🌐 Currently located in Calgary, Canada
🏢 Working as a Data Development Intern | Nova Chemicals
🕐 Developing for 6+ years, working on personal and client projects
🏫 Student at the Univerity of Calgary | Bsc. Computer Science w/minor in Philosophy
- ⬆️ Pushed 2 commit(s) to Descent098/up
- ⬆️ Pushed 7 commit(s) to Descent098/up
- ⭐ Starred Kovah/LinkAce
- ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to Descent098/up
- ⬆️ Pushed 7 commit(s) to Descent098/up
Last Updated: Monday, March 17th, 2025, 11:22:10 PM
For obvious reasons much of my work is not public, so the information included on this profile is all just my public work. You can contact me here if you have any questions about other work that I have done, or have a project you want me to join.