A package manager for installing linux programs that are self contained.
Packages are defined in dipm-pkgs
curl -L "https://github.com/Hejsil/dipm/releases/latest/download/dipm-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s)-musl" > /tmp/dipm &&
chmod +x /tmp/dipm &&
/tmp/dipm install dipm &&
rm /tmp/dipm
I love Arch linux. The main reason for this is the Arch User Repository (AUR). With the AUR, most tools a developer could ever want can be installed on the system with relative ease.
But life isn't always kind and sometimes you end up having to use Ubuntu. I'm sure the distro has many advantages, but the package repository is a fraction of the size.
I want to use zoxide, eza, fzf and other modern tools, but they either don't exist in the package repo or is very out of date.
Most of these tools end up creating distro independent binary releases so anyone can use them. They then guide their users to download and run install scripts like so:
curl <my-cool-pkg-install-script> | sh
But imagine a world where we had a package manager for installing these binaries. This is what
tries to be.
There are package managers that work on multiple distros like homebrew or nix. While these are great, they're quite complicated for what I want.
There are also eget and stow which are much simpler. The only issue I see with these is that they are dependent on Github and cannot install binaries from elsewhere.