I have migrated everything to NixOS, so this is no longer maintained and might not work out of the box. See my latest NixOS configs for more up-to-date configurations of the programs.

Thanks for dropping by!
This is my personal repository for my Arch dotfiles (always WIP)
Here are some information about my setup:
- Window Manager:
- Compositor:
- Terminal:
- Shell:
- Editor:
) - Panel:
- Notification Manager:
- Application Launcher:
- File Manager:
Here are some details about programs in the screenshots:
- Color schemes: a combination of
- Theme:
catppuccin gtk
andcatppuccin cursor
- System fetch: a bash script taken somewhere on r/unixporn (
) - Audio visualizer:
- Eww calendar:
- File manager:
withranger devicons
image previewer - Pipes script:
- Notification center:
combinerofi configuration
withdunst notification logger
(copiedinspired byBarbaross/Nebula dotfiles
) - Discord theme:
tokyonight theme
(taken from BetterDiscord theme store) - Firefox:
beautiful custom css theme
Stylus theme. - Note-taking:
theme (with 40+ plugins). - Flashcards study:
with Catppuccin theme and some additional plugins - Text editor:
(custom folder
) - PDF reader:
withcatppuccin theme
(and some color configs)zotero
with additional plugins
- Spotify theme:
withcatppuccin theme
- Screen lock:
These rofi configurations are highly based on adi1090x/rofi (it's not like I just copied it and changed some colors or anything π³)
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
Iosevka Nerd Font
font theme)Material Icon and Feathers
(for polybar)
This was made for a 1920x1080
and 75
dpi screen.
Most programs can be installed and used easily by following guides from their own GitHub (I already added as many links as possible). Some other harder ones I'll state below.
Just to be tidy, create a folder for your about-to-download packages as you would want to delete redundant things afterward.
mkdir ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
Clone my dotfiles in advance for later uses (~/Downloads/dotfiles
git clone
Let's set up the necessary scripts. Copy them to yours and grant execute permission (You don't need all the scripts. You can keep only the ones you need):
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/bin ~/bin
chmod +x ~/bin/*
Add that ~/bin
folder to your $PATH
as well, in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
add the following:
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
After that, source ~/.zshrc
(or source ~/.bashrc
) to update it though.
First, we need yay
and git
(if you haven't had them):
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Then let's install all the needed packages:
yay -S bspwm brightnessctl dunst eww-git feh i3lock-color nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono polybar pomo papirus-icon-theme ranger rofi rofi-calc rofi-emoji sxhkd ttf-fira-code ttf-iosevka-nerd ueberzug xdotool
Copy the wallpapers into your ~/Pictures
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/wallpapers ~/Pictures
We will use feh
to set up the wallpaper.
Add the following into your ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
(see mine
feh --bg-fill ~/Pictures/hollow-knight.png &
I used the beautiful custom css theme made by AmadeusWM.
You can see how to install it on his dotfiles linked above.
My firefox custom chrome folder isn't exactly like his. I have added the shortcut Super + Z
to toggle expand the vertical side tab. If you want do the same, see this reddit thread for hints.
I love Obsidian. It plays an important role in changing my life. I have templates for all kinds of things and it helps me organize my knowledge and life a lot easier.
I haven't included any thing about Obsidian here yet. But I will create a repo for my Obsidian workflow soon. Follow me for further details.
Firstly, let's install Material Icon and Feathers
for our polybar
mkdir ~/.fonts
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cp -r ./polybar-collection/fonts/* ~/.fonts/
fc-cache -fv
Copy my polybar
setup into yours:
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/.config/polybar ~/.config/polybar
Enable autostart polybar
when starting bspwm
chmod +x ~/.config/polybar/
Then add this to your ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
(see mine
$HOME/.config/polybar/ &
file is not for straight copying. There are many things that are personal and unrelated (can cause confusion if you don't understand what they are for). Use it responsibly.
β Note: The below section in the polybar
is from pomo
package which is a pomodoro timer. When running, it would update in the polybar
There are the network
module and battery
module that might need to be changed accordingly to your machine. See the polybar
wiki link given.
Copy my dunst
configuration into yours:
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/.config/dunst ~/.config/dunst
Add dunst
startup to your ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
(see mine
dunst -conf $HOME/.config/dunst/dunstrc &
Copy my rofi
and eww
configuration into yours:
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/.config/rofi ~/.config/rofi
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/.config/eww ~/.config/eww
In my ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
file, you can see some related keybindings:
super + c
rofi -show drun -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/app-launcher.rasi"
super + alt + z
super + shift + c
rofi -show calc -modi calc -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/calc.rasi"
super + shift + x
super + shift + z
super + shift + f
super + shift + e
rofi -modi emoji -show emoji -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/emojimenu.rasi"
From those, you can imply that the command to run the rofi utils are (Bind it to your key mappings or use my sxhkdrc
App launcher/Directory menu/Windows menu:
rofi -show drun -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/app-launcher.rasi"
There are some
rofi keybindings
that you can learn to use to navigate. -
Calculator (remember the package
we have already downloaded at Dependency):rofi -show calc -modi calc -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/calc.rasi"
Emoji selector (package
):rofi -modi emoji -show emoji -theme "$HOME/.config/rofi/themes/emojimenu.rasi"
Power menu:
Notification center:
Wifi menu:
Calendar (This is
widgets and not rofi):~/bin/calendar-launcher
β In case the background image on the input bar doesn't appear, double check that you have done copied all the images to your ~/Pictures
folder in Background Wallpaper. All the rofi
themes used this background image.
β I have changed to default picom
(install through normal yay -S picom
) for calmer experience. If you still want fancy animations, please proceed.
This is a picom
fork with splendid animations, so we have to build it on our own.
First install all the dependencies required to build the compositor:
yay -S libconfig libev libxdg-basedir pcre pixman xcb-util-image xcb-util-renderutil hicolor-icon-theme libglvnd libx11 libxcb libxext libdbus asciidoc uthash
Then let's build it:
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd picom/
meson --buildtype=release . build --prefix=/usr -Dwith_docs=true
sudo ninja -C build install
Copy my picom
configuration into yours:
cp -r ~/Downloads/dotfiles/.config/picom ~/.config/picom
Then enable picom
start-up when starting bspwm
by adding this to your ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
(see mine
picom &
β Set your bspwm border to 0
for better experience with this picom
This is some main keybindings in my sxhkdrc keybindings
if you happen to use it:
Action | Keybinding |
App launcher | super + c |
Toggle polybar | super + x |
Terminal | super + Return |
Restart bspwm | super + alt + r |
Reload sxhkd | super + Esc |
Close program | super + w |
Quit bspwm | super + alt + q |
Increase/Decrease brightness | super + F10/F11 |
Increase/Decrease volume | super + shift + F10/F11 |
For other ones please follow the link to the application you want to install and do it on your own. I believe you can do it in no time. Good luck π
β In case you are desperately stuck, open an issue. I would consider updating additional guides for the ones you need.
inspired by janleigh/dotfiles and beyond9thousand/dotfiles- siduck for the incredible nvchad and for helping out all the time
- r/unixporn for endless inspiration