Copyright (C) 2015, Jose M. Gimenez-Garcia, Javier D. Fernandez, Miguel A. Martinez-Prieto All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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Contacting the authors:
- Jose M. Gimenez-Garcia: [email protected]
- Javier D. Fernandez: [email protected], [email protected]
- Miguel A. Martinez-Prieto: [email protected]
HDT-MR improves the HDT-java library by introducing MapReduce as the computation model for large HDT serialization. HDT-MR performs in linear time with the dataset size and has proven able to serialize datasets up to 4.42 billion triples, preserving HDT compression and retrieval features.
HDT-java is a Java library that implements the W3C Submission ( of the RDF HDT (Header-Dictionary-Triples) binary format for publishing and exchanging RDF data at large scale. Its compact representation allows storing RDF in fewer space, while providing direct access to the stored information. See for further information.
HDT-MR provides three components:
- iface: Provides an API to use HDT-MR, including interfaces and abstract classes
- src: Core library and command lines tools for using HDT-MR. It allows creating HDT files from RDF.
- config: Examples of configuration files
Note that the current distribution is an alpha version. Therefore, while this build has been tested, it is still subject to bugs and optimizations.
- HDT-java (
src/org/rdfhdt/hdt includes those classes who has been modified/extended
The tool provides the following main command line tool:
Usage: hadoop HDTBuilderDriver [options]
-a, --awsbucket
Amazon Web Services bucket
-bu, --baseURI
Base URI for the dataset
-b, --basedir
Root directory for the process
-bd, --builddictionary
Whether to build HDT dictionary or not
-bh, --buildhdt
Whether to build HDT or not
-c, --conf
Path to configuration file
-dd, --deleteoutputdictionary
Delete dictionary job output path before running job
-dt, --deleteoutputtriples
Delete triples job output path before running job
-dsd, --deletesampledictionary
Delete dictionary job sample path before running job
-dst, --deletesampletriples
Delete triples job sample path before running job
-d, --dictionarydistribution
Dictionary distribution among mappers and reducers
-fd, --filedictionary
Name of hdt dictionary file
-fr, --fileobjects
Name of hdt dictionary file for Reducers
-fm, --filesubjects
Name of hdt dictionary file for Mappers
-hc, --hdtconf
Conversion config file
-x, --index
Generate also external indices to solve all queries
-i, --input
Path to input files. Relative to basedir
-it, --inputtriples
Path to triples job input files. Relative to basedir
-nd, --namedictionaryjob
Name of dictionary job
-fh, --namehdtfile
Name of hdt file
-nt, --nametriplesjob
Name of triples job
-o, --options
HDT Conversion options (override those of config file)
-od, --outputdictionary
Path to dictionary job output files. Relative to basedir
-ot, --outputtriples
Path to triples job output files. Relative to basedir
-q, --quiet
Do not show progress of the conversion
-t, --rdftype
Type of RDF Input (ntriples, nquad, n3, turtle, rdfxml)
-Rd, --reducersdictionary
Number of reducers for dictionary job
-Rds, --reducersdictionarysampling
Number of reducers for dictionary input sampling job
-Rt, --reducerstriples
Number of reducers for triples job
-Rts, --reducerstriplessampling
Number of reducers for triples input sampling job
-rd, --rundictionary
Whether to run dictionary job or not
-rds, --rundictionarysampling
Whether to run dictionary input sampling job or not
-rt, --runtriples
Whether to run triples job or not
-rts, --runtriplessampling
Whether to run triples input sampling job or not
-p, --sampleprobability
Probability of using each element for sampling
-sd, --samplesdictionary
Path to dictionary job sample files. Relative to basedir
-st, --samplestriples
Path to triples job sample files. Relative to basedir
After installation, run:
$ hadoop HDTBuilderDriver
This first try to read configuration parameters at the default config file (HDTMRBuilder.xml), using default values for those missing parameters. It reads RDF input data from the default 'input' folder and outputs the HDT conversion in 'output.hdt'
$ hadoop HDTBuilderDriver -i mashup
Same previous example, but it reads RDF input data from the directory 'mashup'
$ hadoop HDTBuilderDriver -c lubm-dictionary.xml -p 0.01
It uses 'lubm-dictionary.xml' as the configuration file. This file states that input data must be taken from the 'lubm' directory and it forces to compute only the HDT dictionary, which is written in 'dictionary/dictionary.hdt'
It uses 0.01 as the probability of using each element for sampling.
$ hadoop HDTBuilderDriver -c lubm-triples.xml -Rt 1 -Rts 1
It uses 'lubm-triples.xml' as the configuration file. This file states that input data must be taken from the 'lubm' directory and it forces to compute the HDT triples and the final HDT representation by taken the already computed dictionary in 'dictionary/dictionary.hdt'
It forces to use one reducer in both jobs.
All HDT-MR content is licensed by Lesser General Public License.
HDT-MR is a project partially funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain: TIN2013-46238-C4-3-R, and Austrian Science Fund (FWF): M1720-G11.