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  • Seattle, WA

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  1. intelliSound-Client intelliSound-Client Public

    This is the frontend client for intelliSoundAI. intelliSound allows a user to train a neural network using machine learning and the power of Javascript.

    JavaScript 1

  2. Project-Prep Project-Prep Public


  3. intelliSound-Server intelliSound-Server Public

    This is the backend server for intelliSoundAI. intelliSound allows a user to train a neural network using machine learning and the power of Javascript.



Showing 3 of 3 repositories
  • intelliSound-Client Public

    This is the frontend client for intelliSoundAI. intelliSound allows a user to train a neural network using machine learning and the power of Javascript.

    JavaScript 1 MIT 0 8 0 Updated May 25, 2018
  • intelliSound-Server Public

    This is the backend server for intelliSoundAI. intelliSound allows a user to train a neural network using machine learning and the power of Javascript.

    JavaScript 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Apr 2, 2018
  • Project-Prep Public
    JavaScript 0 0 0 0 Updated Feb 5, 2018