Script to get your laptop set up as a development machine targeted for the developing for EverFi
This script is assuming that you are using a Mac running OS X 10.6 or higher.
First, install GCC for OS X. (requires OS X 10.6 or higher) OR Install XCode
Then, run this one-liner:
bash < <(curl -s
- SSH public keys (for authenticating with services like Github and Heroku)
- Homebrew (for managing operating system libraries)
- Ack (for finding things in files)
- Postgres (for storing relational data)
- ImageMagick (for cropping and resizing images)
- rbenv (for managing versions of the Ruby programming language)
- Ruby 2.2.0 stable (for writing general-purpose code)
- Bundler gem (for managing Ruby libraries)
- Rails gem (for writing web applications)
- Heroku gem (for interacting with the Heroku API)
- Taps gem (for pushing and pulling SQL databases between environments)
- Postgres gem (for making Ruby talk to SQL databases)
It should take about 30 minutes for everything to install, depending on your machine.
This was forked from Thoughbot(see and basterdized for our own env. Thanks Thoughtbot!