Session type: technical-session, workshop-materials, user-presentation, demo-theater, and speedgeeking.
Event Edition: per year (ds-2024, ds-2023, fed-2023, ds-2022, ds-2021, ...) and location (ds-usa and ds-europe).
- ArcGIS services: basemap-styles-service, geocoding-service, places-service, routing-service, geoenrichment-service, feature-service, vector-tile-service, map-tile-service, scene-service, map-service, image-service, spatial-analysis-service, raster-analysis-service, geoanalytics-service, utility-network-service, ...
- SDKs, libraries and APIs: arcgis-js-sdk, arcgis-dotnet-sdk, arcgis-kotlin-sdk, arcgis-swift-sdk, arcgis-java-sdk, arcgis-qt-sdk, arcgis-unity-sdk, arcgis-unreal-sdk, arcgis-python-api, arcpy, arcgis-rest-api, esri-leaflet, esri-maplibre, esri-openlayers, ...
- App builders: arcgis-appstudio, arcgis-experience-builder, arcgis-survey123, arcgis-web-appbuilder.
- Products: arcgis-enterprise, arcgis-online, arcgis-platform, arcgis-pro.
- Others: calcite-components, arcpy, esri-arcade, 3D...
- Generic: geolocation, geo, mapping, geospatial, basemap, geocoding, reverse-geocoding, directions, geo-routing, isochrones, spatial-analysis, spatial-data-analysis, geospatial-analysis, spatial-data, geospatial-data, wms, wmts, wcs, ogc-services, tilemap, vector-tiles, offline-maps, webmapping, map-animation, elevation-api, ... more.
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- 💡 Session ideas: if you want to share technical sessions would you like to see in future editions of the Esri Developer and Technology Summit
- 🙌 Show and tell if you have presented or seen a presentation related to our developers tools and want to let us know!
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