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Convert plt files (which can be exported from Inkscape) to tektronix 40xx vector input.

Runs on Node.js (apt-get install nodejs or similar). Install via npm:

$ npm install plt2tek -g

It assumes 90dpi input, so if you export .plt from Inkscape, the pixel counts should match (i.e. you can set your document size to 1024 × 768 px).


On the command line

$ plt2tek [inputfile]

For example:

$ plt2tek hack42.plt > hack42.tek

The Hack42 logo on a Tektronix

As a node.js module


Takes a string and returns an array of octets. For example:

var fs = require('fs');
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var plt2tek = require('plt2tek');

var input = 'IN;PU0,0;PD0,100;PD100,100;PD100,0;PD0,0;PU;';
var output = pl2tek(input); // [29, 32, ...]

fs.writeFile('output.tek', new Buffer(output));
