Django based Web Interface to Retroshare
check out the code:
git clone git:// djrs-code
cd djrs-code
git submodule update --init
Install the python requirements:
- django (1.4.X) (Web Framework)
- paramiko (>=1.9.0) (python SSH client)
- flup (python fastcgi interface)
- protobuf (2.4.1) (googles serialisation protocol)
- pycrypto >=2.1
This can be done by running
pip install -r djrs_requirements.txt
Launch the development server
python runserver
Then point your browser at
Finally, you have to launch retroshare-nogui in SSH mode. For instructions about how to do this, see out blog: there are RPC notes towards the bottom of the page.
There are also notes in Retroshare source code: retroshare-nogui/src/
This should be as simple as running
Then point your browser at
Once you have got the standalone app running, you can try and build the standalone app. This is still work-in-progress. It has been successfully done a couple of times.
Let us know if it works for you.
python build
(This is not recommended at the moment).
In djrs.settings:
Change the SECRET_KEY
Specify STATIC_ROOT for your Production System.
Setup an external face https server. (nginx, apache, etc) Be sure to use https, as you will be logging in via this interface.
Launch the fastcgi python interface via the ./ script.
The recommended method is to setup your rs-nogui node with an forwarded SSH port on your raspberry-PI or dreamplug. Then run the web app on any other computers when you want to access you node.
The DjRS webserver and Retroshare nodes do not have to be on the same computer, BUT you need to know the IP Address of the Retroshare Node in order to login!
DjRS is still in early development, and it is not recommended to expose the Web Interface directly to the Internet yet.