriptor = 1): bool; // Returns if the file descriptor is an interactive terminal or not.
Cli::out(string $message, bool $addEol = true): bool; // Print line to std out.
Csv::parse(string $csvFile, string $delimiter = ';', string $enclosure = '"', bool $hasHeader = true): array; // Simple parser for CSV files.
Dates::factory(?mixed $time = null, ?DateTimeZone|string|null $timeZone = null): DateTime; // Build PHP \DateTime object from mixed input.
Dates::formatTime(float $seconds, int $minValuableSeconds = 2): string; // Convert seconds to human-readable format "H:i:s".
Dates::human(string|int $date, string $format = 'd M Y H:i'): string; // Convert date string ot unix timestamp to human-readable date format.
Dates::is(??string $date): bool; // Check if string is date.
Dates::isThisMonth(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed is within this month.
Dates::isThisWeek(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed is within this week.
Dates::isThisYear(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed is within this year.
Dates::isToday(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed is today.
Dates::isTomorrow(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed is tomorrow.
Dates::isYesterday(string|int $time): bool; // Returns true if date passed was yesterday.
Dates::sql(?string|int|null $time = null): string; // Convert time for sql format.
Dates::timezone(?DateTimeZone|string|null $timezone = null): DateTimeZone; // Returns a DateTimeZone object based on the current timezone.
Dates::toStamp(?DateTime|string|int|null $time = null, bool $currentIsDefault = true): int; // Convert to timestamp.
Email::check(?mixed $emails): array; // Check if email(s) is(are) valid. You can send one or an array of emails.
// Check for DNS MX records of the email domain.
// Notice that a (temporary) DNS error will have the same result as no records were found.
// Code coverage ignored because this method requires DNS requests that could not be reliable.
Email::checkDns(string $email): bool;
Email::getDomain(?mixed $emails): array; // Get domains from email addresses. The not valid email addresses will be skipped.
Email::getDomainSorted(array $emails): array; // Get domains from email addresses in alphabetical order.
Email::getGravatarBuiltInImages(): array; // Returns gravatar supported placeholders.
// Generates a Gravatar URL.
// Size of the image:
// * The default size is 32px, and it can be anywhere between 1px up to 2048px.
// * If requested any value above the allowed range, then the maximum is applied.
// * If requested any value bellow the minimum, then the default is applied.
// Default image:
// * It can be a URL to an image.
// * Or one of built-in options that Gravatar has. See Email::getGravatarBuiltInImages().
// * If none is defined then a built-in default is used. See Email::getGravatarBuiltInDefaultImage().
Email::getGravatarUrl(string $email, int $size = 32, string $defaultImage = 'identicon'): ??string;
Email::isValid(??string $email): bool; // Returns true if string has valid email format.
Email::random(int $userNameLength = 10): string; // Create random email.
Env::bool(string $envVarName, bool $default = false): bool; // Convert value of environment variable to strict bool value.
Env::convert(??string $value, int $options = 16): ?string|int|float|bool|null; // Converts the type of values like "true", "false", "null" or "123".
Env::float(string $envVarName, float $default = 0): float; // Convert value of environment variable to strict float value.
Env::get(string $envVarName, ?string|int|float|bool|null $default = null, int $options = 16): ?string|int|float|bool|null; // Returns an environment variable.
Env::int(string $envVarName, int $default = 0): int; // Convert value of environment variable to strict integer value.
Env::isExists(string $envVarName): bool; // Returns true if environment variable exists.
Env::string(string $envVarName, string $default = ''): string; // Convert value of environment variable to clean string.
FS::base(??string $path): string; // Returns name of file with ext from FS pathname.
FS::clean(??string $path, string $dirSep = '/'): string; // Function to strip trailing / or \ in a pathname.
FS::dirName(??string $path): string; // Returns name for directory from FS pathname.
FS::dirSize(string $dir): int; // Returns size of a given directory in bytes.
FS::executable(string $filename, bool $executable = true): bool; // Set the executable bit on a file to the minimum value that allows the user running PHP to read to it.
FS::ext(??string $path): string; // Returns extension of file from FS pathname.
FS::filename(??string $path): string; // Returns filename without ext from FS pathname.
FS::firstLine(string $filepath): ??string; // Quickest way for getting first file line.
FS::format(int $bytes, int $decimals = 2): string; // Nice formatting for computer sizes (Bytes).
FS::getRelative(string $path, ??string $rootPath = null, string $forceDS = '/'): string; // Find relative path of file (remove root part).
FS::isDir(??string $path): bool; // Check is current path directory.
FS::isFile(string $path): bool; // Check is current path regular file.
FS::isReal(??string $path): bool; // Returns clean realpath if file or directory exists.
FS::ls(string $dir): array; // Returns all paths inside a directory.
FS::openFile(string $filepath): ??string; // Binary safe to open file.
FS::perms(string $file, ??int $perms = null): string; // Returns the file permissions as a nice string, like -rw-r--r-- or false if the file is not found.
FS::readable(string $filename, bool $readable = true): bool; // Set the readable bit on a file to the minimum value that allows the user running PHP to read to it.
FS::real(??string $path): ??string; // Returns realpath (smart analog of PHP \realpath()).
// Removes a directory (and its contents) recursively.
// Contributed by Askar (ARACOOL) <https://github.com/ARACOOOL>.
FS::rmDir(string $dir, bool $traverseSymlinks = true): bool;
FS::stripExt(string $path): string; // Strip off the extension if it exists.
FS::writable(string $filename, bool $writable = true): bool; // Set the writable bit on a file to the minimum value that allows the user running PHP to write to it.
Filter::_(?mixed $value, Closure|string $filters = 'raw'): ?mixed; // Apply custom filter to variable.
Filter::alias(string $string): string; // Get safe string for sensitive external dependencies.
Filter::alpha(??string $value): string; // Returns only alpha chars.
Filter::alphanum(??string $value): string; // Returns only alpha and digits chars.
Filter::arr(?mixed $value, ?Closure|string|null $filter = null): array; // Cleanup array. No empty values.
Filter::base64(string $value): string; // Returns only chars for base64.
Filter::bool(?mixed $variable): bool; // Converts many english words that equate to true or false to boolean.
Filter::className(string $input): string; // Convert words to PHP Class name.
Filter::clean(string $string): string; // Alias of "Str::clean($string, true, true)".
Filter::cmd(string $value): string; // Cleanup system command.
Filter::data(JBZoo\Data\Data|array $data): JBZoo\Data\Data; // Returns Data object from array.
Filter::digits(??string $value): string; // Returns only digits chars.
Filter::esc(string $string): string; // Alias of "Str::esc($string)".
Filter::float(?mixed $value, int $round = 10): float; // Smart converter string to float.
Filter::html(string $string): string; // Alias of "Str::htmlEnt($string)".
Filter::int(?string|int|float|bool|null $value): int; // Smart convert any string to int.
Filter::json(JBZoo\Data\JSON|array $data): JBZoo\Data\JSON; // Returns JSON object from array.
Filter::low(string $string): string; // String to lower and trim.
Filter::parseLines(array|string $input): array; // Parse lines to assoc list.
Filter::path(string $value): string; // Returns only chars for base64url.
Filter::raw(?mixed $variable): ?mixed; // RAW placeholder for internal API of the library.
Filter::strip(string $string): string; // Get safe string without html tags and trimmed.
Filter::stripQuotes(string $value): string; // Smart striping quotes, double and single.
Filter::stripSpace(string $string): string; // Alias of "Str::stripSpace($string)".
Filter::trim(string $value): string; // Alias for build-in function \trim().
Filter::trimExtend(string $value): string; // Extended trim function for remove all spaces, tabs, new lines and really special chars.
Filter::ucFirst(string $input): string; // First char to upper, other to lower.
Filter::up(string $string): string; // String to upper and trim.
Filter::xml(string $string): string; // Alias of "Xml::escape($string)".
// Transmit headers that force a browser to display the download file dialog.
// Cross browser compatible. Only fires if headers have not already been sent.
Http::download(string $filename): bool;
Http::getHeaders(): array; // Get all HTTP headers.
// Sets the headers to prevent caching for the different browsers.
// Different browsers support different nocache headers, so several
// headers must be sent so that all of them get the point that no caching should occur.
Http::nocache(): bool;
Http::utf8(string $contentType = 'text/html'): bool; // Transmit UTF-8 content headers if the headers haven't already been sent.
IP::getNetMask(string $ipAddress): ??string; // Return network mask. For example, '' => ''.
// Returns the IP address of the client.
// ONLY use if your server is behind a proxy that sets these values
IP::getRemote(bool $trustProxy = false): string;
IP::v4InRange(string $ipAddress, string $range): bool; // Check if a given ip is in a network.
Image::addAlpha(GdImage $image, bool $isBlend = true): void; // Add alpha chanel to image resource.
Image::alpha(float $color): int; // Returns valid value of alpha-channel.
Image::blur(float $blur): int; // Return valid value to blur image (1-10).
Image::brightness(float $brightness): int; // Returns valid value to make image bright (-255..255).
Image::checkGD(bool $throwException = true): bool; // Check if GD library is enabled on server.
Image::color(float $color): int; // Returns valid value to change color segment of a image (0..255).
Image::colorize(float $colorize): int; // Returns valid value to change color segment of a image (-255..255).
Image::contrast(float $contrast): int; // Returns valid value to change contrast of a image (-100..100).
Image::direction(string $direction): string; // Returns valid value of image direction: 'x', 'y', 'xy', 'yx'.
Image::getInnerCoords(string $position, array $canvas, array $box, array $offset = []): ??array; // Determine position. Returns array with X and Y coordinates.
Image::imageCopyMergeAlpha(GdImage $dstImg, GdImage $srcImg, array $dist, array $src, array $srcSizes, int $opacity): void; // Same as PHP's imagecopymerge() function, except preserves alpha-transparency in 24-bit PNGs.
Image::isGif(??string $format = null): bool; // Checks if image has GIF format.
Image::isJpeg(??string $format = null): bool; // Checks if image has JPEG/JPG format.
Image::isPng(??string $format = null): bool; // Checks if image has PNG format.
Image::isSupportedFormat(string $format): bool; // Check is format supported by lib.
Image::isWebp(??string $format = null): bool; // Checks if image has WEBP format.
// Converts a hex color value to its RGB equivalent.
// Where red, green, blue - integers 0-255, alpha - integer 0-127
Image::normalizeColor(array|string $origColor): array;
Image::opacity(float $opacity): int; // Check opacity value.
Image::opacity2Alpha(float $opacity): int; // Convert opacity value to alpha.
Image::percent(float $percent): int; // Return valid value of percent (0-100).
Image::position(string $position): string; // Check position name.
Image::quality(float $percent): int; // Returns valid value of image quality (0..100).
Image::rotate(float $color): int; // Returns valid value of image rotation (-360..360).
Image::smooth(float $smooth): int; // Returns valid value to change smoothness of a image (1..10).
Image::strToBin(string $imageString): ??string; // Convert string to binary data.
// Simple parse of PHPDocs.
// Example or return value
// [
// 'description' => 'Simple parse of PHPDocs. Example or return value',
// 'params' => [
// 'param' => ['string $phpDoc'],
// 'return' => ['array']
// ]
// ].
PhpDocs::parse(string $phpDoc): array;
// UnSerializes partially-corrupted arrays that occur sometimes. Addresses
// specifically the `unserialize(): Error at offset xxx of yyy bytes` error.
// NOTE: This error can *frequently* occur with mismatched character sets and higher-than-ASCII characters.
// Contributed by Theodore R. Smith of PHP Experts, Inc. <http://www.phpexperts.pro/>.
Ser::fix(string $brokenSerializedData): string;
// Check value to find if it was serialized.
// If $data is not a string, then returned value will always be false. Serialized data is always a string.
Ser::is(?mixed $data): bool;
Ser::maybe(?mixed $data): ?mixed; // Serialize data, if needed.
Ser::maybeUn(string $data): ?mixed; // Unserialize value only if it is serialized.
// Transliterates characters to their ASCII equivalents.
// Part of the URLify.php Project <https://github.com/jbroadway/urlify/>.
Slug::downCode(string $text, string $language = ''): string;
// Converts any accent characters to their equivalent normal characters and converts any other non-alphanumeric
// characters to dashes, then converts any sequence of two or more dashes to a single dash. This function generates
// slugs safe for use as URLs, and if you pass true as the second parameter, it will create strings safe for
// use as CSS classes or IDs.
Slug::filter(??string $string, string $separator = '-', bool $cssMode = false): string;
// Converts all accent characters to ASCII characters.
// If there are no accent characters, then the string given is just returned.
Slug::removeAccents(string $string, string $language = ''): string;
// Checks to see if a string is utf8 encoded.
// NOTE: This function checks for 5-Byte sequences, UTF8 has Bytes Sequences with a maximum length of 4.
// Written by Tony Ferrara <http://blog.ircmaxwell.com>.
Slug::seemsUTF8(string $string): bool;
Stats::histogram(array $values, int $steps = 10, ??float $lowerBound = null, ??float $upperBound = null): array; // Generate a histogram. Note this is not a great function, and should not be relied upon for serious use.
Stats::linSpace(float $min, float $max, int $num = 50, bool $endpoint = true): array; // Returns an array populated with $num numbers from $min to $max.
Stats::mean(??array $values): float; // Returns the mean (average) value of the given values.
Stats::median(array $data): float; // Calculate the median of a given population.
Stats::percentile(array $data, int|float $percentile = 95): float; // Calculate the percentile of a given population.
Stats::renderAverage(array $values, int $rounding = 3): string; // Render human readable string of average value and system error.
Stats::renderMedian(array $values, int $rounding = 3): string; // Render human readable string of average value and system error.
Stats::stdDev(array $values, bool $sample = false): float; // Returns the standard deviation of a given population.
Stats::variance(array $values, bool $sample = false): float; // Returns the variance for a given population.
// Make string safe
// - Remove UTF-8 chars
// - Remove all tags
// - Trim
// - Add Slashes (opt)
// - To lower (opt).
Str::clean(string $string, bool $toLower = false, bool $addSlashes = false, bool $removeAccents = true): string;
Str::esc(string $string): string; // Escape UTF-8 strings.
// Escape string before save it as xml content.
// The function is moved. Please, use \JBZoo\Utils\Xml::escape($string). It'll be deprecated soon.
Str::escXml(string $string): string;
Str::getClassName(?object|string|null $object, bool $toLower = false): ??string; // Get class name without namespace.
Str::htmlEnt(string $string, bool $encodedEntities = false): string; // Convert >, <, ', " and & to html entities, but preserves entities that are already encoded.
Str::iPos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): ??int; // Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case-insensitive.
Str::iStr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $beforeNeedle = false): string; // Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case-insensitive.
// Increments a trailing number in a string.
// Used to easily create distinct labels when copying objects. The method has the following styles:
// - default: "Label" becomes "Label (2)"
// - dash: "Label" becomes "Label-2".
Str::inc(string $string, string $style = 'default', int $next = 0): string;
Str::isEmpty(?string|bool|null $value, bool $strict = false): bool; // Extend version of checking if potetielly empty string is empty.
Str::isEnd(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $caseSensitive = false): bool; // Checks if the $haystack ends with the text in the $needle. Case-sensitive.
Str::isMBString(): bool; // Check is mbstring loaded.
Str::isStart(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $caseSensitive = false): bool; // Checks if the $haystack starts with the text in the $needle.
Str::len(string $string): int; // Get real string length if it's possible.
Str::like(string $pattern, string $haystack, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool; // Check if a given string matches a given pattern.
Str::limitChars(string $string, int $limit = 100, string $append = '...'): string; // Truncate the string to given length of characters.
Str::limitWords(string $string, int $limit = 100, string $append = '...'): string; // Truncate the string to given length of words.
Str::listToDescription(array $data, bool $alignByKeys = false): ??string; // Convert array of strings to list as pretty print description.
Str::low(string $string): string; // Make a string lowercase.
Str::parseLines(string $text, bool $toAssoc = true): array; // Parse text by lines.
Str::pos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): ??int; // Find position of first occurrence of string in a string.
Str::rChr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $part = false): string; // Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another.
Str::rPos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): ??int; // Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string.
Str::random(int $length = 10, bool $isReadable = true): string; // Generate readable random string.
Str::slug(string $text = '', bool $isCache = false): string; // Converts any accent characters to their equivalent normal characters.
Str::splitCamelCase(string $input, string $separator = '_', bool $toLower = true): string; // Convert camel case to human-readable format.
// Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.
// Single line or line end comments and multi line comments are stripped off.
Str::splitSql(string $sql): array;
Str::strStr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $beforeNeedle = false): string; // Finds first occurrence of a string within another.
Str::stripSpace(string $string): string; // Strip all whitespaces from the given string.
Str::sub(string $string, int $start, int $length = 0): string; // Get part of string. Safe alias for substr().
Str::subCount(string $haystack, string $needle): int; // Count the number of substring occurrences.
Str::testName2Human(string $input): string; // Convert test name to human-readable string.
Str::trim(string $value, bool $extendMode = false): string; // Trim whitespaces and other special chars.
Str::truncateSafe(string $string, int $length, string $append = '...'): string; // Truncate a string to a specified length without cutting a word off.
Str::unique(string $prefix = 'unique'): string; // Get unique string with prefix.
Str::up(string $string): string; // Make a string uppercase.
// Generates a universally unique identifier (UUID v4) according to RFC 4122
// Version 4 UUIDs are pseudo-random!
// Returns Version 4 UUID format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-Yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is
// any random hex digit and Y is a random choice from 8, 9, a, or b.
Str::uuid(): string;
Str::zeroPad(string $number, int $length): string; // Pads a given string with zeroes on the left.
// Returns true when Xdebug is supported or
// the runtime used is PHPDBG (PHP >= 7.0).
Sys::canCollectCodeCoverage(): bool;
// Returns the path to the binary of the current runtime.
// Appends ' --php' to the path when the runtime is HHVM.
Sys::getBinary(): string;
Sys::getDocRoot(): ??string; // Returns current document root.
Sys::getHome(): ??string; // Returns a home directory of current user.
Sys::getMemory(bool $isPeak = true): string; // Get usage memory, human-readable.
Sys::getName(): string; // Returns type of PHP.
Sys::getNameWithVersion(): string; // Return type and version of current PHP.
Sys::getUserName(): ??string; // Returns current linux user who runs script.
Sys::getVendorUrl(): string; // Return URL of PHP official web-site. It depends on PHP vendor.
Sys::getVersion(): ??string; // Returns current PHP version.
// Returns true when the runtime used is PHP with the PHPDBG SAPI
// and the phpdbg_*_oplog() functions are available (PHP >= 7.0).
Sys::hasPHPDBGCodeCoverage(): bool;
Sys::hasXdebug(): bool; // Returns true when the runtime used is PHP and Xdebug is loaded.
Sys::iniGet(string $varName): string; // Alias fo ini_get function.
Sys::iniSet(string $phpIniKey, string $newValue): bool; // Alias fo ini_set function.
Sys::isFunc(Closure|string $funcName): bool; // Checks if function exists and callable.
Sys::isHHVM(): bool; // Returns true when the runtime used is HHVM.
Sys::isPHP(string $version, string $current = '8.2.9'): bool; // Compares PHP versions.
Sys::isPHPDBG(): bool; // Returns true when the runtime used is PHP with the PHPDBG SAPI.
Sys::isRealPHP(): bool; // Returns true when the runtime used is PHP without the PHPDBG SAPI.
Sys::isRoot(): bool; // Check is current user ROOT.
Sys::isWin(): bool; // Check is current OS Windows.
Sys::setMemory(string $newLimit = '256M'): void; // Set new memory limit.
Sys::setTime(int $newLimit = 0): void; // Set PHP execution time limit (doesn't work in safe mode).
Timer::format(float $milliSeconds): string; // Formats the elapsed time as a string.
Timer::formatMS(float $seconds): string; // Formats the elapsed time as a string.
Timer::getRequestTime(): float; // Get request time in microseconds.
Timer::timeSinceStart(): float; // Formats the elapsed time since the start of the request as a string.
Url::addArg(array $newParams, ??string $uri = null): string; // Add or remove query arguments to the URL.
Url::build(array $queryParams): string; // Builds HTTP query from array.
// Build a URL. The parts of the second URL will be merged into the first according to the flags' argument.
// or associative array like parse_url() returns
// would return
Url::buildAll(array|string $sourceUrl, array|string $destParts = [], int $flags = 1, array $newUrl = []): string;
Url::create(array $parts = []): string; // Create URL from array params.
Url::current(bool $addAuth = false): ??string; // Returns the current URL.
Url::delArg(array|string $keys, ??string $uri = null): string; // Removes an item or list from the query string.
Url::getAuth(): ??string; // Get current auth info.
Url::isAbsolute(string $path): bool; // Check if URL is not relative.
Url::isHttps(bool $trustProxyHeaders = false): bool; // Checks to see if the page is being server over SSL or not.
// Turns all the links in a string into HTML links.
// Part of the LinkifyURL Project <https://github.com/jmrware/LinkifyURL>.
Url::parseLink(string $text): string;
Url::path(): ??string; // Returns the current path.
Url::pathToRel(string $path): string; // Convert file path to relative URL.
Url::pathToUrl(string $path): string; // Convert file path to absolute URL.
Url::root(bool $addAuth = false): ??string; // Returns current root URL.
Vars::isEven(int $number): bool; // Is the current value even?
Vars::isIn(float $number, float $min, float $max): bool; // Returns true if the number is within the min and max.
Vars::isNegative(float $number): bool; // Is the current value negative; less than zero.
Vars::isOdd(int $number): bool; // Is the current value odd?
Vars::isPositive(float $number, bool $zero = true): bool; // Is the current value positive; greater than or equal to zero.
Vars::limit(float $number, float $min, float $max): int; // Limits the number between two bounds.
Vars::max(float $number, float $max): int; // Decrease the number to the maximum if above threshold.
Vars::min(float $number, float $min): int; // Increase the number to the minimum if below threshold.
Vars::out(float $number, float $min, float $max): bool; // Returns true if the number is outside the min and max.
// Ensures $value is always within $min and $max range.
// If lower, $min is returned. If higher, $max is returned.
Vars::range(float $value, float $min, float $max): int;
Vars::relativePercent(float $normal, float $current): string; // Get relative percent.
// Convert array to PHP DOMDocument object.
// Format of input array
// $source = [
// '_node' => '#document',
// '_text' => null,
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => [],
// '_children' => [
// [
// '_node' => 'parent',
// '_text' => "Content of parent tag",
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => ['parent-attribute' => 'value'],
// '_children' => [
// [
// '_node' => 'child',
// '_text' => "Content of child tag",
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => [],
// '_children' => [],
// ],
// ]
// ]
// ]
// ];.
// Format of output
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <parent parent-attribute="value">Content of parent tag<child>Content of child tag</child></parent>
Xml::array2Dom(array $xmlAsArray, ??DOMElement $domElement = null, ??DOMDocument $document = null): DOMDocument;
Xml::createFromString(??string $source = null, bool $preserveWhiteSpace = false): DOMDocument; // Create DOMDocument object from XML-string.
// Convert PHP \DOMDocument or \DOMNode object to simple array
// Format of input XML (as string)
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <parent parent-attribute="value">Content of parent tag<child>Content of child tag</child></parent>.
// Format of output array
// $result = [
// '_node' => '#document',
// '_text' => null,
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => [],
// '_children' => [
// [
// '_node' => 'parent',
// '_text' => "Content of parent tag",
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => ['parent-attribute' => 'value'],
// '_children' => [
// [
// '_node' => 'child',
// '_text' => "Content of child tag",
// '_cdata' => null,
// '_attrs' => [],
// '_children' => [],
// ],
// ]
// ]
// ]
// ];
Xml::dom2Array(DOMNode $element): array;
Xml::escape(?string|int|float|null $rawXmlContent): string; // Escape string before save it as xml content.
- utilphp - https://github.com/brandonwamboldt/utilphp
- PHPBinString - https://github.com/Grandt/PHPBinString
- URLify for PHP - https://github.com/jbroadway/urlify
- LinkifyURL Project https://github.com/jmrware/LinkifyURL
- http://www.phpexperts.pro
- http://stackoverflow.com/a/11709412/430062
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8321620/array-unique-vs-array-flip
- http://shiflett.org/blog/2006/mar/server-name-versus-http-host
- https://github.com/joomla-framework/string
- Askar (ARACOOL) https://github.com/ARACOOOL
- Sebastian Bergmann https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-timer
- Sebastian Bergmann https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/environment
- Oscar Otero https://github.com/oscarotero/env
make test-all
- CI-Report-Converter - Converting different error reports for deep compatibility with popular CI systems.
- Composer-Diff - See what packages have changed after
composer update
. - Composer-Graph - Dependency graph visualization of composer.json based on mermaid-js.
- Mermaid-PHP - Generate diagrams and flowcharts with the help of the mermaid script language.
- Image - Package provides object-oriented way to manipulate with images as simple as possible.
- Data - Extended implementation of ArrayObject. Use files as config/array.
- Retry - Tiny PHP library providing retry/backoff functionality with multiple backoff strategies and jitter support.
- SimpleTypes - Converting any values and measures - money, weight, exchange rates, length, ...