- Clone this repo
- Determine which configs should be used, from configs/ and/or envs/, and symlink them from ~.
- Follow steps in the README to configure additional things.
- Create a ~/.secrets file containing things that should not be committed to source control (eg
) - Create ~/.tmux.panes, one line per window, each line optionally containing a directory
- Add an ssh key in github
eg command:
~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
Connecting to github is hard on a devserver. See this wiki page for info: page
bin/ Contains developer environment binaries configs/ Contains configuration files for various applications envs/ Contains specifications for specific environments originals/ Dotfiles that were on the system beforehand; gitignored
- Configuring iTerm2 and tmux
I want to send hex codes to tmux using iterm keyboard shortcuts. In profile>keys, override command-[number] to Send Hex Code 0x02 0x3[number]. Also need to remove command-number override in general>keys>navigation shortcuts Also add command-` to 0x02 0x3b, which is 'ctrl-b ;', which changes panes Also add cmd-hjkl to be tmux commands for hjkl Also add cmd-shift-right|left to navigate iterm tabs (prev and next tab)
- devservers
To clone from FBDev: git clone ssh://[email protected]/Gownta/dotfiles (this is the SSH url provided on github.com) To commit from FBDev: generate an access token from Seetings > Applications use this token as my password git push origin master
Getting the repo on a devserver
- https://www.internalfb.com/intern/wiki/Open_Source/Maintain_a_FB_OSS_Project/Devserver_GitHub_Access/
- Start with git pull
- git push origin master when done commits
- use save_and_set_home_dotfiles to set devserver dotfiles
- will save originals in originals/
Not dotfiles, but stuff that I also set up on new machines:
Mosh mbp > Managed Software Center > Mosh Bazel https://docs.bazel.build --prefix=$HOME/dev/bazel, instead of --use