Diffraction Assisted Mechanical Modeling
The software DISEMM is designed to analyse diffraction data from in situ loading experiments for the determination of single-crystal elastic constants and an elasto-plastic self-consistent modelling (EPSC) of lattice strains.
DISEMM implements a variety methods to analyze the mechanical behavior of solids with X-ray or neutron diffraction data:
- 1-D diffraction pattern analysis (peak finding, peak fitting)
- Up to hexagonal crystal symmetries
- Strain calculation and fitting of diffraction elastic constants
- Fitting of single-crystal elastic constants
- Texture support
- Dual-Phase support and calculation of the elastic load transfer
- Full plotting support
- Anisotropy analysis
- Elasto-Plastic Self-Consistent Modeling (EPSC)
- Arbitrary loading
- Texture support
- Lattice strain analysis
- Slip activity
- Multi-threading
The maunal is found here: https://github.com/Gipfelgrab/DISEMM/raw/master/DISEMMManual.pdf
A collection of video tutorials is uploaded to:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw_nXp5aFB0
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha77Lud_awM&t=5s
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzONpEQOMJo
Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viPfMkIRj6c
-Fixed Auto-Fill --> Changed to Fast-Fill.
-Fixed a bug regarding the texture weighted DEC which caused the list of fitted DEC to not be displayed.
-Added Used guidance for start up.
-Changed labeling to greek.
-Removed load transfer from DEC.
-Extended the load transfer in the SEC window and added visualization.
-Added ODF raw dara view.
-Added different restrictions to proceed during the evaluation to avoid crashes.
-Added Tooltips to most textboxes and labels.
-Added viewing parameters to the listview to properly round for Display.
-Changed the error calcualtion for the DEC and added new weightings.
-Changed the internal texture handling to save space and fasten up the fitting.
-Added Peak file loading options.
-A lot of minor Bugfixes
-Many visual changes
-Fixed a Bug where the application crashes if no pattern data is added.
-Exported the plot settings into an extra window, shifted the Tensile Experiment Stuff and increased the space for the slip families.
-Fixed Path issue during Saving for the new Format. Now Files are actually saved where they should be saved.
-Simplified plotting and fixed one issue during plotting selection in the EPSC Tab.
-Fixed Index driving issue in the EPSC Tab. It now works fine.
-Improved the performance of the hexagonal vektor normal calculation.
-Changed EPSC Saving Intervall to 30 to further accelarate the loading until the ASP.NET Bug is fixed.
-Fixed resolution Problems at the Main Window.
-Application Icon Added.
-Fixed Wavelength for V2A example data to the right value.
-Changed the Ti Peak Data to V2A ready