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This repository was archived by the owner on May 10, 2022. It is now read-only.


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A small API that sends anime/hentai images in JSON.


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Follow me on Twitter. Join my Discord server for help.

Other stuff

Coming soon

  • More endpoints
  • Improved randomness
  • Better response times


Why do I get an error

  • the most likely issue is that you are using the default user-agent

Can i help

  • Yes of course just make a PR.

Will it work on my PC

  • I don't recommend using my stuff but only for testing purposes (maybe).


  • Web server (Apache/Nginx, PHP, MySQL)
  • Redis

How to setup for dummy's

Recommended is Linux

With phpstorm (with php in path (or add it in your path)): setup composer (be sure it downloads composer.phar) and run this command in a terminal in the project directory php composer.phar install.

Download & install composer and after that run this in the project directory composer install --optimize-autoloader.

Setup doctrine (database)

Check the parameters in parameters.yml and run php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate to see if the connections work if everything works except for the sync error run this to sync it php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force.

Windows users use \ instead of /