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Python Memory Management (PyMM)

Python Memory Management is a python library that makes it easy for a Python developer to get started using Persistent Memory (e.g., Intel Optane Non-Volatile DIMMs). The approach is to bring persistent memory to existing data types that are understood by the broad array of libraries in the Python ecosystem.

To begin with, our focus is on the NumPy arrays and PyTorch tensors and the data analytics application domain. That allows storing and manipulating NumPy arrays and PyTorch tensors on Persistent Memory. The key benefit of PyMM is its ability to persistently store program variables without the need to serialize or de-serialize (e.g. pickle). Using PyMM, program variables are stored in logical groupings known as “shelves”, which inherently map to different memory resources in the system. Variables that exist on a shelf can be readily used with commonly used existing libraries including NumPy and PyTorch. In future releases, we hope to extend this to Apache Arrow, and panda dataframes-like data types.

Install PyMM



Build PyMM

Build default is Optimized. Use --debug for debug mode.


Once everything has been correctly installed, the pymm module can be loaded.

>>> import pymm

For more installation detailes: BUILD_PyMM

Docker hub container image

A precompile pymm with the latest version:

Docker run command

In the docker run command, you should add a volume mount point that the shelf will run on. In this example, we are using "/mnt/pmem0" for FS-DAX, but you can also use any other mount point.

docker run -it -v /mnt/pmem0:/mnt/pmem0 moshik1/pymm:tag

Persistent Shelf Abstraction

PyMM allows the programmer to easily define what type of memory (i.e., volatile or persistent) a variable should be assigned to. This is achieved with the shelf abstraction. Each shelf is associated with an MCAS memory pool. For ease of management, we recommend setting up an fsdax persistent memory mount (e.g., /mnt/pmem0) - see Notes on DAX. This is where shelves will be created.

Shelves are given a name and capacity (currently they cannot expand or contract). A shelf can be created as follows:

>>> s = pymm.shelf('myShelf',size_mb=1024,pmem_path='/mnt/pmem0',force_new=True)

The last parameter, 'force_new', if set to True the call clears any existing pool and creates an entirely new allocation. The 'pmem_path' parameter defines where the shelves are created.

Normal re-opening of an existing shelf is performed with:

>>> s = pymm.shelf('myShelf',size_mb=1024,pmem_path='/mnt/pmem0')
$ ls -sh /mnt/pmem0
total 1.1G
1.0G  4.0K

Note, that each shelf/pool results in a data file and metadata file (.map). To erase a shelf, the corresponding files can be deleted through 'rm'. If a shelf already exists, then the pymm.shelf construction will re-open the existing shelf.

Once a shelf has been created, variables can be "placed" on it. Shelved data is durable across process and machine restarts (as are flushed files on traditional storage). Of course, if the machine homing the persistent memory resources fails, your data cannot be easily recovered. This is a topic of future work.

If you are using a devdax persistent memory partition, you can use the DAX_RESET=1 environment variable to reset and clear the pool.

Shelving Variables

When a shelf is opened, any variables on it are immediately available. There is no need for loading or de-serialization (e.g., unpickling).

To create a Numpy ndarray on the shelf, a pymm.ndarray data type is used. The constructor parameters for this are identical to numpy.ndarray. To create a variable x on the shelf, the following assignment is used:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> s.x = pymm.ndarray((1000,1000),dtype=np.int64)

This creates the ndarray in persistent memory and under-the-hood, stores the metadata so that the variable type is known on recovery. Once created the array can be populated in place. For example:

>>> s.x[1][1] = 9 # explicit slice assignment
>>> s.x.fill(3)   # in-place operation

# load data from file
>>> with open("array.dat", "rb") as source:

Shelved variables can be assigned as copies of non-shelved variables. In this case, the right-hand-side is evaluated in DRAM before copying over to persistent memory.

# create random 2D-array
>>> s.x = np.random.randint(1,100, size=(1000,1000), dtype=int64)

Shelved variables can be read directly:

>>> s.y
shelved_ndarray([[75, 87, 59, ..., 27,  2, 33],
                 [69, 56, 62, ..., 36, 35,  3],
                 [91,  3, 89, ...,  4, 89, 64],
                 [42, 87, 15, ..., 67,  4, 77],
                 [26, 74, 55, ..., 87, 83, 46],
                 [59, 94, 87, ..., 29, 13, 62]])
>>> sum(s.y.diagonal())

Variables are erased as follows:

>>> s.erase('y')

To show the variables on a shelf, the items property is used, which gives a list of variable names (strings) as follows:

>>> s.items
['x', 'y']


>>> dir(s)
['__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'erase', 'get_item_names', 'mr', 'name', 'x', 'y']


You can get the current memory usage (as a percent of the memory resources) as follows:

>>> s.used


Volatile references can be used to access shelved data. References cannot themselves be put on a shelf:

>>> Yref = s.y
>>> Yref
shelved_ndarray([[75, 87, 59, ..., 27,  2, 33],
                 [69, 56, 62, ..., 36, 35,  3],
                 [91,  3, 89, ...,  4, 89, 64],
                 [42, 87, 15, ..., 67,  4, 77],
                 [26, 74, 55, ..., 87, 83, 46],
                 [59, 94, 87, ..., 29, 13, 62]])
>>> Yref.sum()


A simple demo is available (src/python/pymm/ You will need matplotlib and scikit-image working for the demo (it will open a GUI dialog box).

$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Aug 18 2020, 08:33:21) 
[GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pymm
>>> pymm.demo(True)

Supported Types

Currently, only NumPy ndarray types can be put on a shelf. Future work plans to look at supporting other types.

>>> s.y = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/mcas/build/src/python/pymm/build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6/pymm/", line 128, in __setattr__
    raise RuntimeError('non-pymm type ({}, {}) cannot be put on the shelf'.format(name,type(value)))
RuntimeError: non-pymm type (y, <class 'int'>) cannot be put on the shelf

Future Plans

  • Extend beyond Numpy ndarray type
  • Support other types of memory (e.g., CXL attached)
  • Shelf expansion
  • Support for distributed durability.


  • Example creating a large array:
Python 3.6.8 (default, Aug 18 2020, 08:33:21) 
[GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pymm
>>> import numpy as np
>>> s = pymm.shelf('myShelf', size_mb=1024*512, pmem_path='/mnt/pmem0', force_new=True)
>>> s.x = pymm.ndarray((1000,1000,1000,500),dtype=np.uint8)
>>> s.used
  • Example loading a large file (beyond DRAM size)
>>> import pymm
>>> import numpy as np
>>> s = pymm.shelf('myShelf', size_mb=1024*512, pmem_path='/mnt/pmem0', force_new=True)
>>> s.z = np.memmap("/mnt/nvme0/file_300GB.out", dtype="float32", mode="r")
>>> s.used


PYMM_DEBUG=3 python3