Text file editor and IDE for MS-DOS and 8086/88 CPU (IBM XT-grade PC) designed in modern style.
Main features:
- Support files with size over 64kb (~300kb conventional, or up to 2gb swap)
- Dont require DPMI-server or 80286 CPU, but support huge swap-file (could be placed on ramdisk)
- Support basic syntax highlight (C/C++/C--, Pascal, Basic, Assembler, Xml/Html, text files etc)
- Support multiple file editing at the same time
- Support unix-like text files for open
- Support Long File Names (LFN)
- Support internal clipboard (size up to 32kb)
- Support Windows Clipboard (you can use it with clipdrv or DosBox-X)
- Support user's color scheme (via config-file)
- Support user's shell script running by hotkeys F5, F8, F9.
- You can disable highlight and receive good speed with XT.
- Support mouse
- This software is writen in Turbo Pascal, so string length is limited to 255 chars.
- DWED don't parse file content in the same way, as compilers - so, some time syntax highlight can fail (be wrong). I know it. But it is better then nothing.
- No Undo/Redo functionality. The reason is the same as why i dont build AST for syntax highlight - here is no memory/CPU speed for it.
Here is small review/intro on FreeDOS channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zFomGoKdlQ
C:\DWED\dwed.exe filename1 .. filenameN
Use key F1 to get more documentation (hotkeys, tips etc). I don't want write documentation and put all knowledge to buildin help.
Inspired by
ASCII program. Version 4.23 (C) Compact Soft, 1991.
By: Alexander Dudarenko & Dmitry Kohmanyuk.
Published at Softpanorama in 1993 (SP53A), now here is my remake for dwed.
Requires system2 library - https://github.com/DosWorld/libsystem2
To build binaries, you need Turbo Pascal 6.0/7.0 in path, SPHINX C-- by Michael Sheker and my small make. Then - type
MIT License. See LICENSE file.