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making sysops happier one at a time!
Yes. And very useful!
Let's admit it, configuring Erlang applications is a pain. Not only
because configuration files are [usually] 1 just a bunch of Erlang
terms, which are hard to both read and modify for mere humans, but
also because, in a lot of cases, configured values are more complex
than the primitives Erlang provides. So, how can nakaz
Here're the highlights:
- [YAML] 2 human-readable configuration files;
- extensible typing and validation framework;
- on-the-fly config reloading
- ... and more!
Still not convinced? check out our
screencast to see nakaz
in action!
Of course, here it is: https://github.com/HollyBrolly/nakaz_example
(hopefuly) the usage of nakaz
is pretty straighforward, though you
still have to keep in mind two things:
uses [YAML] 2 as base configuration format;nakaz
requires you to structure your [YAML] 2 config in a special way, which is described bellow.
The basic configuration unit in nakaz
is a section, which is
represented as a named [mapping] 3 on the YAML side. Each
configured application can have one or more sections, for example:
conn_type: http
log: "priv/log.txt"
severity: debug
Here, [example] 4 application defines a two sections, named
and srv_conf
. So, as you might have noticed, the
expected structure is simple:
- applications are defined on the top level of the configuration file,
- with sections, residing on the second level.
"Enough YAML, show me some Erlang code, dude?!"
For flexibility reasons nakaz
doesn't allow you to actually read
configuration file from the code, instead, it handles reading and
parsing internally, and all you have to do is pass path to the
configuration file via command line:
$ erl -nakaz path/to/config.yaml
Note: the current implementation doesn't allow using multiple configuration files, but this might change in the future versions.
As we've already mentioned, nakaz
represents your application
configuration as sections; what we haven't mentioned is that every
section will be parsed into a typed Erlang record! Here's an
[example] 5:
-compile({parse_transform, nakaz_pt}).
-type filename() :: string().
-record(srv_conf, {conn_type :: http | ssl}).
-record(log_conf, {log :: filename(),
severity :: debug | info | error}).
%% Application callbacks
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
%% Application callbacks
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
case ?NAKAZ_ENSURE([#srv_conf{}, #log_conf{}]) of
ok -> example_sup:start_link();
{error, Msg} -> io:format(Msg)
stop(_State) ->
What happens here? First thing to notice is {parse_transform, nakaz_pt}
this is required for all the record-related magic to happen. Second,
macro. As the name suggests, this macro ensures
that the configration file actually contains all of the sections, required
by your application. Moreover, ?NAKAZ_ENSURE
also checks that the
values in those sections exactly match the types you've declared in
the record specs!
If anything goes wrong, the Msg
term will contain an understable
description of the error.
Probably, the use of records in ?NAKAZ_ENSURE
call looks a little
supprising, and you might be thinking
"wtf is wrong with those crazy russians?!"
. Here's the deal, forcing
arguments to be records we actually make sure that each of them is
a valid record and is available in the module scope (which is just what
Whenever you need to access a specific section from the configuration
file, simply [call] 6 ?NAKAZ_USE
passing section name as an
%% IMPORTANT: without this line your module won't be notified of any
%% configuration changes!
init([]) ->
SrvConf = ?NAKAZ_USE(#srv_conf{}),
LogConf = ?NAKAZ_USE(#log_conf{}),
{ok, #state{srv_conf=SrvConf,
Three awesome facts about ?NAKAZ_USE
- it only allows using ensured sections, any other sections simply don't exist;
- the returned section is guaranteed to be 100% valid, because
already did all the hard work of type checking and validating configuration values; - the caller will be notified of section changes, see [nakaz_user] 7 documentation for details.
This is the dumbest name we could come up with, which roughly
[translates] 8 to mandate
from old-Russian.