A lightweight solution to use a cloud Key-Value database based on github.com.
Also available in Node.js freedb.js
go get -u github.com/Gcaufy/freedb
See BUILD.md.
$ freedb -?
freedb [flags]
-b, --branch string Config using branch. (default "master")
-d, --database string Config using database. (default "default")
-e, --execute string Execute command and quit.
-?, --help Display the help
-h, --host string Connect to host, which is a https/ssh git clone link.
-s, --short-output Only output the value
-k, --key string Secret key for encrypt and decrypt.
-t, --token string Access token for the git repository.
- Create or use your own github.com account and login.
- Go to: Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token
- Select scopes: "repo" to make sure you grant access.
- Make the repository private. Simply and easy. Github support private repository
- Use
option to add a secret key. Then all key and value will be encrypt with AES.