A Geant4 simulation of the 2020 Dual-Readout em-sized tubes prototype beam tests.
Fig. - 10 GeV positron passing through the preshower and the dual-readout calorimeter (2 events).Table of Contents
The project targets a standalone Geant4 simulation of the Dual-Readout electromagnetic-sized 2020 tubes prototype beam tests. We plan to perform Geant4 regression testing, physics lists comparison and validation against test-beam data.
- Start date: 7 July 2021.
- (CERN EP-SFT) Lorenzo Pezzotti ([email protected]), Alberto Ribon (Supervisor)
- (University of Pavia and INFN Pavia) Jinky Agarwala, Gabriella Gaudio
- Dual-Readout Calorimetry Meeting 19/11/2021, Results from the CERN TB Geant4 simulation
- Dual-Readout Calorimetry Meeting 13/10/2021, Status of 2021 Test Beam(s) SW
- Dual-Readout Calorimetry Meeting 21/7/2021, DREMTubes: A Geant4 simulation of the DR tubes prototype 2021 beam tests
DREMTubes | Reproduce data | Reproduce analysis | Comments |
v1.3 Dataset #3 tag 1.3_3 (Geant4.10.07.p01, ATLHECTB v1.3, FTFP_BERT) Added on 26/11/2021 |
./DREMTubes -m runcards/DREMTubes_run6.mac | No analysis | Run 6 same as Run 5 but with beam spot with 2.0 cm radius. |
v1.3 Dataset #2 tag 1.3_2 (Geant4.10.07.p01, ATLHECTB v1.3, FTFP_BERT) Added on 24/11/2021 |
./DREMTubes -m runcards/DREMTubes_run4.mac ./DREMTubes -m runcards/DREMTubes_run5.mac | No analysis | Run 4 same as Run 3 but with higher statistics, Run 5 same as Run 4 but without preshower. |
v1.3 Dataset #1 tag 1.3_1 (Geant4.10.07.p01, ATLHECTB v1.3, FTFP_BERT) Added on 17/11/2021 |
./DREMTubes -m runcards/DREMTubes_run3.mac | root -l DREMTubesanalysis_v1p3.C | Produced data and results shown in the presentation on 19/11/2021 by Lorenzo. Assuming root files from Geant4 are within run3/ folder as pointed in root macro. |
- git clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/lopezzot/DREMTubes.git
- source Geant4 env
source /relative_path_to/geant4.10.07_p01-install/bin/geant4.sh
- cmake build directory and make (using geant4.10.07_p01)
mkdir DREMTubes-build; cd DREMTubes-build/ cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/absolute_path_to/geant4.10.07_p01-install/lib/Geant4-10.7.1/ relative_path_to/DREMTubes/ make
- execute (example with DREMTubes_run.mac macro card, 2 thread, FTFP_BERT physics list and no optical propagation)
./DREMTubes -m DREMTubes_run.mac -t 2 -pl FTFP_BERT -opt false
Parser options
- -m macro.mac: pass a Geant4 macro card (example -m DREMTubes_run.mac available in source directory and automatically copied in build directory)
- -t integer: pass number of threads for multi-thread execution (example -t 3, default t=2)
- -pl Physics_List: select Geant4 physics list (example -pl FTFP_BERT)
- -opt FullOptic: boolean variable to switch on (true) the optical photon propagation in fibers (example -opt true, default false)
- git clone the repo
git clone git clone https://github.com/lopezzot/DREMTubes.git
- cmake, build directory and make (using geant4.10.07_p01, check for gcc and cmake dependencies for other versions)
mkdir DREMTubes-build; cd DREMTubes-build/ source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/contrib/gcc/8.3.0/x86_64-centos7/setup.sh source /cvmfs/geant4.cern.ch/geant4/10.7.p01/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-optdeb-MT/CMake-setup.sh export CXX=`which g++` export CC=`which gcc` cmake3 -DGeant4_DIR= /cvmfs/geant4.cern.ch/geant4/10.7.p01/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-optdeb-MT/lib64/Geant4-10.7.1 ../../DREMTubes/ make
- execute (example with DREMTubes_run.mac macro card, 2 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
./DREMTubes -m DREMTubes_run.mac -t 2 -pl FTFP_BERT
- git clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/lopezzot/DREMTubes.git
- prepare execution files (example with Geant4.10.07_p01, DREMTubes_run.mac, 2 threads, FTFP_BERT physics list)
mkdir DREMTubes-build; cd DREMTubes-build mkdir error log output cp ../../DREMTubes/scripts/DREMTubes_lxplus_10.7.p01.sh . source DREMTubes_lxplus_10.7.p01.sh
- prepare for HTCondor submission (example with Geant4.10.07_p01, DREMTubes_run.mac, 2 threads, FTFP_BERT physics list)
cp ../../DREMTubes/scripts/DREMTubes_HTCondor_10.7.p01.sh . export MYHOME=`pwd` echo cd $MYHOME >> DREMTubes_HTCondor_10.7.p01.sh echo $MYHOME/DREMTubes -m $MYHOME/DREMTubes_run.mac -t 2 >> DREMTubes_HTCondor_10.7.p01.sh cp ../../DREMTubes/scripts/DREMTubes_HTCondor.sub . sed -i '1 i executable = DREMTubes_HTCondor_10.7.p01.sh' DREMTubes_HTCondor.sub
- submit a job
condor_submit DREMTubes_HTCondor.sub
- monitor the job
or (for persistency)
condor_wait -status log/*.log
Here is my standard Geant4 installation (example with Geant4.10.7.p01) starting from the unpacked geant4.10.07.tar.gz file under the example path "path/to".
- create build directory alongside source files
cd /path/to mkdir geant4.10.07-build cd geant4.10.07-build
- link libraries with CMAKE (example with my favourite libraries)
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/lorenzo/myG4/geant4.10.07_p01-install \ -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON -DGEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED=ON \ -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON ../geant4.10.07.p01
- make it
make -jN make install