for documentation
I needed something similar to sails.js but that I could update, for example, and it was much simpler, without having everything out of the box. So I basically took out everything I liked about it and made a smaller version with some different features.
Axolot comes bundled with a command line tool which can be used to easily create a new project
$ npm install axolot -g
$ axolot new demoproject
$ cd demoproject
Once you are in the folder of your project, you will have a simple structure
- api - Folder containing basically all your code (controllers, models, services, etc.)
- config - Folder containing various configuration files
- app.js - Your entry point
To start the app you have 2 different ways use gulp
, which is good in development since it will restart when you edit a file, or simply use npm start
For the models I choose to use Waterline from the guys of sails.js I find it simple to use and it does the job.
Basically you can add a model inside the folder api/models
Example api/models/user.js
module.exports = {
identity: 'user'
attributes: {
username: { type: 'string', required: true },
password: { type: 'string', minLength: 6, required: true },
// Lifecycle Callbacks
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
bcrypt.hash(values.password, 10, function(err, hash) {
if(err) return next(err);
values.password = hash;
If you don't know how Waterline works you can refer to their documentation:
Controllers is where you define your endpoints (routing). A Controller can be associated with a model, and in this way, the CRUD operations will be there automatically, but you can always override them. Controllers are stored in api/controllers
Controllers can also have methods which are callable from with `controllername:method``
Example api/controllers/user.js
module.exports = {
model: 'user', // We are attaching the user to the model, so CRUD operations are there (good for dev purposes)
path: '/user', // Tthis is the end point
actions: {
'get /': [
function (req, res) {
var query = {};
Model.user.find(query).then(function(user) { // Find from the User Model declared above
}).catch(function (err){
res.send(400, err);
sockets: {
getSingle: function(userId, cb) { // This one is callable from using "user:getSingle
Model.user.findOne(userId).then(function(user) {
}).catch(function (err){
cb({error: err})
Services are simply some support objects that can help us doing something. For example we could create a service to send emails. Services are accessible globally through the variable Service
and are stored in api/services
Example api/services/mailer.js
which will be callable from Service.mailer.send
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
module.exports = {
* Sends an email to a given recipient
* @method send
* @param {object} email an object containing all of the necessary data to email
* @param {Function} cb[err, res] the callback to call once email is sent, or if it fails
* @return
send: function (email, cb) {
var config = this.config;
/** sets up the modemailer smtp transport */
var transport = nodemailer.createTransport(config.nodemailer.type, {
service: config.nodemailer.service,
auth: {
user: config.nodemailer.user,
pass: config.nodemailer.pass
/** sets up the mail options, from and such like that **/
var from = email.from || '[email protected]';
var subject;
if (config.nodemailer.prependSubject) {
subject = config.nodemailer.prependSubject + email.subject;
} else {
subject = email.subject;
var mailOptions = {
from: + '<' + from + '>',
subject: subject,
html: email.messageHtml
/** Actually sends the email */
transport.sendMail(mailOptions, function (err, response) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, response);
Configuration can be separated by environments
With the CLI you can create new projects and you can access an interactive console, loading your code as well. This is good for testing something and/or debugging.
To generate a new project is pretty easy, after you created it you can mode into that folder (same name of the project) and start coding.
$ axolot new projectName
To enter in the interactive console, you have to be in the folder of an axolot project. You can select the environment (which is basically the config filename).
$ axolot console environment
More commands will comoe shortly.
You can drop me an email at [email protected] or ask a question in StackOverflow or simply open an issue on
More updats will come soon.