Project created as a result of a challenge - write a simple Fullstack application with authorization in 1 day
The project is deployed on
- T3 Stack (Next.js, tRPC, Tailwind)
- Next Auth
- Drizzle ORM
- Postgresql
- Shadcn ui
- Keep your tasks in the form of a kanban board (Todo, In progress, Done, Suspended)
- Authorization with GitHub OAuth
- Your tasks are stored in the cloud
- Your tasks are private (other users won't see them)
- Responsive design and UI/UX pleasant for: phone, tablet, laptop and computer
- Create .env file (or use environment variables)
- Set DATABASE_URL to your Postgresql db url (you can also use for example Supabase, Vercel postgres or Neon)
- Set NEXTAUTH_SECRET to secret base64 string, you can generate one like this (type this in your terminal):
openssl rand -base64 32
- NEXTAUTH_URL - on localhost you use http://localhost:3000, on Vercel you don't need to set this variable
- GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET - go to GitHub OAuth and create new OAuth app
- Type this in your terminal to migrate drizzle schema to Postgres database:
npm run db:push
- You can start dev server like that:
npm run dev
- Or deploy by following these tutorials
2024 Hubert Kasperek
The project is available under the MIT License